Šimon Pliska


A short comedy-tinged drama set in Prague. 26-year-old Šimon is going through a rocky divorce. Things get interesting when he learns that his ex-girlfriend Johana, who he still pines for, has started dating a trans woman. At first his best friend Jáchym lends support in the form of parties, drugs and alcohol, but then he finds a girlfriend and falls in love, leaving Šimon to deal with the situation all on his own. One wild New Year’s Eve, Šimon accidentally winds up at a gay bar; later, waiting for the metro home, he hatches a plan to sort things out.
Um Conto Sobre o Tempo
Urban, um órfão, serve como aprendiz a um ganancioso mestre relojoeiro. Quando Urban cresce, apaixona-se pela filha do relojoeiro Laura e quer casar com ela. Antes que isso aconteça, o mestre envia seu aprendiz ao mundo com a tarefa de procurar um relógio mítico que possa alertar sobre a morte. Ninguém sabe se o relógio existe, mas se Urban não o trouxer de volta, Laura nunca será sua esposa. Assim, o aprendiz de relojoeiro inicia uma longa jornada cheia de dificuldades, que deve superar com bravura, habilidade e bom coração.
35-year-old Eliska has a wedding and is waiting for her big moment. Instead of his "yes", the groom says "no" and runs away from the altar. Fortunately, overwhelmed Eliska has a great friend with a clear recipe for what needs to be done. She herself alternates boys as socks and therefore immediately bases her profile on a dating site. She doesn't like it very much, but she is middle-aged, she's single and she's afraid the train won't miss her. And she wants to take life more firmly in her hands. She therefore throws herself into a blind date and tries to find new love between a series of catastrophic meetings. At the same time, she has to move quickly and the only option is to live with her half-brother, a weirdo who grows bees on the roof and who does not want her at home.