Dennis Wu

Dennis Wu


Dennis Wu


A chicken farmer in Taiwan travels to Paris to look for her online French lover despite her fellow villagers believing it is a scam.
After School
Executive Producer
As they are going to visit their former teacher, Micky, who is seriously ill, three men who were buddies back in their high school years are reunited. Moreover, they go back to the old cram school, reminiscing about their rebellious youth. In the 1990s, that cram school was known for its strict rules and the trio, who loved making trouble, had given the director a big headache until Micky arrived as a new teacher. He not only tamed the boys but became a good friend to them. Micky often talked about romantic relationships and sexuality to the students and made documentaries to speak up for the gay community. It is because of him that the students got to understand the homosexual or even themselves.
Day Off
Executive Producer
A woman who has owned a barbershop for over 40 years determines to embark on a long journey to cut the hair of an old customer who has moved away and is too sick to travel.
Um Romance do Além
Executive Producer
Após encontrar um envelope estranho, a vida do policial Ming-han toma um rumo sinistro: agora ele está casado com um fantasma e os dois precisam resolver um crime.
U Motherbaker - The Movie
A film sequel to the popular series, U Motherbaker. It is a Taiwanese family comedy about culture and the challenges of transforming a traditional cake shop. The film spin-off depicts the mother’s adventures of being the number one fan of the superstar OO.
Executive Co-Producer
The tribal village gets misty in September, letting out an atmosphere as intriguing as Hayung's family in this autumn-winter season. After Hayung's homeland was occupied, one 80-year-old man devoted his whole life to worshipping GAGA. The traditions were forgotten by his descendants after his passing... The Hayung's family represented indigenous families in Taiwan. Each tribe represents a withering big family. The eldest son Pasang joins in the election campaign, neglecting the opposition from his family. The second son, who is a farmer, is thus affected. After the election campaign, the entire family is on the verge of falling apart, and the village witnesses the snow for the first time in a very long time... With snow melting, new lives emerge. The broken family has started mending and repairing...
Refém da Verdade
Executive Producer
Uma estrela do esporte que se tornou presidiária mantém como refém o comentarista Liu Li-min. Reconhecendo isso como uma chance de seu grande retorno, Liu joga junto com o hype. Mas a verdade é ainda mais chocante do que sua imaginação mais selvagem.
The film is set in a pre-Covid Taipei, where a group of disenchanted souls are lost in a parallel virtual world.
Leaving Virginia
Executive Producer
A-Lie and Big D are friends and both virgins. To celebrate Big D’s birthday, A-Lie suggest to Big D that he should lose his virginity. On the Internet, the duo hire an escort called Wonderland. However, in a love hotel, Wonderland dies from a drug overdose and her body leaves the duo in shock. Eager to dispose the body, A-Lie takes advantage of his online celebrity status and asks Xi-Shi, a fan of A-Lie’s, to use her van and help the duo get rid of corpse. They stumble into numerous weird accidents, a journey full of desire, suspicion and betrayal and in the end, the cruelest summertime they have ever had.
A Batalha dos 3 Reinos II
No ano de 208, Cao Cao, o primeiro-ministro do imperador Han, o convence a declarar guerra aos senhores feudais do Sul da China, Liu Bei e o duque de Wu, Sun Quan, afirmando falsamente que estes são traidores. Amedrontado, o monarca cede aos desejos de Cao Cao e o nomeia comandante de todos os exércitos. Após uma grande vitória contra os exércitos terrestres de Cao Cao, as forças combinadas de Liu Bei e Sun Quan concentram-se na fortaleza de Zhou Yu (Princípio Vermelho) e aguardam o confronto decisivo com um imenso batalhão compostas por 800 mil homens e três mil embarcações de guerra. Será uma batalha feroz onde a criatividade fará a diferença. Um festival deimagens únicas. A arte da guerra vista de forma deslumbrante.
Wild Green
Executive Producer