Orso Maria Guerrini

Orso Maria Guerrini

Nascimento : 1943-10-25, Firenze


Orso Maria Guerrini


Holy Shoes
Sig. Ferrini
In recent days, Rome has been the scene of an unusual event: when it rains, the manholes exhale a dense steam of unknown origin and composition. No one knows that those who breathe in the mysterious substance will have to deal with what they repress, their darkest instincts, their anger. Not even the Morel family. Since Cristina’s death in an accident a year earlier, the love of her husband Thomas and their son Enrico has given way to a forced cohabitation, while the youngest of the family, Barbara, would only like to see them united again as they were before. The accident could have been avoided, both Thomas and Enrico know it. Instead of taking responsibility and moving on, they stopped talking to each other. Now they are two souls full of rage, trapped in a Rome that resembles them: dark, nervous, on the verge of exploding.
Der Feind meines Feindes
O Pecado
Florença, início do século XVI. Embora amplamente considerado um génio pelos seus contemporâneos, Michelangelo Buonarroti (Alberto Testone) é reduzido à pobreza e encontra-se esgotado na sua luta para terminar o teto da Capela Sistina. Quando o seu comissário e chefe da nobreza Della Rovere, Papa Júlio II, morre, Michelangelo fica obcecado em obter o melhor mármore para completar a sua tumba. A lealdade do artista é testada quando Leão X, da família rival Medici, ascende ao papado e o encarrega de uma nova encomenda lucrativa - a fachada da Basílica de San Lorenzo. Forçado a mentir para manter o favor de ambas as famílias, Michelangelo é progressivamente atormentado por suspeitas e alucinações, levando-o a examinar implacavelmente as suas próprias falhas morais e artísticas. Escrito e dirigido por Andrei Konchalovsky, "O Pecado" é uma reflexão emocionante sobre a agonia e o êxtase da grandeza individual e a profunda humanidade por trás da lenda do Renascimento.
O Pecado
Marchese Malaspina
Florença, início do século XVI. Embora amplamente considerado um génio pelos seus contemporâneos, Michelangelo Buonarroti (Alberto Testone) é reduzido à pobreza e encontra-se esgotado na sua luta para terminar o teto da Capela Sistina. Quando o seu comissário e chefe da nobreza Della Rovere, Papa Júlio II, morre, Michelangelo fica obcecado em obter o melhor mármore para completar a sua tumba. A lealdade do artista é testada quando Leão X, da família rival Medici, ascende ao papado e o encarrega de uma nova encomenda lucrativa - a fachada da Basílica de San Lorenzo. Forçado a mentir para manter o favor de ambas as famílias, Michelangelo é progressivamente atormentado por suspeitas e alucinações, levando-o a examinar implacavelmente as suas próprias falhas morais e artísticas. Escrito e dirigido por Andrei Konchalovsky, "O Pecado" é uma reflexão emocionante sobre a agonia e o êxtase da grandeza individual e a profunda humanidade por trás da lenda do Renascimento.
Il crimine non va in pensione
Antonio, a representative of medical supplies with no success, finds a brilliant way to present himself to the customers and improve his sales: the special tiramisù (an Italian dessert) made by his beautiful wife Aurora.
Lacrime di San Lorenzo
A garota americana
Susan Henderson, uma linda garota de Kentucky, no dia de sua formatura recebe notificação de um tabelião de Arezzo que herdou um castelo e uma vila inteira na Toscana de seu avô italiano. Entusiasmada, embarca para a Itália, mas assim que chega ao local, descobre que os habitantes estão em pé de guerra e contestam as disposições do testamento. Enquanto Susan, com a ajuda da governanta Bice, tenta desvendar os mistérios que cercam o passado de sua família, ela conhece Vasco, um jovem ferrador que representa os moradores da vila e entre eles a faísca de uma atração inesperada acerta.
La meravigliosa avventura di Antonio Franconi
Just before sleeping, a small boy finds a crate of ancient toys: a little circus, lead soldiers and a book about circus legend Antonio Franconi - whose dream was creating a great show mixing all possible forms of art.
Traiettorie Invisibili
Uomo col cappello
An old man travels telling his love story. But the story changes every time he meets somebody else.
Trappola d'autore
Omar Dimitri
The Breath of the Soul
Padre di Luna
Alex, a young man who does dialysis treatment, struggles not to allow his health condition to take over his life.
Callas & Onassis
Maria Callas, one of the most talented opera singers of her time, seemed to have it all. Coming from humble origins, she always felt slighted by her mother's preference for her sister. She grew up in an unhappy environment, until her career in the operatic world took off. Aristotles Onassis also came from a poor Greek family. His ambition took him places where others dare not go and became a shipping magnate whose great wealth bought his entry into an international society he didn't ever dreamed of entering. These two powerful personalities were so much alike that their own passion served to destroy them.
