Umberto Orsini

Umberto Orsini

Nascimento : 1934-04-02, Novara, Piedmont, Italy


Umberto Orsini (born 2 April 1934, in Novara) is an Italian stage, television and film actor. Born in Novara, Orsini gave up his career as notary to attend the Accademia Nazionale di Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico. In the late 1950s, he emerged as a talented stage actor, and in 1960, for the theatrical representation of L'Arialda, he worked for the first time with Luchino Visconti. After a few secondary roles (that include Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita), Orsini debuted in a leading role in 1962 with the film Il mare, directed by Giuseppe Patroni Griffi. In 1969, he was awarded with the Nastro d'Argento for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Visconti's The Damned. In 2008, he was nominated to David di Donatello for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Il mattino ha l'oro in bocca. Source: Article "Umberto Orsini" from Wikipedia in english, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Umberto Orsini
Umberto Orsini
Umberto Orsini


The young girl, an insomniac. The mother, an artist. The dog, named Marcel. The little girl loves her mother immensely, but her mother loves Marcel more than anything else. Will an unpredictable event allow those circles of love to reconnect?
O Pecado
Marchese Malaspina
Florença, início do século XVI. Embora amplamente considerado um génio pelos seus contemporâneos, Michelangelo Buonarroti (Alberto Testone) é reduzido à pobreza e encontra-se esgotado na sua luta para terminar o teto da Capela Sistina. Quando o seu comissário e chefe da nobreza Della Rovere, Papa Júlio II, morre, Michelangelo fica obcecado em obter o melhor mármore para completar a sua tumba. A lealdade do artista é testada quando Leão X, da família rival Medici, ascende ao papado e o encarrega de uma nova encomenda lucrativa - a fachada da Basílica de San Lorenzo. Forçado a mentir para manter o favor de ambas as famílias, Michelangelo é progressivamente atormentado por suspeitas e alucinações, levando-o a examinar implacavelmente as suas próprias falhas morais e artísticas. Escrito e dirigido por Andrei Konchalovsky, "O Pecado" é uma reflexão emocionante sobre a agonia e o êxtase da grandeza individual e a profunda humanidade por trás da lenda do Renascimento.
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Zio Lino
Marco Baldini is a young man determined to become the voice of a major radio; he alternates between his job at Radio Deejay and his gambling addiction, that slowly consumes his life, his relationship with his girlfriend and his work skills.
Primo Levi's Journey
Narrator (voice) (Italian version)
In February, 1945, Primo Levi (1919-1987) and other Auschwitz survivors set off for home. The journey took more then eight months. Sixty years later, a film crew retraces Levi's steps. Levi's words, mainly from "The Truce" (1963), tell us what he experienced. In turn, we see Poland's hollow post-war factories, nationalism in the Ukraine, Soviet-style Communism in Belarus, the abandoned town of Prypiat (Chernobyl), poverty and emigration from Moldavia, Italian factories in Romania, and on across Hungary and Slovakia to Munich where Levi's rage found no listeners. Then home to Turin. An aged Mario Rigoni Stern remembers his friend. What has changed? Some issues of the war remain unsettled.
L'amore ritorna
Dr. Ambrosini
Luca is a famous actor working on his new film as both its star and director. One day he gets extremely sick and, while at the hospital, rethinks his life.
Paulo de Tarso
Esta é a história de Saulo de Tarso, perseguidor de cristãos que se tornou no apóstolo Paulo depois que Jesus lhe apareceu em uma visão. Como um dos primeiros missionários cristãos, Paulo levava uma vida de perigo e aventuras. Ele foi aprisionado, torturado, apedrejado, afundaram seu barco, foi atacado por bandidos e inimigos da fé.
