Self (archive footage)
Val Kilmer documentou sua vida e arte por meio do cinema. Ele acumulou milhares de horas de filmagem, desde filmes caseiros feitos com seus irmãos até papéis icônicos em filmes de sucesso como Top Gun e Batman. Este documentário original revela uma vida vivida aos extremos e um olhar cheio de coração sobre o que significa ser um artista.
A documentary about the history of Catwoman from DC.
Em entrevistas com cineastas e lendas da indústria, descubra as origens e a evolução do Coringa e saiba por que O Palhaço Príncipe do Crime é universalmente considerado o maior supervilão de quadrinhos de todos os tempos.
A visual and visceral celebration of the Dark Knight’s 80 years of crime fighting, narrated by storytellers of the past, present, and future.
Los Angeles, 1969. Rick Dalton é um ator de TV que, juntamente com seu dublê, está decidido a fazer o nome em Hollywood. Para tanto, ele conhece muitas pessoas influentes na indústria cinematográfica, o que os acaba levando aos assassinatos realizados por Charles Manson na época, entre eles o da atriz Sharon Tate, que na época estava grávida do diretor Roman Polanski.
Bruce Wayne / Batman (voice)
Um dispositivo inventado para eliminar o mal das mentes criminosas falha e Harvey Dent, o promotor da cidade de Gotham, transforma-se na sinistra e dupla personalidade do Duas-Caras.
Himself (Archival Footage)
Filme baseado na biografia Bill The Boy Wonder: The Secret Co-Creator of Batman, escrita por Marc Tyler Nobleman. O livro afirma que Bill Finger foi responsável por criar 98% do que conhecemos sobre o Batman, incluindo a roupa, diversos vilões e até o termo \”Dark Knight.\”
Joker, Catwoman, Penguin and Riddler are impossible not to watch! Those Dastardly Desperados explores how these fiends became more than just antagonists in a Batman story; they became icons in American pop culture.
Bruce Wayne / Batman (voice)
Batman e Robin (Adam West e Burt Ward retomando seus papeis da série original, agora como dubladores) precisam se unir uma vez mais para derrotar os perigosos inimigos de sempre: A Mulher-Gato, o Coringa, o Charada e o Pinguim. O problema é que agora os quatro vilões combinaram os seus poderes, algo que fará com que a dupla dinâmica tenha se esforçar ainda mais para salvar o dia.
60's Batman (voice)
The Robot Chicken DC Comics Special 3: Magical Friendship surrenders DC Comics' multitude of Super Heroes and Super-Villains to the demented whims of the award-winning Robot Chicken for a triumphant third time. This time around, Batman and Superman’s bromance takes a competitive turn and the fate of the universe somehow hangs in the balance!
Sandy Blake (voice)
Nesta novíssima aventura estrelando o detetive babão favorito de todos, Scooby-Doo, Salsicha, Fred, Daphne e Velma tiram suas merecidas férias na Flórida.
“Bats of the Round Table,” an over dinner recollection of the original 1966 Batman TV series with Adam West and celebrity friends Kevin Smith, DC Entertainment Co-Publisher Jim Lee, radio personality Ralph Garman and actor Phil Morris.
A documentary following the career ups and downs of television's Batman as his confidants fight to get him a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Witness all five Batmobiles together for the first time in history. Dive deep into every aspect of the most awe-inspiring weapon in Batman’s arsenal as you journey through the birth and evolution of this technological marvel and cultural icon
O universitário Matt Burns trabalha na pizzaria da mãe para ajudar a pagar os estudos. Sua vida simples e sem graça muda totalmente após um acidente que transforma o rapaz em um poderoso super-herói.
Mayor Adam West as Grand Moff Tarkin (voice)
With the Griffins stuck again at home during a blackout, Peter tells the story of “Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.”
Kostka Volvic
The son of a dictator travels to the U.S. to attend college.
Manbat / Cab Driver
Would-be superhero, Ed Gruberman, who possesses no super powers must join a team of misfit heroes-in-training known as The Super Capers. Having only faith, Gruberman must travel through time to uncover an evil plot involving some gold bullion, a fiery femme fatale, and a criminal mastermind with a dark secret about Ed's past.
