Heather Mosher


American Werewolves
Each year dozens of encounters with upright canids are reported in North America. These beings often behave in similar ways with many reports recounting a creature that is aggressive, ghastly, and disturbing. While many theorize that the Dogman is some sort of unidentified species of animal, many believe that what they were confronted by was something else. Something more.
Just One Time
Production Designer
A man wants his girlfriend to have a sexual relationship with another girl, just one time.
Pura Adrenalina
Wardrobe Supervisor
Três jovens amigos em busca de um lugar ao sol acabam tornando-se foragidos. Mas cada um tem seu sonho particular: Anthony, o de encontrar um amor verdadeiro; Bob, o de ter uma família; e Dignam, o de ser um gângster respeitado.