Um inquisidor implacável transforma as superstições dos camponeses locais em heresia religiosa, encontrando motivos para acusar dezenas de homens e mulheres inocentes de bruxaria. O inquisidor tem como alvo nobres e comerciantes, cujas propriedades e bens são confiscados. Depois de sofrer uma série de torturas medievais, a maioria dos acusados confessa - apenas para ser queimada viva na fogueira, enquanto os moradores desamparados observam. Com sua cinematografia arrojada e impressionante, o filme captura cenas de nudez ousada e tortura brutal. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Tram driver Marie has far too much to do after her shift is over. But she likes to do it all since she loves her husband Václav sincerely. One day she spots him on the Lesser Town Square in Prague, kissing an attractive blonde good-bye. It seems to Marie that her small comfortable world has collapsed and she walks out of the tram in tears. But her sadness does not last long. She wipes off the tears and begins to act. She withdraws all the money from their savings books and buys off all the latest models from the Fashion Works. The visit to the beauty salon then completes her transformation into a lady.