Mayor Adam West as Grand Moff Tarkin (voice)
With the Griffins stuck at home during a blackout, Peter tells the story of "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope".
Mayor Adam West (voice)
"Stewie Kills Lois" and "Lois Kills Stewie" is a two-part episode of the sixth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy, which was originally produced for the end of Season 5.
Uncle Art (voice)
Lewis (Daniel Hansen) é um jovem responsável por invenções brilhantes e surpreendentes. Seu mais recente trabalho é o escâner de memória, uma máquina que o ajudará a encontrar sua mãe biológica, o que permitirá que ele enfim tenha uma família. Porém antes mesmo de utilizá-la a máquina é roubada pelo Bandido do Chapéu Coco (Stephen J. Anderson). Lewis recebe então a visita de Wilbur Robinson (Wesley Singerman), um jovem misterioso que o leva em uma viagem no tempo. Já no futuro Lewis conhece os Robinsons, a família de Wilbur, que o ajudará a recuperar o escâner de memória.
The Boss
Teen pop sensation Sexina is also a private detective that fights evil in the music industry. When she finds out a missing scientist been forced to create a robot boy band for "The Boss" of Glitz records, all hell breaks loose!
Documentário produzido por Bryan Singer e Kevin Burns, detalha a história da franquia do Homem de Aço, desde as histórias em quadrinhos, à televisão, e o cinema.
Ace - Hollywood Chicken Little (voice)
Chicken Little é um galo cheio de imaginação que apronta as maiores confusões. Um dia, ele provoca pânico generalizado na cidade onde vive, ao confundir a queda de uma avelã com um pedaço do céu despencando. Após a verdade vir à tona, o galinho perde todo o crédito junto aos habitantes. Porém, quando um pedaço do céu realmente cai em sua cabeça e ele identifica que se trata de um alienígena, Chicken Little precisa salvar a cidade sem fazer com que todos entrem em pânico mais uma vez.
Batman and Robin go on amazing adventure in the form of Mini Mate characters, in animated movie made by Dave School.
Mayor Adam West (voice)
Nesta edição exclusiva em DVD, Stewie, o maníaco bebé génio, esquece os seus planos para dominar o mundo, quando vê um homem na televisão que é a sua cara chapada. Convencido que este homem é o seu verdadeiro pai (afinal, como poderia ser possível partilhar material genético com o atrasado mental do Peter?), Stewie parte numa viagem pela estrada fora para encontrá-lo. Mas a sua incrível jornada leva-o a descobertas de longe mais perversas e chocantes do que qualquer outra coisa encontrada na sua fralda.
Jared Moon (voice)
Salsicha, Scooby-Doo e toda a turma desembarcam nas belíssimas praias do Havaí para o Concurso de Surfe Big Kahuna de Hanahuna. Lá, porém, descobrem que existe um terrível monstro pronto para mostrar-lhes o verdadeiro significado da palavra medo.
History of the character Catwoman
1971. Um homem busca financiamento para realizar um filme mas não consegue. Sua determinação, no entanto, o faz enfrentar todas as dificuldades para fazer o filme que marcaria o início do que ficou conhecido como blaxploitation.
Dr. Harryhausen
Mutant radioactive bugs attack VJs, Carmen Electra and an island full of MTV contest winners in this tongue-in-cheek tribute to B-movies, monster flicks and even MTV. MTV Original Movies presents Monster Island, a flick with old school effects mixed with hot new celebrities. There’s action, romance and big bugs--now is that something you really want to miss?
