Sueli Maxakali


Yãy tu nũnãhã payexop: Encontro de Pajés
Em julho de 2020, em plena pandemia de Covid-19, cerca de 100 famílias tikmῦ’ῦn-maxakali deixaram a reserva de Aldeia Verde (Ladainha, MG) em busca de uma nova terra. A tensão causada pelo isolamento tornou mais urgente a necessidade de uma terra rica em matas e, sobretudo, água, na qual pudessem fortalecer as relações com os povos-espíritos yãmĩyxop, através dos cantos, rituais, festas e brincadeiras.
Nũhũ yãgmũ yõg hãm:Essa terra é nossa!
In the past, when white people didn’t exist, we used to hunt with our yãmĩyxop spirits. The whites came, cut down the trees, dried up the rivers and scared the animals away. Today, our tall trees are over, the whites surrounded us and our lands are tiny. But our yãmĩyxop are very strong and taught us the stories and chants from our ancients who walked around here.
Yãmĩyhex, as mulheres-espírito
After spending a few months in the Vila Verde Village, the yãmĩyhex (women-spirit) prepare to leave. The filmmakers Sueli and Isael Maxakali register the preparations and the great feast for their farewell. During the feast days, a legion of spirits crosses the village. The yãmĩyhex go away, but they always come back missing their fathers and mothers
Yãmĩyhex, as mulheres-espírito
After spending a few months in the Vila Verde Village, the yãmĩyhex (women-spirit) prepare to leave. The filmmakers Sueli and Isael Maxakali register the preparations and the great feast for their farewell. During the feast days, a legion of spirits crosses the village. The yãmĩyhex go away, but they always come back missing their fathers and mothers
A Maxakali filmmaker brings out memories about the formation of the Indigenous Rural Guard (Grin) during the military dictatorship in Brazil, with reports of violence suffered by their relatives.
A Maxakali filmmaker brings out memories about the formation of the Indigenous Rural Guard (Grin) during the military dictatorship in Brazil, with reports of violence suffered by their relatives.
Iniciação dos Filhos dos Espíritos da Terra
The boys of an Tikmu'un - Maxakali village are initiated by the spirits that live on the ground. From now on they will be able to attend the kuxex (house of religion), socialize, feed and learn from the Yãmiyxop.
As lontras invadem a aldeia para vingar a exploração e morte de seus parentes, caçados e devorados pelos humanos. Cabe às mulheres travar uma batalha para expulsar os invasores.