Countdown: Ataque Terrorista
Italian Prime Minister
Ação é o que não falta nesse filme que faz parte de uma nova leva de produções do cinema russo, com filmes mais e com acesso mais popular do que as tradicionais obras artísticas que seguem a tradição cinematográfica local. Um grupo de terroristas quer mudar o rumo da humanidade com um plano ousado: eles pretendem destruir Roma, o berço da civilização ocidental, transformado a histórica cidade em um grande cemitério. Um grupo de agentes russos especiais formam uma coalizão com agentes ocidentais para tentar derrotar perigosos bandidos. Homens e mulheres treinados vão dar a própria vida se for preciso para salvar o destino de toda a humanidade.
Identidade Desconhecida
Um homem é salvo no mar pela tripulação de um barco de pesca italiano. Meio morto e completamente amnésico, não tem qualquer lembrança do passado ou documento de identidade. No entanto, fala várias línguas e possui uma série de conhecimentos de luta e autodefesa que deixam adivinhar um passado perigoso. O homem lança-se então numa busca pela sua verdadeira identidade, ajudado inicialmente pela rebelde Marie - para descobrir quem é realmente e porque motivo tantas pessoas desejam vê-lo morto...
Un giudice di rispetto
Alex the ram
Alessandro Corso is a special forces carabiniere. During an operation he saves a child but cause the death of one of his comrades. He's then transferred to a peaceful little town, where he will be unexpectedly forced to help an hot witness named Antavleva, protecting her and bringing them safely to the trial.
La villa dei misteri
Young woman falsely suspected of murder, flees, adopts an alternate identity and tries to find the real killer.
A Colônia
Colony Resident
Um espião internacional faz parceria com um extravagante traficante de armas para escapar de uma colônia penal e salvar sua família.
Ladri si nasce
Deserto di fuoco
Al Khan
A helicopter crashes in the Sahara Desert. The entire crew are killed - only a small infant miraculously survives. Emir Tafud, who has no children of his own, brings the child up as his successor. When Ben is 25 years old he decides to set off in search of his true parents. In Casablanca he meets French crook Jacquot, who takes him with him to Monte Carlo. They both actually manage to find Ben's mother Christine. She tells Ben that his father was a scientist on a secret mission to Africa. Christine wants Ben to stay in Monte Carlo and take over her firm, but Ben has his heart set on living in Belem with his adored Amina. But now Ben gradually unearths a dreadful secret: Christine's second husband François was responsible for the death of his father, who had discovered valuable minerals in the Sahara. After a bitter struggle, Ben finally succeeds in saving his homeland from Western greed.
Giuseppe Cortini
Two Swedish business men are kidnapped in Rome by the Mob, and moved to Sicily. Carl Hamilton is sent to Sicily on direct order from the Swedish Government. He is sent to negotiate for their release. Hamiltons partner and best friend, Lundwall, is murdered by the Mob. Hamilton is dragged into a bitter and brutal vendetta between himself and the Mob-leader Don Tommaso.
Slave of Dreams
The Egyptian executioner's wife tries to seduce Hebrew slave Joseph to fulfill a dream they are experiencing simultaneously.
Nero come il cuore
Professore Pocci
First Action Hero
Tony Romeo
A maverick cop takes on the seedy criminal underbelly of Miami singlehanded.
Deus decide fazer uma nova promessa à humanidade depois das calamidades que culminaram no desastre da Torre de Babel. Abraão é escolhido para torna-se o "Pai das Nações" e a história da redenção se inicia.
Imperfect Crimes
Dr. Martello
A psychiatrist is murdered and a rich heiress fears her disturbed lover will be implicated as the killer. She hires an ex-lover lawyer friend to help her defend him but when he turns up dead, the lawyer realizes he´s in over his head.
Ben Cheikh
A mythical land who must be discover. Or invented. In an impressive library, two old men. One is a great Polish archaeologist at the end of his work. The second- his best friend. They are masters of a substantial slice of human history: legendary Atlantis. It is refuge and masterpiece, propriety and treasure.
18 anni tra una settimana
Giorgio, Police Chief
A man travels to Siena, Italy, looking for his father, a jockey whom he has never met. The father is dead, and in investigating the circumstances of the death, the son ends up involved in a plot of murder and intrigue.
Stato d'emergenza - Il caso Dozier
La gatta da pelare
Prof. Maraldi
A cartoonist, morbidly jealous of his wife's psychiatrist, work out his feelings through his drawings. When the doctor is murdered, he becomes the prime suspect.
All her life, an overweight girl has been ignored by her rich and attractive mother. But when the ugly duckling becomes a swan, she turns into a world-class tease, exacting her revenge by seducing her mother's boyfriend...
