Ana Luísa Mariquito


Cidade Natal
A granddaughter and her grandparents talk on the phone constantly for a while. Memories of the time that were together take over the conversations and create the need to meet.
Cidade Natal
A granddaughter and her grandparents talk on the phone constantly for a while. Memories of the time that were together take over the conversations and create the need to meet.
Cidade Natal
A granddaughter and her grandparents talk on the phone constantly for a while. Memories of the time that were together take over the conversations and create the need to meet.
Hammer, Anvil, Stapes
Sound Recordist
Marina is a young actress in the middle of a preparation process for a character called Luísa, a timid boom operator, who finds herself intrigued by her neighbor, Marina, a young actress in the middle of a preparation process for a character called Luísa, who can't really tell what is real and what is not.
Hammer, Anvil, Stapes
Sound Designer
Marina is a young actress in the middle of a preparation process for a character called Luísa, a timid boom operator, who finds herself intrigued by her neighbor, Marina, a young actress in the middle of a preparation process for a character called Luísa, who can't really tell what is real and what is not.
Deixe o Sol
Bárbara accepts unwillingly her ex boyfriend’s invitation for a date, and soon she regrets the decision. "Any human ear would not hear now any call". The short film offers a new perspective of the short story "Come and See the Sunset", by the Brazilian author Lygia Fagundes Telles.
Quem eles pensam que eu fui
Boom Operator
Ao perder a namorada, Bia entra em contato com a morte pela primeira vez de forma tão pessoal e angustiante. O drama acompanha o dia do sepultamento, enquanto Bia encara os sentimentos de outros, na medida que reprime seu próprio sofrimento. Quando Iris retorna em insistentes memórias, em uma trégua em meio a dor, a lembrança do amor faz a vida valer a pena.