Johnny the Partisan
After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to set up a resistance. Many civilians did the same and Johnny, an English literature student, is among them. Johnny avoids to band together the red partisans (communists) and tries to be part of the azure bands (former regular soldiers). But in both cases he is deluded by the partisan bands and discovers that the partisan war is less poetic and genuine that he thought. At one point anyway the partisans free Alba from Germans. When the city falls again in German hands Johnny escape with Ettore and Pierre. But, one after another, German army and Italian fascists captures the partisans and Johnny will pass the winter alone and isolated. He then finds the way to participate to one of the last attack to occupants, in fact the war will be over two months later.
Pater Laurent
The young, sickly girl Bernadette comes from a poverty-stricken family. When the Virgin Mary appears to her in a cavern near Lourdes, no one takes the girl seriously, even when she digs up a wellspring at the Virgin's instructions The local authorities even try to hush up the entire incident. In vain, however, because when Empress Eugénie requests water from the spring for her sickly son, they are forced to acquiesce. And even the local priest is finally convinced. While taking his tuberculosis-stricken fiancé Claire to a sanatorium, the young doctor Henri Guillaumet meets Bernadette. The water from Lourdes' spring heals Claire's disease overnight, but the scientist in Henri doubts the miracle and wants to expose Bernadette as a liar. It is not until Henri again meets Bernadette, who has in the meantime become a nun and works as a nurse, that he finds a way to balance belief and modern science. And his love for Claire is strengthened as well.
The Guest
Giulia works for her father's law film and still lives in her parents' luxurious home. However, she soon realizes the young man from Thailand who is their new houseguest is not just a family friend -- he is Guilia's mother's lover, and almost half her age. Father, however, has an even bigger secret -- he's been having an affair with a man young enough to be his son.
Ester, a Rainha da Pérsia
Depois da conquista da Babilônia, a Pérsia torna-se um imenso Império. Para demonstrar sua glória e riqueza, o Rei Ahasuerus oferece um banquete ao seu povo. Mas orgulhosa, sua esposa Vashti se recusa a comparecer a festa. Irado, o Rei a substitui por uma jovem chamada Ester. Sem saber de sua herança judaica, Ahasuerus se apaixona por ela e a torna Rainha.
Davi, agora um homem velho, ainda é rei de Israel. Entre seus filhos, o ambicioso Adonias e o inteligente Salomão. Os dois jovens são rivais ferozes, pois ambos são herdeiros em potencial do trono e apenas um pode ser bem-sucedido. Durante uma expedição de caça, Adonijah desafia seu irmão mais novo, Salomão, a uma corrida de carros. Enquanto Salomão, apesar de corajoso, ainda mantém um pouco de cautela, o temerário Adonijah está ansioso por vencer a todo custo e perde o controle de sua carruagem. Salomão leva Adonias, gravemente ferido, de volta a Jerusalém. No caminho, eles encontram a atraente Abishag, que apesar de sua juventude é versada no uso de ervas medicinais. Ela realmente consegue ajudar o príncipe. Adonias se apaixona por Abishag, mas Bate-Seba organiza as coisas para que ela trabalhe para Davi, esperando que sua juventude, sua beleza e seus poderes de cura aliviem o sofrimento do velho rei.
Il viaggio della sposa
Don Diego
17th-century noblewoman Porzia leaves the cloister she was raised in to marry, but an ambush leaves her alone with humble coachman Bartolo. While venturing into dangerous and unknown lands, the two grow increasingly close despite their opposite backgrounds.
Cinque giorni di tempesta
Pasolini, un delitto italiano
High judge
Filme de investigação que dá destaque à figura de Giuseppe Pelosi, assassino de Pier Paolo Pasolini. Mais do que uma memória do diretor e escritor, uma análise da pista alternativa sobre o caso Pasolini não teria sido um crime passional entre os homossexuais, mas o último ato de uma conspiração chocado por o poder de eliminar uma voz estranha, crítico em o governo. Mas no filme, a questão permanece, é claro, não resolvido.
Elas Nunca se Esquecem
Successful Julien sees his family off on holiday and at once becomes drawn into a risky relationship with Angela, whom he spies outside the cafe opposite his office. When he later finds she is to become his son's new nanny he rightly starts to worry there is more to the relationship than he bargained for.