Himself (voice)
Timmy deseja um controle remoto mágico que vai fazê-lo entrar na televisão. Mas o controle vai parar nas mãos de Vicky! É então que Timmy, Cosmo e Wanda percorrem o mundo da televisão e impedem Vicky de usar o controle remoto para dominar todos os canais e, finalmente, o mundo! Episódios Extras – Lá Fora no Espaço: Jogando “Crash Nebula,” Timmy deseja um alien para jogar com ele. Poof! Logo Timmy está jogando com um verdadeiro príncipe alienígena do planeta Yugopotâmia! Microfonia: Vicky põe no ar um anúncio de rádio e logo ela está servindo de babá para todas as crianças de Dimmsdale durante o verão!Taí o seu Desejo: Cosmo participa de um show onde o público decide se ele continua mágico ou vai para casa morar com sua mãe!
A collection of five different Simpson holiday specials; Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire, Mr. Plow, Miracle on Evergreen Terrace, Grift of the Magi, and She of Little Faith
Adam West and Burt Ward are taken on a crazy adventure when the Batmobile is stolen from a car museum and they must track down the thief and return it. After solving a puzzle, they realize that the clues to finding the fiend who stole the Batmobile are hidden in their past. During the search, they flashback to their three seasons in tights, including their many sexual escapades.
Batman (archive footage)
The historical saga of American superheroes. Born in the period between the Great Depression and the World War II to combat the hobgoblins of the modern world, these mutant human beings with superhuman powers colonized the funny papers, radio dramas, television and films, to become a truly national industry in the United States: they gave expression to the fears and obsessions of the twentieth century and bolstered American ideals.
Homeless Man / Angel
A preternatural spirit that haunted Jon (Corey Feldman) as a child is summoned by an ill-conceived séance to liven up a party only to unleash a litany of horrors and murders on the participants and anyone in his way.
A documentary about the making of 'Batman' (1966). Actors Burt Ward and Adam West tell stories from the set, the casting and other events.
Since 1950, there have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents, known as "Broken Arrows." A Broken Arrow is defined as an unexpected event involving nuclear weapons that result in the accidental launching, firing, detonating, theft or loss of the weapon. To date, six nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered.Now, recently declassified documents reveal the history and secrecy surrounding the events known as "Broken Arrows". There have been 32 nuclear weapon accidents since 1950. Six of these nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered. What does this say about our defense system? What does this mean to our threatened environment? What do we do to rectify these monumental "mistakes"? Using spectacular special effects, newly uncovered and recently declassified footage, filmmaker Peter Kuran explores the accidents, incidents and exercises in the secret world of nuclear weapons.
Em Mount Rose, uma pequena cidade do Minnesota, há uma grande movimentação para a 50ª edição do Jovem Princesa da América, o mais antigo concurso de beleza dos Estados Unidos. A vencedora irá disputar o prêmio estadual e quem vencer esta etapa disputará o prêmio nacional. Gladys Leeman (Kirstie Alley), que já venceu o concurso e pertence à família mais rica de Mount Rose, quer que sua filha, Becky Leeman (Denise Richards), seja a vencedora. Gladys está disposta a fazer qualquer coisa, literalmente falando, para ver sua filha como a ganhadora, mas existe uma maquiadora de defuntos, Amber Atkins (Kirsten Dunst), que correndo por fora se mostra uma forte rival.
Leonard Fox
Years after failing to catch Little Red Riding Hood, the obsessed Wolf tries again.
The Big Kahuna
A group of friends go on a vacation with some new friends that turn out to be vampires, they hire a famous vampire killer to help them.
The teenage son of a motel owner steals a black convertible to impress a mysterious beauty he has a crush on.
Senator Prescott
Former KGB plot a terrorist attack on New York City.
Rolling Slowly from the mist, headlights flash and engines are about to embark upon a trip into the world of the strange, the eerie, and. the bizarre. Your host, TV's original BATMAN, Adam West, will guide you on this journey as you discover weird occurrences, unexplained twists of fate, haunted automobiles and the most fascinating car stories ever told!
Jeff Witner
Peter e Katherine Witner formam um casal da classe alta, que entra em crise financeira quando ambos perdem seus empregos. Além disto, com seu casamento enfrentando problemas, acabam optando pelo divórcio. Porém, ao invés de se enfrentarem, eles abrem uma boutique em Melrose, Hollywood.
