Jac Norton


Casamento Australiano
Second Assistant Camera
Lauren e Ned estão noivos, estão apaixonados e têm apenas dez dias para encontrar a mãe de Lauren, que sumiu em algum lugar no remoto extremo norte da Austrália, reunir os pais e realizar o casamento dos sonhos.
Pedro Coelho
Second Assistant "B" Camera
Pedro Coelho é um animal rebelde que apronta todas no quintal e até dentro da casa do Mr. McGregor, com quem trava uma dura batalha pelo carinho da amante de animais Bea.
Alien: Covenant
Second Assistant "C" Camera
Viajando pela galáxia, os tripulantes da nave colonizadora Covenant encontram um planeta remoto com ares de paraíso inexplorado. Encantados, eles acreditam na sorte e ignoram a realidade do local: uma terra sombria que guarda terríveis segredos e tem o sobrevivente David como habitante solitário.
Backyard Ashes
First Assistant "B" Camera
Dougie Waters loves nothing more than a weekend barbie and cricket match with his mates. But his paradise on earth is destroyed when his best mate and neighbour Norm is forced to leave town and their new boss, a pompous English administrator called Edward Lords, moves in. The animosity between the two men peaks during one fateful backyard cricket match when Dougie hits a ball that accidentally stuns Edward's prize winning cat, Dexter. The cat falls into the roaring BBQ and is instantly incinerated, leaving only ashes. Dougie's son captures footage of the unfortunate event on camera and it is uploaded onto YouTube where the video instantly goes viral! The idea of a backyard cricketing challenge is hatched, with the winner keeping the ashes of Edward's deceased cat, Dexter. The two teams battle it out in the greatest game of backyard cricket ever for the Backyard Ashes.