The film follows the trajectory of Naikee, a black transwoman activist, in her quest for identity and freedom. In addition to revisiting key elements of Naikee’s journey, the film aims to question the overwhelming heteronormative standards of a society too binary to erect an ode to diversity. By re-interpreting Boticceli’s painting The Birth of Venus, Naikee asserts her right to exist differently.
Jeanne, 8 years old, is a little girl with a strong character. Her mother, on the other hand, is going through a depression; she decides to get some help and has to send her daughter to spend the Christmas holidays at her Granny Onion’s house. Jeanne leaves dragging her feet: in the country, there is nothing to do, and Granny’s house stinks of onions! Yet, against all expectations, the holidays turn out to be a real adventure.
Em um vilarejo remoto na Costa Rica, Clara, uma mulher retraída de 40 anos, experimenta um despertar sexual e místico ao iniciar uma jornada para se libertar das repressivas convenções religiosas e sociais que dominaram sua vida.
Executive Producer
When Hugo, a boy who spends his summer vacation with his cousins, discovers that the wolf Rong intends to take his grandmother Sara, he devises a plan to save her.
In the French countryside, the lovely Doom’s Hamlet is the stage of singular slices of life. It is there that Jane is sent to her grandmother Granny Onion’s, while her mother Cécile needs time to take care of her depression. It is also there, in the forest, that lives Cloclo, the giant musician bum who has taken Jane under his wing. It’s also the place that Granny Onions finally leaves, but for good this time. In each of these stories, our characters are shaken by the weather of life, with all its hardship, but also its beauty, festivity and poetry. With its heavy rains and sunny spells. Three exquisite stories to spark joy.