A documentary on the Zombie Jamboree, the 25th Anniversary of Night of the Living Dead convention that took place in 1993. Guests included numerous cast and crew of the Romero Living Dead movies as well as cast from Russo's spin-off series, Return of the Living Dead. Other guests included horror icons Kane Hodder, Gunnar Hansen, Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens and Tom Savini as well as sci-fi/fantasy favorites, Adam West, Dave Prowse and Susie Owens among others. Documentary includes interviews with celebrities and fans and includes clips from events of the convention.
Carl McMann
A new high tech laser is being developed under the watchful eye of a Scientist when a mercenary group tries to steal it. It is up to the Night raider to return the laser safely before it falls into the wrong hands.
Professor Marduk
Police investigation of a series of mutilation deaths reveals that they were committed by an ancient demon. They enlist the help of a professor who is an expert in the field to fight the demon.
Ty Lookwell
The former star of a cancelled cop TV show solves crimes. The pilot was broadcast on NBC in July 1991 but was not picked up as a series despite being a "personal favorite" of NBC chairman Brandon Tartikoff.
The year is 1999. John Travis is the toughest cop alive... In fact the only cop alive. He and his elite force stand between murderous mutants and the remains of humanity...
Using behind-the-scenes footage, home movies and rare TV commercials and network promos, this video profiles Batman through the years from its beginnings as a comic book to the successful 1960s TV series.
Edward Harris
Casey, a vice president of her father's company, has nobody in her life. But one night, she meets three eligible bachelors: a preppy old friend, a star quarterback, and a waiter / musician. With the help of her (horny) friend, she must decide the outcome of the dating game.
Self / Bruce Wayne / Batman
This is the fully documented story of Batman, his genesis, his development, and his overall entertainment career. Told with dramatic insight, this action filled documentary will satisfy every fan who ever delighted in Batmania.
Steve Parrish (The Marchster) returns home to the San Francisco area after his many travails fighting in Central America. All he wants to do is see his young son Zak (Dax Nicholas). However, gang boss Petroli (Landingham) has it out for Parrish. He sends all the baldest, fattest, oldest goons after Parrish to exterminate him. But Parrish is Somehow they manage to kidnap Zak, so Parrish teams up with his love interest Teri (Lynn O'Brien) to fight the baddies and save Zak. Shortly after that, he finds Zak and they team up to take on the bad guys! Also, corrupt government agent Carruthers (West) has his own stake in both the fates of Petroli and Parrish.
Henry's Father (uncredited)
Forever bungling private investigator Henry Brilliant (Chris Lemmon) has been hired by Maxine de la Hunt (Jean Simmons) to protect her step-daughter Marigold (Lea Thompson) during her trip to Denmark. A real caring parent should have hired an army of P.I.s to protect Marigold from Mr. Brilliant. His name, he's not.
Charles Pinsky
Ryan Richmond is an eccentric teenager living with his mother, father, sister and brother in the Holiday Inn they own in Sunnyvale, Arizona, the prune capital of the world. Is it any wonder that he wants to go to Saudi Arabaia for college and leave Sunnyvale far, far behind? He spends his days at school with his sex-obsessed best friend Dan Forrester and lusts after Lisa Winston, the sexy lounge singer who his parents have hired to perform at the Holiday Inn. Stuck without a date for his brother's wedding to a senator's daughter, Ryan goes to a computer dating service, which asks him such questions as "Can you breathe foreign substances?" Soon, Ryan is told that he may be an alien stuck on Earth along with thousands of others. Soon, Charles and Edna Pinsky show up and tell him that he may an alien prince meant to lead his brethren home. And that's when things get out of control...
Capt. Tom Churchman
Tony Washington is killed by a gang of rampant trendy teenagers. Molly Mokembe is a voodoo lady who brings him back from the dead to seek revenge on his killers so he can rest in peace.
Capt. Wright
In this spoof of TV cop shows, which served as the pilot to the subsequent short-lived series, a bunch of bumbling misfits and rejects from the police academy, all assembled under a straitlaced but dimwitted captain, fumble their way to success cracking a drug ring run by a blind mobster.