Notti e nebbie
Bruno Spada
Milan, the last months of WWII. While everything starts to crumble down, RSI police chief Bruno Spada tries to crush the local anti-fascist resistance.
The Fantastic Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
Robert Usher
Four Edgar Allan Poe adaptations running an hour apiece, including "Night in the House of Usher," "Ligeia Forever," "The Delusion of William Wilson" and "The Fall of the House of Usher." Originally made for Italian TV.
Other People's Money
Henri Rainier é um empregado do banco Mirement. Ele faz um empréstimo para o cliente aventureiro o Chevalier d'Aven, pensando que ele tem o apoio de seus superiores. No entanto, o empreendimento prova desastrosa, e o banco é confrontado com a necessidade de cobrir seu déficit. Gerentes do banco querem dissociar-se do escândalo. Como é o cliente de Rainier, que é acusado de fraude, os gestores acreditam que Rainier é responsável por ela e o demitem de seu trabalho bancário. No entanto, Rainier se recusa a ficar parado, pois sabe que foi o diretor do banco que aprovou o empréstimo. A esposa de Rainier, Cécile e a sindicalista Arlette sugerem que ele processar sua antiga empresa. Ansioso para evitar ser enquadrado, Rainier se propõe a provar que a responsabilidade é de seus antigos superiores para esta e outras transações obscuras.
The Fifth Commandment
Sturmführer Hannacker / Vater Redder
A notorious gang of robbers threaten the Ruhr region of Germany in the 1920s.
Little Girl in Blue Velvet
Fabrizzio Conti
An ageing surgeon falls in love with a thirteen-year-old girl.
Adeus, Emmanuelle
Na derradeira aparição de Sylvia Kristel no papel principal, Emmanuelle leva uma vida liberal e alegre nas ilhas Seychelles com o seu marido, até a chegada de um jovem cineasta, cheio de idéias para o seu novo filme. É quando o ciúme se interpõe na relação. Emmanuelle agora procura emoções ainda mais fortes.
Além do Bem e do Mal
Bernard Foester
The life and ideas of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. A love triangle unfolds as Nietzsche and his best friend decides to live with a Jewish woman. According to Nietzsche's philosophy, that is beyond all morality. Depicting Nietzsche's opium addiction and madness meritorious.
L'avvocato della mala
Ing. Farnese
Mario Gastaldi, a lawyer with no clients and no money, agrees to be a negotiator in a deal on stolen paintings, between the boss Peseti and the engineer Farnese, who plots kidnappings unsuspectedly. After he cashed from Farnese three hundred millions of lire to deliver to Peseti, Mario lets money be robbed by four pickpockets, which he is naturally in cahoots with and which he will share out it with. Money cannot be used since it comes from a kidnapping and it was marked. The lawyer will be able to make the boss get arrested.
Casanova & Cia.
Count Tiretta
While hiding from the royal authorities, Giacomo Casanova, the famous romancer, encounters his look-alike: Giacomino, a fugitive petty con man. Meanwhile, the Arabian Caliph and his wife are arriving in Venice for a state visit, and she insists on a night with the legendary lover. Through a series of erotic encounters and mistaken-identity comedies, Giacomo and Giacomino make their way back to Venice for their appointment with the Caliph's wife.
Une fille cousue de fil blanc
A young girl dies in an accident just before her wedding. But when her sister starts to look into it, she discovers the truth about her.
A Woman at Her Window
Rico Santorini
Greece, 1936. An aristocratic woman engages in a series of loveless affairs before finding herself falling for a political activist.
Perdutamente tuo... mi firmo Macaluso Carmelo fu Giuseppe
avvocato Vito Buscemi
Son of a poor Sicilian sharecropper committing suicide (he owed half a million lire to Baron Lamia), 35-year-old Carmelo Macaluso returns to the Sicilian town, after 15 years of hard work in Germany, with a Mercedes, 100 million in his briefcase and the ambitious plan to buy the respect of the villagers ...
