Brad Fiedel

Brad Fiedel

Nascimento : 1951-03-10, New York City, New York, USA


Brad Ira Fiedel is a retired American composer for film and television. Known for his signature synthesizer-heavy style, Fiedel is perhaps best known for his now-iconic collaborations with director James Cameron on The Terminator and its critically acclaimed sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Working primarily in the genres of science fiction, action, and horror, his filmography includes Fright Night and its sequel, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Blue Steel, True Lies, and Johnny Mnemonic.


Brad Fiedel
Brad Fiedel
Brad Fiedel


In Search of Tomorrow
Self - Interviewee
A nostalgic journey through ’80s Sci-Fi-films, exploring their impact and relevance today, told by the artist who made them and by those who were inspired to turn their visions into reality.
T2: Reprogramming The Terminator
This retrospective documentary focuses on the cast and crew reminiscing about the making of the film and its legacy. It features new interviews James Cameron, William Wisher, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Patrick, Joe Morton, Edward Furlong, Brad Fiedel, Mario Kassar, Stephanie Austin, Adam Greenberg and Dennis Muren.
Just Before Dawn: Lions, Tigers and Inbred Twins
Feature-length retrospective on the classic 80s slasher, Just Before Dawn.
Other Voices: Creating 'The Terminator'
Original Music Composer
Many cast and crew interviews cue us in on the making of the film The Terminator (1984). From James Cameron's first concept to casting to practical effects, all this and much more is explored here to make us understand how hard it was for this idea to become a reality.
Other Voices: Creating 'The Terminator'
Many cast and crew interviews cue us in on the making of the film The Terminator (1984). From James Cameron's first concept to casting to practical effects, all this and much more is explored here to make us understand how hard it was for this idea to become a reality.
Original Music Composer
It's millennium eve. At the stroke of midnight the Y2K computer bug kicks in, causing widespread chaos in the US.
O Purgatório
Original Music Composer
Uma banda de bandidos foge de um bando e entra no refúgio, uma pequena cidade onde ninguém carrega uma arma, bebe ou xinga. A cidade é na verdade purgatório, e os habitantes pacíficos são todos criminosos mortos famosos e criminosos, como Doc Holiday e Wild Bill Hickok, que devem se redimir antes de serem admitidos no céu ... ou se ferrar e ir para o inferno.
Original Music Composer
Story of a New England boys' school and of one of the students who is infatuated with an instructor's wife who has Multiple Sclerosis. The woman struggles to show her strict husband how love rather than demands helps the student to blossom, but finally she falls into a coma. While she is able to have some 'looking down' awareness of what is happening, her coma is what brings her husband to an understanding of the needs of others.
Justiça a Qualquer Preço
Policial honesto é testemunha de um homicídio onde o acusado foi preso por ele. Num julgamento cheio de farsas e intervenções maliciosas do advogado de defesa, o suspeito é absolvido. Revoltado, o policial, num momento de insanidade, prende todos os participantes do julgamento no tribunal e conduz outro julgamento, onde ele faz o papel de juiz.
Em uma era fervendo em guerra e revolução, um homem chega com um poder incrível para curar uma nação... ou destruí-la. Baseado na história real de uma das figuras mais poderosas e misteriosas da história da Rússia.
Johnny Mnemonic, o Cyborg do Futuro
Original Music Composer
Em 2021, metade da população do mundo sofre de uma doença fatal chamada "NAS". Johnny, um mensageiro cibernético, é contratado para carregar o chip com os dados da cura dentro do cérebro até Newark, sendo perseguido por empresários gananciosos.
True Lies
Original Music Composer
Uma história explosiva sobre um agente secreto americano que arrasta sua esposa frustrada para seu perigoso mundo em uma tentativa de proporcionar as emoções que ela anseia. A experiência de combater terroristas fanáticos é completamente inesperada, pois ela achava que o marido era um vendedor de computadores e não um homem de ação.
Zona de Perigo
Original Music Composer
Um ex-detetive está convencido de que seu pai foi vítima de um assassino em série e decide provar que o culpado é um policial, mas sua caçada obsessiva prejudica sua relação com outro parceiro.
O Grande assalto
