Marisol Torres


Tenho Medo Toureiro
Art Direction
Em meio à turbulência política da ditadura de Pinochet no Chile nos anos 80, uma velha e pobre travesti se envolve em uma arriscada operação clandestina após se apaixonar por um guerrilheiro que pede que ela esconda segredos perigosos da resistência em sua casa.
Art Direction
Muñeca wanders through Santiago streets with his comrades, All them tired from work and unhappiness, go in the search of a party or just a reason to celebrate.Little by little things began to unveil the experiences and the different points of view that each one has about work, the city and life ...
Damn Kids
Costume Assistant
Chile, 1983. Gladys is a brave young woman who lives in La Victoria, a marginal neighborhood of Santiago with her mother and daughter during the Pinochet dictatorship. One day they receive a young missionary, Samuel Thompson, who, with his camera, records how the population lives in such an adverse scenario.
Todo lo que no puedes dejar atrás
Costume Supervisor
Las cosas como son
Costume Designer
Jerónimo is an antisocial local man who rents rooms in his home to expats so he can snoop around their belongings. One day Sanna arrives, a girl who will change Jerónimo’s life. They start getting closer until Jerónimo discovers that Sanna is hiding something in his house.
Las cosas como son
Art Direction
Jerónimo is an antisocial local man who rents rooms in his home to expats so he can snoop around their belongings. One day Sanna arrives, a girl who will change Jerónimo’s life. They start getting closer until Jerónimo discovers that Sanna is hiding something in his house.
Between Friends
Jorge asks Noah for a special favor that questions the limits of friendship and his identity.
Dawson Isla 10
Dawson, Ilha 10, aborda o golpe militar que em 1973 derrubou o governo democrático de Salvador Allende e vitimou milhares de chilenos, dando início a uma das mais longas e sangrentas ditaduras da América Latina. O filme mostra o sofrimento de ministros do governo Allende que foram aprisionados em uma ilha gelada, de clima antártico, onde funcionou um campo de concentração projetado pelo criminoso nazista Walter Rauff, então refugiado no Chile. A história é baseada no livro Isla 10, de autoria de Sergio Bitar - então ministro das Minas e Energias do governo Allende e, à época do lançamento do filme, ministro do governo de Michelle Bachelet. O filme utiliza cenas reais e revela os minutos finais do presidente eleito Salvador Allende, entrincheirado e resistindo solitário no Palácio La Moneda, onde foi assassinado pelos militares chilenos.
Art Designer
Mandrill is a high-level assassin whose parents many years ago were slaughtered in cold blood by a ruthless drug lord. Now he finds himself finally in a position to get his revenge. But since it falls in love precisely in the pretty daughter of the ruthless killer. Mandrill now faces the most serious decision of his life ...
Costume Design
After being brutally assaulted, an incident which also saw the death of his parents and the rape of his younger brother (which mentally scarred him to the point of having to be institutionalized), Maco Gutierrez has devoted his life to fitness and practicing martial arts to ensure his safety in the future.