Emmanuelle 2 - Antivirgem
Deixando a Tailândia, Emmanuelle (Sylvia Kristel) navega para Hong Kong para ir ao encontro de seu marido, Jean (Umberto Orsini), com quem mantêm um casamento aberto. Ao chegar descobre que ele convidara Christopher (Frédéric Lagache) para ficar hospedado na casa deles. Ela tenta seduzir o hóspede mas não obtém sucesso, pois ele prefere a companhia de asiáticas, o que o faz estar sempre no Jardim de Jade, um prostíbulo. Emmanuelle conhece Laura (Florence L. Afuma), com quem Jean teve um caso. Paralelamente ela tem suas aventuras amorosas, mas o futuro lhes reserva a mesma pessoa.
Smiling Maniacs
During an inquest, an ambitious judge finds out that a lot of high-rank politicians are corrupt to the core.
The Antichrist
Dr. Marcello Sinibaldi
An Italian nobleman seeks help after his paralyzed daughter becomes possessed by the spirit of a malevolent ancestress.
Vicente, Francisco, Paulo e Os Outros
Três amigos enfrentam crises de meia-idade. Paul (Serge Reggiani) é um escritor que está bloqueado. François (Michel Piccoli) perdeu seus ideais e pratica a medicina pelo dinheiro; Sua esposa vive distante, eventualmente hostil. O encantador Vincent (Yves Montand), favorito de todos, enfrenta a falência, sua amante o deixa, e sua esposa, de quem ele está separado, quer o divórcio. As tensões entre os homens começa a se mostrar particularmente na amizade de François e Paul e na saúde de Vincent. Um homem mais jovem, Jack, torna-se atraente para Lucie, a esposa de François. Outro jovem amigo, o boxeador Jean, que é como um filho de Vincent e cuja namorada está grávida, vai lutar com um impiedoso lutador. A felicidade escapuliu desse círculo de amigos?
A Sentença
The mafia Doctor (uncredited)
A desperate woman, whose son is on trial for murder, blackmails the judge and kidnaps his wife.
In London, A man who has amnesia attempts to uncover the truth about his identity. A menacing individual accuses him of betrayal, and soon more pieces of his puzzling past begin to fall in place.
Story of a Cloistered Nun
A woman who was promised to a powerful family's son at birth falls in love with another man, refuses to renounce him, and is sent to a nunnery by her shocked parents. Once there, she first undergoes degradation to acclimatize her to convent life; then she experiences rampant lesbianism by the repressed nuns, and becomes pregnant by her lover. Finally, her refusal to accede to one nun's lascivious lesbian advances leads to plotting and treachery, and her lover being murdered out of jealousy. Her life now ruined, she further scandalises her family by refusing to take her vows, and leaves the convent, devoting her existence to those in need. Claims to be based on a true story!
O Delito Matteotti
Amerigo Dumini
How the Italian Fascist Party managed to turn the physical elimination of a political enemy into a test of strength fundamental for the ascent into the totalitarian regime.
Big Guns
Isnello, Gusto's right-hand man
A mob hitman wants to retire, but his bosses don't think that's a good idea. Complications - and many bloody shootouts - ensue.
La Tosca
Cesare Angelotti
Rome, 1800. Napoleon threatens the power of the Church and executions of Jacobins are constant. Angelotti, the most famous of them all has escaped from prison and the chief of police is on his tail. Angelotti is being helped by a painter, lover of "La Tosca", a famous singer. The police chief suspects the truth and tries to arouse the jealousy of "La Tosca" to catch the escapee.
Ludwig: A Paixão de um Rei
Count von Holnstein
Este filme retrata a conturbada histórica de vida de Ludwig, rei da Baviera, desde sua coroação em 1864 até sua morte em 1886 como um herói romântico. Fã de Richard Wagner, traído por ele, apaixonado por sua prima Elisabeth da Áustria, abandonada por ela, ele experimentou uma sucessão de derrotas pessoais. E, além disso, foi atormentado por sua homossexualidade e pouco a pouco foi aceitando a loucura.
