Michael Dell'Orto


Who Did It? The Story Behind the Clue VCR Mystery Game
A documentary about the makings of two Parker Brothers VHS games - 'Clue VCR Mystery Game' and 'Clue II: Murder in Disguise'.
O Vencedor
WBU Commissioner
Dicky Ecklund é uma lenda do boxe que desperdiçou o seu talento e a sua grande chance. Agora, o seu meio-irmão Micky Ward tentará se tornar uma nova esperança de campeão e superar as conquistas de Dicky. Treinado pela família e sem obter sucesso em suas lutas, Micky terá que escolher entre seus familiares e a vontade de ser um verdadeiro campeão.
Clue II Murder in Disguise
M. Brunette
Sequel to the live action VHS version of Parker Brothers' classic board game 'Clue' (or 'Cluedo'). The characters from the game are now on the run from an Interpol inspector because of all the crimes they've committed.
Clue VCR Mystery Game I and II
Monsieur Brunette
Mr. Boddy is dead, and a various assortment of characters are invited to his mansion for the reading of his will. There's spy Miss Scarlet, her henchman Colonel Mustard, con artist lawyer Monsieur Brunette, and Sargeant Gray, son of Boddy and Mrs. White, among others.