Três mulheres lutam para encontrar seus lugares em uma universidade de elite no nordeste dos Estados Unidos, tão antiga quanto o país. Quando ataques racistas anônimos são feitos contra uma caloura negra - que insiste que está sendo assombrada por fantasmas do passado da escola - cada mulher deve descobrir onde está a verdadeira ameaça.
"Dramatic Narrative" explores white American heteromasculinity and its ongoing crises through the microcosm of sexual assault in college fraternities. A meta-melodrama weaving in nonfiction and essayistic modes, the feature film considers issues of consent, appropriation, trauma, and representation. The tension between the failures of the liberal imagination and the labyrinth of leftist morality emerges as a focal point; the filmmaker ponders the audience’s and his own social positionality to dissect performative progressivism and perceived in/stability of survivor narratives. "Dramatic Narrative" challenges thinkers, activists, cinephiles, and purported “good men” to imagine the future transgressions of hegemonic identities.