Os Gângsters Não Esquecem
A French hit man is hired by a crime family to end the life of a rival mobster, but things fall apart when the boss who hired him is killed.
Father of Michèle
Italian drama
Cesar e Rosalie
Rosalie é amigavelmente divorciado, dividindo seu tempo entre a casa de sua mãe, com seus irmãos e filha pequena, e César. Ele é um self made man, o rei do ferro-velho, extrovertido, simpático, apaixonado por ela. Surge David, um artista e velho apaixonado de Rosalie antes de seu casamento. De uma forma tranquila, planejada, ele procura recuperar Rosalie. As explosões ciumentas de César saem pela culatra e levam Rosalie aos braços de David. César continua tentando: ele compra a casa de férias à beira-mar da infância de Rosalie como um presente, a ganha de volta, e então pede a David para se juntar a eles, para Rosalie voltar a ser feliz. Quando Rosalie descobre a cumplicidade de César e David, ela mais uma vez afirma sua liberdade, deixando os homens sozinhos.
Shadows Unseen
Enrico Gagliardi
When a journalist is murdered Inspector Micheli begins to investigate. Although someone comes forward to confess to the crime, Micheli doesn't believe he acted alone and keeps investigating despite coming under pressure to close the case.
The love story between a free-spirited girl and a priest.
Actor (scenes deleted)
Trastevere is a 1971 Italian comedy film. This is the first and only film directed by actor and screenwriter Fausto Tozzi. The film was heavily cut by producer Alberto Grimaldi, who cut off the roles of Umberto Orsini, Martine Brochard and Riccardo Garrone.
Roma bene
Rubio Marescalli
Nino Manfredi is a police captain, giving an onlooker's point-of-view towards the decadent society folk. Party itself features a down & out baron, who dances with the party's glamorous hostess Virna Lisi so that he can steal her valuable earrings. When they're missing, she's angry enough to call in the cops (Manfredi shows up) and have the baron taken away.
A Big Grey-Blue Bird
Two rival gangs try to obtain the five parts of a dangerous formula held by five scientists.
The wife of a European photographer on assignment in exotic Bali falls for an enigmatic ex patriot under the spell of a mystical death cult...
Cidade Violenta
Em uma cidade preparada para explodir, um homem precisa apenas acender o estopim. Após uma traição sangrenta e ser deixado para morrer, Jeff (Charles Bronson) um assassino profissional, persegue o atirador e Vanessa (Jill Ireland) sua linda amante. Mas, quando ele consegue se vingar, é chantagiado por Weber (telly Savals), um poderoso senhor do crime que deseja que o violento assassino se junte à sua organização. Jeff se recusa, então é perseguido atravpes de uma cidade impiedosa, onde o amor é uma arma carregada e as dívidas de vingança são pagas com balas. Agora mais do que nunca, Jeff precisa colocar seu rifle de precisão para funcionar. Ação de primeiríssima qualidade com o melhor de Charles Bronson.
Fabrizio, a fashion photographer, Maregalit, a nympho model; Anna, Fabrizio's wife and Valeria, her sister, land on deserted islet for a photo-shoot. When Fabrizio temporarily leaves the women alone to buy some fuel for their yacht, a young man, Marco, joins the trio. The women are diffident: Marco could be a fugitive from a penitentiary and the body of a policeman is hidden somewhere. He seduces all three and eventually kills Maregalit and Anna; he and Valeria are then joined by Fabrizio. The three had planned to murder Anna for her money but there's another surprise for Fabrizio, because he is in turn killed by his accomplices (who are long-time lovers). All over? Not at all, because there's a nice sting at the end...