Professor Arthur Bohart Jr.
Cynthia, new lady of Chatterly, feels neglected by her husband. During his absences she tries to amuse herself with gardener Thomas, but always gets interrupted by new visitors. While she's busy her staff amuses itself. One of her guests is a professor who wants to do research in her land-seat. He's quite repressed, but she knows how to lighten him up.
Doctor Dave
A woman whose car breaks down in the desert finds her way to an abandoned town, where she is menaced by a gang of psycho bikers.
Craig Wyler
Moments before being surprised at an anniversary garden party thrown by her husband and their family and friends, Carol Sherwood shocks him by saying she wants a divorce and during the course of the party, she has three separate fantasies with three different men in attendance of being married to them. The first is with egotistical real estate magnate Craig Wyler. The second is with milquetoast English professor David Koenig. The third is with her best friend Elaine's husband Phil.
Allan McKenna
Um homem estranho chamado Karl Rhamarevich morre pouco depois de descobrir uma maneira de se tornar ainda mais poderoso na morte por meio da telecinesia. Na noite de seu enterro em uma cripta, Julie deve passar a noite lá como parte de um rito de iniciação, supervisionado por duas outras meninas. A cripta se torna um cenário de horror quando Raymar retorna à vida e implanta seus terríveis poderes telecinéticos.
The first International Female Mud Wrestling Championships presented at the Imperial Palace Hotel, Las Vegas.
Col. Ed Westin
After a long space journey, an astronaut returns home to his family only to discover that he has somehow gone through a "time warp" and is now one year into the future, rendering him invisible to all those around him.
Captain Lofton
A psychic investigates the disappearance of a space-shuttle crew and discovers an alien force present in the craft.
Jock Higgins
An entrepreneur discovers a Russian plan for taking over the Middle East. He wants to use it to create a new video game but the KGB, the CIA and the FBI have different ideas.
Lionel Lamely
Xaviera Hollander has to navigate some sleazy studio politics to see the production of the film version of her memoirs.
The adventures of many of DC Comics greatest superheroes and villains. In the first episode, "The Challenge," the superheroes must race against time to stop the diabolical super-villains' plot to destroy the world. In the second episode, "The Roast," the superheroes pay tribute to Batman and Robin in the form of a roast which even the villains attend.
Sonney Hooper é considerado por todos o melhor dublê que já apareceu. Mas ele sabe que está ficando velho. E é nesse momento que surge o novato Ski, que consegue proezas ainda mais impactantes e perigosas. Mas somente Hooper tem experiência de realizar tudo com segurança. Assim Ski une-se a Hooper para que juntos possam superar qualquer um.
Frank Hartlee
A half-breed gunslinger and a friend he hasn't seen in years join together to escort a shipment of explosives across Utah.
Jerry Bounds
Jerry Bounds, an upright lawyer, must stand up against Pike Smith and his the water company's efforts to exploit a local lake.
Captain Kurt Kohler
Yugoslav partisans battle Nazi invaders in a series of bloody confrontations which eventually culminate in the Battle at Hell River.
Dennis Crawford
A young, down-on-his-luck resident of hell is given a chance to redeem himself by signing up a down-on-his-luck retail accountant to sell his soul to Lucifer.
Adam West confronts a cult of demonic children in Victorian London performing necromancy and human sacrifice — all of whose members were born under the sign of Cancer. The film was the pilot for Zodiac, a twelve part series of TV movies from Gold Key Entertainment. Future instalments would have included titles as Vengeance Of Virgo, starring Christopher Lee, The Left Hand of Gemini with Ian McShane, Joan Collins in The Aquarian and The Aries Computer, starring Vincent Price, which would have involved a supercomputer conquering an overpopulated Earth. Sadly, the series was cancelled , but story ideas from unproduced episodes were later repurposed for the short-lived 1974 comedy/crime series from Thames Television — also called Zodiac.
Dr. Paul Scott
A young man inherits the ability to see visions beyond the grave.
Operador da bolsa, entediado com o casamento, procura aventuras sexuais.
