Yuriy Kuzmenkov

Yuriy Kuzmenkov

Nascimento : 1941-02-16,

Morte : 2011-09-11


Yuriy Kuzmenkov


Two characters who represent two generations... One is 68 with of plenty Soviet Union background, another 2is 3 and without any targets in his life. They don't know each other and they are both not good at the new Russian reality. Urban high contrast life passes by where rapid wave of advertising, glam and joy are on each corner: 'It's going to be best, man ... Win a million! ... You're the first!' But one human life depends on both heroes and solution is huge amount of money that will unite them in tragic circumstances.
Rússia, 2003. O país mudou muito desde o fim da união soviética, mas ainda tem que lidar com fantasmas de seu passado. O coronel Fillip Fox Korenev é o encarregado de um grupo clandestino especializado em antiterrorismo, que agora terá a complicada missão de ajudar a polícia de uma cidade ao sul do país a resistir a uma tentativa de resgate diante de uma perigosa organização terrorista islâmica que deseja libertar seu líder a qualquer custo, nem que para isso tenha que destruir todo o lugar.
Тайны дворцовых переворотов. Россия, век XVIII-ый. Фильм 1. Завещание императора
What a Mess!
man with a goat
The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.
Пока гром не грянет
Okhota na Sutenera
Двое приятелей Вова и Боб ограбили квартиру Нины - любовницы директора рынка. Всю вину молодчики свалили на бывшего любовника и сутенера Нины Стаса Шапкина. Шеф не стал впутывать в эту историю милицию, он поручил заняться этим делом своим людям. Бандиты пытают Стаса, требуют отдать пропавшую сумму. В конце концов, бедняге приходится занять деньги у всех своих проституток и отдать вымогателям.
Nikolay Prokopʹyevich
A story about complicated relationships between escaped refugee and a young girl he took hostage.
Мужские портреты
30 years after the end of World War II, a Soviet and an American journalist meet again for realizing post war paths of their countries.
Родителей не выбирают
Traffic Officer
A comic drama about a permanently going duel between Traffic Officer and powerful businessman.
Крупный разговор
Любовь моя вечная
Иван Русов
Честный, умный, неженатый...
The Fortress
A group of Soviet paratroopers are engaged in a secret operation in Adriatic sea during the last year of WWII.
Джентльмены, которым не повезло
Domestic Circumstances
Multiply love stories are going around the young family including the newlyweds parnts and even... a grandmother.
100 grams for Bravery
A satirical comedy of three novellas ("What an a impudence!", "By the laws of hospitality", "One hundred grams for bravery"), united by the common theme of drunkenness and alcoholism: the first one about an exemplary citizen who met an avid drunkard on the way to work, the second one about an incident at a party that occurred through the fault of alcohol, and the third one about a shy man before the first date decides to drink "hundred grams" for courage.
Огненное детство
A small railway station in the Kuban is captured, but the wounded commissar Sabbutin miraculously manages to escape.
Because I Love
Fighter pilot Nikolai Muravyov is experiencing a personal drama: his wife and son left for the mainland - they are tired of life beyond the Arctic Circle. Colonel Belyy, thinking that his wife will return to her husband if he serves on the mainland, sends Nikolai on a business trip. In the new unit, Muravyov meets his fellow student Yevgeni Shelest. Friends have to fly in pairs.
Three Days in Moscow
Yuri Ivolgin
A romantic comedy about young provincial policeman Ivan Fedotov's advenures in Moscow.
В ожидании чуда
police chief
In their youth, they loved each other, but broke up. Ilya got married, became a doctor, Sasha learned to become an engineer, got married. And now they are together again, at a small, deaf station. They introduced themselves as husband and wife. In fact, while he is married to another, and she has the experience of a failed marriage. For eight days they will be in a remote stop where no one knows them and no one will interfere with love...
Главный день
The Love of Mankind
Yuri Strumilin
A film about young architects who are building a new city in Siberia (Norilsk), their anxieties, concerns, and victories. Story of subtle psychology of love and personal happiness experienced men and women, behind the shoulders of which the pain of the past
The Battle after the Victory
A third part of story about a Soviet spies trying to infiltrate German Intelligence center "Saturn" during and after the WWII.
The Long Recess
Vanya Fedoskin
A young teacher goes to a school for adults. He is younger than many of his students and some of them are starting to miss school.
A Minute of Silence
Kostya Bokarev
A young man Sergey is trying to find a truth about the abandoned tomb of the soldiers suddenly discovered during the building of a highway.
Две сестры
Taimyr Calls You
A few hotel guests are constantly getting into various funny situations.
By the Lake
Train Passenger
The film is a reflection on the responsibility of man to other people, native nature and the world around us, the problem of preserving Lake Baikal, on the banks of which a large construction project has unfolded. The first half of the 60s of the XX century, the story of the love of young Lena Barmina to an adult respectable person, bearing on his shoulders a heavy burden of responsibility for the activities of a huge enterprise. Construction engineer Chernykh and Lena, the daughter of a scientist, are doing everything to save the lake from harmful and unjustified plums. A difficult relationship develops between them and soon Lena realizes that she is in love. But after learning that Chernykh is married, the girl leaves...
Родом отсюда
Степан Жихарь
Chapay's Eaglets
Adventures of a group of children during Civil War in Russia.
The Journalist
A successful young journalist goes to a small industrial city in order to understand the written complaints of a certain girl. When he met the author of the letters and the girl whom she had slandered, he didn't immediately understand the complexity of the situation and the measure of responsibility to those whom he was obliged to protect...
Flying Days
All the years spent behind the school bench, they were devoted to the dream of flying. And now they are again students, but they are solving completely different problems. Three young daredevils conquer the sky, forgetting about earthly problems and disputes. But the everyday life of test pilots of supersonic fighters is unpredictable and dangerous. A routine training flight overnight can be a harsh test of courage for them. Today, future aces will face a difficult exam, for which life itself will put a mark.