Lin Chenhan

Lin Chenhan


Lin Chenhan


Come Back Home
A young boy, Lele, goes missing in the Changbai mountains after an argument with this father. Approaching the vital 48 hour mark and with no sign of Lele, his father takes it upon himself to brave an upcoming avalanche to save his son
The Kingdom of Women
Ro Hua
Based on classic fantasy novel Flowers of the Mirror (or The Marriage of Flowers in the Mirror, 1827)
A Little Bird Reminds Me
Xing was born in a theatre, his father was a painter, and mother was an actress. In his childhood, mother was working elsewhere. Xing and his father lived behind the stage. In mid 1990s, the theater was repurposed as a dance hall. His father started a business and mother became a full- time housewife. In middle school, Xing sent love letters to a girl but never got a reply. Meanwhile, his parents’ relationship quietly began to crack with his father leaving. Xing’s friend Guang was a shy teen gangster. He wished to practice handwriting and got rid of hooligan life. But he lost the chance after injuring someone in a fight. Xing’s grandfather passed away at the eve of new millennium. At his funeral, Xing’s father returned, but Xing and father could not find a word to talk. In grandfather’s testament, he encouraged Xing to unremittingly strive to be a better man.
Mundo Duplo
Interessado em trazer honra ao seu clã, o jovem aldeão Dong Yilong embarca em uma perigosa jornada para competir em um torneio que seleciona guerreiros para a batalha.
Autumn Fairy Tale
Young Enxi
The film tells a story of 2 girls who were born on the same day and unintentionally switched at birth. Their lives are completed changed due to the misplacement when they are returned to their respective families.