Johnny Cain
A runaway truck containing the corpse of a slain gang leader rolls into a California nightclub owned by Johnny Cain, a hard bitten former free-lance adventurer. The gang threatens to kill Johnny, unless he solves the murder. The CIA also investigates - because it turns out that the slaying was part of a long-range Communist plan to take over the crime syndicate. Cain's search for clues leads him into a maze of beautiful girls, mysterious Oriental statues and murderous spies.
An historical film that follows the life of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian king that united all ancient Greek tribes and led them against the vast Persian Empire. Alexander conquered most of the then-known world and created a Greek empire that spanned all the way from the Balkans to India.
Batman / Bruce Wayne
At the Gotham City library, Barbara Gordon helps Bruce Wayne find a book on butterflies so he can prove a point to a friend, a millionaire explorer. As Bruce and his youthful ward, Dick Grayson, are leaving they spot the villainous Killer Moth and three of his henchmen and, suspecting they are up to no good, determine to return as their superhero alter-egos, Batman and Robin. While the Caped Crusaders are donning their costumes, the criminal quartet knock out the millionaire, lock Barbara in an alcove and prepare to spirit their victim away. When the Dynamic Duo attempt to capture the crooks, they are encased in Killer Moth's silk cocoon. Is this the end of our Gotham City heroes? And why does a beautiful librarian have a cowl and a cape hanging in a convenient closet?
Batman / Bruce Wayne
Em Gotham City, Charada, Pinguim, Coringa e Mulher-Gato roubam uma invenção secreta e planejam usá-la de forma maléfica. Além disto, planejam também destruir o Homem-Morcego e o Menino-Prodígio.
Ranger Sam Garrett
Terrorized townsfolk turn into a lynch mob and target a lawman.
An altruistic park ranger stumbles upon a beautiful but feral young girl who spent most of her life being raised by a pack of white wolves. But his plans to tame her wild ways are cut short when an enterprising trapper hears about her story and sets out to sell her as a freak to a traveling side show.
Kenneth Cabot
Rance Roden plans to kill off all the buffalo and thus cause the Indians to riot. After they destroy the US Cavalry, Rance and his gang will take over the West. Meanwhile, a Boston magazine gets wind of the buffalo slaughter and sends editor Kenneth Cabot and his associates to Casper, Wyoming to investigate.
Colonel Dan McReady
Stranded on Mars with only a monkey as a companion, an astronaut must figure out how to find oxygen, water, and food on the lifeless planet.
Inspecting Captain
Maxwell Slaughter is a kind, heavyset guy who has reached the rank of master sergeant in the army. Admired by handsome young Sgt. Eustis Clay, Slaughter forms a close bond with his peer. Clay hopes to convince Slaughter to join him in a business venture outside of the service, but, in the meantime, he introduces the older officer to the beautiful young Bobby Jo Pepperdine, inadvertently creating trouble for both men.
Dr. Eric Hassler
Tammy becomes a nurse's aide, works in a hospital, cares for an old rich woman, and causes romantic commotion in the life of Dr. Mark Cheswick.
Lieutenant. John Delahay
Em 1883, os índios Apache liderados por Geronimo se rendem relutantemente aos ataques das tropas americanas e mexicanas, em troca de um território e alimento para seus guerreiros. Logo, porém, Geronimo escapa dos campos e declara guerra contra os americanos.
William Lawrence III
Up and coming young lawyer Anthony Lawrence faces several ethical and emotional dilemmas as he climbs the Philadelphia social ladder. His personal and professional skills are tested as he tries to balance the needs of his fiance Joan, the expectations of his colleagues and his own obligation to defend his friend Chester on a murder count.
Weather Station #4 Radio Operator
A wealthy industrialist hires the renowned hoax-buster Phillip Knight to prove that an island he plans to develop isn't voodoo cursed. However, arriving on the island, Knight soon realizes that voodoo does exist when he discovers man-eating plants and a tribe of natives with bizarre powers.
Educational short film showing Batman in England teaching children how to cross the street correctly.