Tamsin Kelsey

Tamsin Kelsey

Nascimento : , Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Tamsin Kelsey


Tagged: The Jonathan Wamback Story
Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot
Eunice Kennedy
They were more than Washington wives. They were part of an American dream known as Camelot. With strength and cunning they upheld their public image by concealing their private truths. Jackie, Ethel and Joan had little choice. They were Kennedy women. What really unfolded behind the monolith of Kennedy power is revealed for the first time: the true story of the Kennedy reign told through the eyes of the three women who lived it.
As Novas Aventuras de Spin e Marty
Mrs. Markham
Marty, filho único de um refinado casal, gosta muito de leitura e por ser muito introvertido não tem amigos. Por conta disso, seus pais o enviariam para um acampamento nos próximos dias. Marty não quer ir e por isso seus pais lhe deram três dias : um amigo ou a acampamento. No mesmo condomínio de Marty, morava o terror da polícia, Spin, um garoto fissurado em tecnologia e metido a detetive. Depois de mais uma confusão, a polícia adverte, que na próxima Spin iria pro reformatório. Acidentalmente esta dupla se junta e decide investigar um casal de novos moradores do condomínio e os problemas só tendem a aumentar.
Mariah Breed
Bruiser is the story of a man who has always tried to fit in. He keeps his mouth shut, follows the rules, and does what he's supposed to do. But one morning, he wakes up to find his face is gone. All the years of acquiescence have cost him the one thing he can't replace: his identity. Now he's a blank, outside as well as in, an anonymous, featureless phantom. Bent on exacting revenge, he explodes. He isn't going to follow the rules anymore.
Bad Money
Eileen Baines
A black comedy revolving around the humiliating lengths that people will resort to in order to get by in an unstable financial world from applying for welfare to the compromise of personal ideals to all out robbery. The film follows four characters - two leftover punks from the 80s, a typical gray-suited businessman and a vegetarian idealist - in their desperate struggle to hold onto their respective stations in life. These deftly interwoven stories form a cautionary tale of how people deal with the search for quick cash. In desperate times, even good people turn to bad money.
Half a Dozen Babies
Dr. Lee Braxton
Told she was unlikely to conceive, a woman (Melissa Reeves) taking fertility drugs gives birth to sextuplets.
ER Doctor #1, Dr. Campbell
When shrimp from Mexico, tainted with Cholera, is served to people on a plane bound for LA, an outbreak ensues. A doctor sets out to find the source and contain it before it turns into an epidemic. And if things weren't bad enough, a drug mule from the plane, who was smuggling cocaine in his stomach, infects the drugs, which will be on the streets soon. And to top things off, her husband who is on a camping trip with their two children is sick but did not show any symptoms until they were isolated from the rest of the world. Can she get to them in time?
Mother Trucker: The Diana Kilmury Story
Nurse #2
Real-life account of a Canadian hero, a determined female truck driver who took on the mob-controlled leadership of the International Teamsters Union.
A Magia das Águas
Sheriff Stevenson
Ashley e Josh não têm muita chance de estar com o pai. Agora vão passar férias num lago canadense, que dizem ser habitado por um monstro.
Trocas Macabras
Sheila Ratcliff
Castle Rock, na Nova Inglaterra, é um lugar tranquilo para se viver. Mas a chegada de Leland Gaunt, um ser diabólico literalmente falando, desestabiliza a cidade através do preconceito, ódio, fraqueza e cobiça, provocando mortes e sofrimentos. Gaunt consegue isto através de uma loja de utilidades, que sempre tem algo especial para cada morador da cidade, que para conseguirem o que desejam pagam um preço simbólico e prestam um "favor" para Leland.
Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster
Dr. Riki Ott - Fishermen
The real-life struggle to contain the environmental and financial damage caused to Alaska by the oil spill from the Exxon Valdez is dramatized.
Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus
Evie O'Hanlan
While newspaper writer Church struggles with the death of his wife, he receives a "special" assignment. He must answer a little girl's question about whether Santa Claus really exists.
Showdown at Williams Creek
True story of a former British soldier on trial for murder in the 19th century Northwest.
As a part of a special government reform program, inmate J.T. Blake has to take care of Johnny Reynolds who has cerebral palsy. In the meantime, another inmate wants to take care of J.T. Blake forever.
Quem é Harry Crumb?
Quando Jennifer Downing (Renée Coleman), a filha do magnata P.J. Downing (Barry Corbin), é sequestrada, o pai está disposto em fazer tudo para ter sua filha de volta. Um amigo, Eliot Draisen (Jeffrey Jones), diz que a única pessoa que poderá ajudá-lo é Harry Crumb (John Candy), o último descendente de uma família de grandes detetives. Acontece que Harry é um profissional decadente, que sempre faz muitas trapalhadas ao tentar resolver os casos. Desta vez talvez as coisas sejam um pouco diferentes, pois Nikki Downing (Shawnee Smith), a irmã de Jennifer, quer ajudá-lo nas investigações.