Ao final da Guerra Civil Americana, um pistoleiro mestiço, cansado de fazer da morte um meio de vida, retorna para aquilo que um dia costumava ser seu lar. Seu nome é Keoma. Porém, agora sua cidade natal está totalmente destruída pela peste e sob o comando de um homem chamado Capitão Caldwell. Seus meio-irmãos Butch, Sam e Lenny trabalham para o Capitão e Keoma se vê sozinho contra todos eles. Agora ele está preso no meio de uma batalha selvagem entre inocentes colonos, bandidos sádicos e seus meio-irmãos. Em uma terra de ninguém, o grito de um homem ecoa clamando por justiça... a qualquer custo, um preço que será pago a balas!
Rome, Armed to the Teeth
Ferrender (uncredited)
A tough, violent cop who doesn't mind bending the law goes after a machine-gun-carrying, hunchbacked psychotic killer.
Questão de Tempo
Gabriele d'Orazio
During a press conference, international star Nina remembers simpler times, flashing back to her days as a maid in a run-down Italian hotel. As a young woman, Nina befriends Contessa Sanziani, an elderly woman who entertains Nina with memories of her vibrant, wealthy life with Count Sanziani. Inspired by her tales of success, young Nina fantasizes about her own adventures and seeks to find the same excitement in her life.
The Big Racket
Gianni Rossetti
Nico Palmieri is a police inspector who battles a criminal gang terrorising a sleepy Italian town, extorting cash from the local merchants. With the threat of violence, no one dares to act, except for a restaurant owner who is forced by Palmieri to tell the truth. As a result, the owner's young daughter is raped, and the violence continues. Discovering that the gang is associated with drug dealers, Palmieri is forbidden to continue investigating his case by his superior - so he takes matters into his own hands. Palmieri recruits a couple of men who have become victims of the gang and sets out for a bloody revenge.
Forever Emmanuelle
Professor Gualtier Morgan
At an institute in Manila, researchers and eco-tourists trade stories about the Mara tribe, who live on a remote island and have an annual festival of rebirth in which some of the tribe forget who they are and begin again. Laure is the daughter of the institute's director; she's a free spirit who has captured the fancy of Nicola, a European photographer. After a courtship in which the voyeuristic Nick indulges Laure's exhibitionism and sexual freedom, they set off for Mara land with Gualtier, an anthropologist, and his philosophical lover, Myrte. As they approach the Mara on the night of rebirth, who of the group will actually join the tribe to begin life anew?
Kiss of a Dead Woman
Guido Rambaldi di Lampedusa
The Countess Clara is in love with Andrea Valverde but agrees to marry the Count Guido when he learns that Andrew is his brother from his mother’s side. Clara partotisce a daughter, Guido leaves ensnared by chanteuse Yvonne and Andrew goes to war in Libya. Yvonne, to seize the goods of Clara makes the poison. Clara is buried but thanks to a kiss of his brother wakes up. Yvonne tried to turn the events in his favor but she is sentenced.
The Jack London Story
Jack London
The Jack London Story
Girolimoni, the Monster of Rome
Gianni Di Meo
In Mussolini's Rome a murderer is targeting young girls. The movie explores how the fascist mind works, how it plays its values off the sentiment of the masses and explores the role of the press in creating a unified narrative.
Ipotesi sulla scomparsa di un fisico atomico
O Conformista
Um italiano é atraído para o partido fascista quando é instruído a assassinar seu antigo professor universitário, um antifascista vocal exilado na França durante os anos 30. Baseado no romance homônimo de 1951, de Alberto Moravia.
Sledge, O Homem Marcado
James Garner is Luther Sledge, the leader of a pack of rebels who are planning to steal a stash of gold. But after the thieves actually manage to get away with the bounty, they soon discover that the enemy lies within their midst. As they begin to bicker over who should get the biggest cut, the stage is set for a deadly showdown. Claude Akins and John Marley co-star in this Italian Western directed by Vic Morrow.
Waterloo - A Batalha de Napoleão
Épico histórico que conta a saga de Napoleão, na batalha de Waterloo. Em 1815, após escapar da Ilha de Elba, Napoleão organiza seu exército para participar da luta decisiva na Bélgica contra os exércitos da Inglaterra e da Prússia.
Operation Snafu
In WWII, a commando was sent in a secret mission in Sicily. They had a reluctant Italian prisoner of war to help them.
Lonely Hearts
The marriage of a bored upper class couple gets in a crisis.
The Tough and the Mighty
Based on the story of real life Sardinian bandit Graziano Mesina.
Bandits in Rome
Lo Cascio
After professional stickup man Mario Corda is jailed, his young, ambitious partner -- who covets both Corda's life and his wife -- cuts loose, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake.
Run, Man, Run
The legendary Tomas Milian stars as Cuchillo, a knife-throwing thief on the run from murderous bandits, sadistic American agents, his hot-blooded fiancée and a sheriff turned bounty hunter, all of whom are gunning for a hidden fortune in gold that could finance the Mexican Revolution.
Das Geheimnis des Lebens
Kardinal Francois Poiret