Os Deuses Malditos
Herbert Thallman
O dramático colapso de uma família rica, industrial e nobre durante o reinado do Terceiro Reich. Nos primeiros dias da Alemanha nazista, uma poderosa família de nobres deve se adaptar à vida sob o novo regime de ditadura. A transição da democracia para a ditadura é assim dramatizada através da vida da família, que também possui uma poderosa empresa industrial alemã. Através de personagens como um barão alemão, um molestador de crianças, um soldado de Tempestade Nazista, um homem inocente preso por assassinato, e um capitão na SS alemã, o filme mostra como a assim chamada "alta classe da nobreza alemã" se ressentia com Adolf Hitler. Então o aceitou, e finalmente o abraçou. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The Big Guy
A high school girl encounters a variety of kookie characters and humorous sexual situations while searching for the meaning of life.
The Girl and the General
Tarasconi, Soldat
A young woman and a soldier team up to deliver an Austrian General to Italian forces during World War I. Their quest for the 1,000 Lire reward changes their lives unexpectedly.
Alexandra is a model who comes to Berlin to rekindle an affair she started in Rome with businessman Joachim Steigenwald. But he pretends to be too busy for her and has his employee take Alexandra sightseeing. He, too, immediately falls under her enchantment. When they encounter Steigenwald, she finds herself between the two men, as someone who is always up for flirting with men …
Chamas de Verão
Mademoiselle, uma professora neurótica de uma pequena aldeia de Corrèze, aproveita a chegada de verão dos trabalhadores italianos para ceder às suas fantasias: ela provoca incêndios, envenena o gado... um sedutor irresistível, aparece como o culpado ideal. Mademoiselle então se oferece ao lenhador, antes de denunciá-lo por estupro. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The Steps
An artist returns to Santorini, where she spent her childhood, to face the ghosts of her past and her present.
Summer Night
Barcelona in the early sixties: black and white chronicle of the ups and downs in the relationship of several young couples of the Catalan bourgeoisie during the time between two Saint John's eve festivals.
Don't Tempt the Devil
A lovely young nurse finds herself framed for the murder of a hospital patient who died after she administered an injection.
The Shortest Day
Soldato combattente (uncredited)
Two jerks are enlisted in the Italian army during W.W.1 and by pure luck manage to help win an important battle.
The Sea
A well known actor comes to off-season Capri to unwind and meets a young man. The attraction is immediate and mutual but before their relationship can get off the ground, an alluring woman with a spontaneous sexuality and care free attitude joins the triangle and the boy is slowly pushed out of the picture.
I Kiss... You Kiss
Adolfo Cocchi has a building firm but his plan to build a set of buildings is been stopped by an old former Garibaldian, Don Leopoldo, who refuses to sell his property. A group of young people go to his house to play and sing. Marcella, Cocchi's daughter, who has a beautiful voice, goes to visit Leopoldo and falls in love with Paolo. They have an idea: open a night-club called "Io bacio... tu baci"...
Battle of the Worlds
Dr. Fred Steele
Dr. Fred Steele (Umberto Orsini) and Eve Barnett (Maya Brent) work together at an astronomical station on a bucolic island. The station's scientists learn they must deal with a rogue planet -- "The Outsider" -- that has entered the solar system. which must be controlled by an alien intelligence… Professor Benson's(Claude Rains) expedition discovers a race of humanoid creatures dead...
Call 22-22 Lieutenant Sheridan
Cathrine has been sentenced to the gas chamber but Police Lieutenant Sheridan does not believe she is guilty of the murder she has been accused of. He has twenty-four hours to prove her innocence.
Love in Rome
Peppino Barlacchi
A young impoverished aristocrat and struggling writer falls for the charms of an aspiring starlet, whose amoral nature and hungry curiosity drives her from one adventure to another.
A Doce Vida
Man in Sunglasses That Helps Nadia Strip (uncredited)
Roma, início dos anos 60. O jornalista Marcello (Marcello Mastroianni em desempenho memorável) vive entre as celebridades, ricos e fotógrafos que lotam a badalada Via Veneto. Neste mundo marcado pelas aparências e por um vazio existencial, frequenta festas, conhece os tipos mais extravagantes e descobre um novo sentido para a vida.