Claudia Cantero

Claudia Cantero


Claudia Cantero


Following a bust-up with her girlfriend, Emilia returns from the city to her mother's village, somewhere in Patagonia. Her mother isn't overjoyed about Emilia's return, as this disrupts her peaceful existence. Emilia tries to decide how she wants to carry on with her life, but is confronted with people and feelings from her past. Bored and frustrated, or just looking for intimacy, she seduces a number of men, including her childhood sweetheart, but also falls in love with a girl at the school where she teaches gym – an obsession that distracts her from her broken heart and musings about the future. In his first feature, director César Sodero contrasts Emilia's inner restlessness with the immutability of Patagonia. He does this using images of impressive landscapes, natural dialogue and telling non-verbal communication. Surrounded by the peace and beauty of nature, inner chaos gradually gives way to acceptance and self-awareness.
Família Submersa
Marcela’s world becomes strange and unfamiliar after her sister Rina dies. She feels lost in her own house, and her relationship with her husband and children seems to suffer. But when Nacho, a young friend of her daughter’s, unexpectedly drops by, she starts to talk and walk with him. Gradually Marcela begins to have conversations with relatives from another dimension.
Clara and Alejandro move into a new house. A few days later, he goes on a work trip and she is left alone, surrounded by moving boxes. That chaos makes her accept a series of random invitations that will take her away from the hermetic world she lives in.
A Cordilheira
Em uma cúpula de presidentes latino-americanos no Chile, onde as estratégias e alianças geopolíticas da região são definidas, Hernán Blanco, o presidente argentino, vive um drama político e familiar que o fará enfrentar seus próprios demônios. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Adiós querido Pep
Los ausentes
An old man, facing a housing problem, goes back to the place where he was raised. He starts to lose his mind, his memory slowly fades and confusion installs in his brain as he travels through those known landscapes.
The Broken Past
After several months of absence and without a clear motivation, an adolescent suddenly reappears in a hospital to meet up again with the mother of his newly born daughter.
Frankenstein's Bride
At her summer job, Ivana learns it's easy to create a circle of lies, fiction and love when you're bored.
The Guest
The expected return of the son for his father funeral shakes up a traditional and secretive familiar environment where women are supposed to count on men to survive as he shows himself turned into a female.
Two Shots Fired
Mariano, 16, inexplicably and without warning, shoots himself twice and improbably survives. Then, life goes on. His brother pursues a romance with a girl working at a fast-food joint, his mother takes off on a trip with a stranger, and Mariano recruits a woman to join his medieval wind ensemble.
Bem Perto de Buenos Aires
Um verão quente. Um bairro privado com um enorme parque. Um terreno abandonado nos subúrbios e uma incontrolável onda de fumaça provocam incerteza e caos.
Blessed Love
In this fun, filled romp, Mecha and Ophelia, a couple, are going through a crisis caused by a third woman. Mecha decides to get over it and swears to Ophelia that she'll stop seeing her lover. After a few months, she realizes she can't do it. Ophelia can't leave Mecha either, and decides to find a lover herself. Events take the most unexpected of turns for Mecha, who realizes her angst persists, and starts to suspect it has nothing to do with love...or does it?
Nelson tem 45 anos e trompetista da Força Aérea banda por mais de vinte anos. Ele sente que não tem feito nada em sua vida. Sua esposa Nelly abandona. Nelson descobre um concurso para músicos. Acho que é uma oportunidade para se tornar um artista famoso. Com a promessa de uma possível promoção, Força Aérea Nelson imposta em uma viagem para a Antártica. A data da viagem coincide com o dia das finais. Nelson deve decidir entre seu futuro militar e sua carreira.
Seemingly abandoned, a young woman walks through the porous city of Buenos Aires with her camera, finding potential mothers at every turn.
Los Marziano
Los Marziano reconstruye la oportunidad de un reencuentro entre dos hermanos tras un largo período de distanciamiento. Se trata de un relato que trabaja con profunda inteligencia -y con rasgos de comedia- el universo de las relaciones familiares.
Mother Tongue
Ruth has been with Nora for fourteen years. Everybody knows about their relationship except for her mother Estela, who has never suspected it. Ruth, who is almost forty, feels the need to confess her homosexuality to her mother, who at first is shocked and collapses on the floor. She then feels the desire to understand her daughter, who has hidden an important part of her life from her for many years. So elderly Estela begins to discover the L-World: she reads books and magazines, she tries to meet her daughter's ex girlfriends and she goes to lesbian nightclubs and meeting-places, creating misunderstandings and comic situations. What does Ruth think about this? At first, she is annoyed by her mother's intrusion into her life, but she will soon understand Estela's reasons and she will rely on her to get over her crisis with Nora. This sharp, amusing comedy deals with the difficult parent-child relationship, which is portrayed through irony and without hypocrisy.
A Mulher Sem Cabeça
Mulher dirigindo pela rodovia se distrai e atropela algo (ou alguém). Temerosa, vai embora sem parar e guarda esse segredo. O incidente deixa a mulher ao mesmo tempo traumatizada e em estado de alerta. Uma noite, no entanto, diz ao marido que teme ter matado alguém na estrada. Eles vão até lá, mas descobrem apenas um cachorro morto. Amigos do casal próximos a policiais também confirmam que não houve nenhum relato de uma pessoa atropelada. Tudo volta ao normal na vida da mulher, até que notícias de uma descoberta terrível passam a atormentar a todos.