Original Music Composer
Produção inteligente e com certa dose de suspense estrelada por Kim Basinger e Val Kilmer. Kim vive Karen McCoy, uma especialista em roubo a bancos que, depois de cumprir pena, quer apenas levar ma vida normal ao lado do filho. Mas ele foi sequestrado por Jack Schimdt, um antigo e prigoso "patrão" de Karen, que propõe a ela arrombar um banco em Atlanta. Caso contrário, ela nunca mais verá o menino. Para ter certeza de que tudo sairá bem, Jack escala J. T. Barker, um criminoso sem importância, para ajudar Karen no golpe. Kim Basinger está em plena forma e no auge de sua beleza, encantando a todos.
Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story
For a generation, the mobs main money machine was the Teamsters Union. When Jimmy Hoffa disappeared, the fight was on to see who could follow him. Jackie Presser was the son of a long time union board member and when he retired, Jackie was elevated to one of the most powerful position in the country; President of the Teamsters Union.
Falando Francamente
Original Music Composer
Honest and straightforward small-town Shirlee Kenyon chucks her boyfriend and heads for Chicago. Accidentally having to host a radio problem phone-in show, it is clear she is a natural and is hired on the spot. But the station insists she call herself Doctor, and as her popularity grows a local reporter starts digging for the truth. Problem is, the more he is around her the more he fancies her.
Gladiator: O Desafio
Original Music Composer
Um luta para vencer, o outro luta para sobreviver. Dois amigos são colocados um contra o outro por um promotor de lutas corrupto em uma batalha brutal que ameaça destruir sua amizade e suas vidas.
Exterminador Implacável 2: O Dia do Julgamento
Music Producer
Passaram-se quase dez anos desde que a provação de Sarah teve início e o seu filho John, o futuro líder da resistência, é agora um jovem e saudável rapaz. Porém, o pesadelo recomeça, quando um novo e letal exterminador é enviado do futuro. As suas ordens: atacar John Connor enquanto este é ainda uma criança. Contudo, Sarah e John não terão de enfrentar sozinhos este terrível Exterminador. A resistência humana enviou um outro guerreiro do futuro e as suas ordens são proteger John Connor a todo o custo – começou a batalha pelo amanhã...
Exterminador Implacável 2: O Dia do Julgamento
Original Music Composer
Passaram-se quase dez anos desde que a provação de Sarah teve início e o seu filho John, o futuro líder da resistência, é agora um jovem e saudável rapaz. Porém, o pesadelo recomeça, quando um novo e letal exterminador é enviado do futuro. As suas ordens: atacar John Connor enquanto este é ainda uma criança. Contudo, Sarah e John não terão de enfrentar sozinhos este terrível Exterminador. A resistência humana enviou um outro guerreiro do futuro e as suas ordens são proteger John Connor a todo o custo – começou a batalha pelo amanhã...
The Making of 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day'
Documentary of the making of the sequel to the popular Schwarzenegger film, The Terminator.
LifeStories: Steve Burdick
Steve Burdick is closeted television anchorman whose lover dies of an AIDS-related illness. Steve decides to come out and then tells his story about being gay and battling AIDS during a special segment of the nightly news. Originally episode eight of LifeStories, it was moved to later in the season due to the subject matter.
Night Visions
Original Music Composer
A Los Angeles detective hunts a serial killer with a woman who has telepathic multiple personalities.
Jogo Perverso
Original Music Composer
Depois de matar um ladrão que se recusou a largar a arma durante um roubo, Megan Turner, uma policial novata de Nova York, se transforma em uma obsessão e fantasia de um perigoso assassino em série
Quase uma Família
Glenn Close (Atração Fatal) e James Woods (Salvador, O Martírio de um Povo) são Michael e Linda Spector, um casal maduro e bem sucedido com tudo o que é necessário para serem bons pais... exceto um bebê. Mary Stuart Masterson (Tomates Verdes Fritos) e Kevin Dillon (Atraída pelo Crime, Noites Calmas) são Lucy e Sam, dois adolescentes que estão prestes a ter um bebê... mas que não estão prontos para se tornarem pais.
Enigmas da Vida
In the early 20th century, an independent lady from up North causes a scandal when she decides to wed an older local general-store owner just three weeks after he's been widowed.
Justiça Corrupta
Original Music Composer
O assassinato. A condenação. A dissimulação. Agora James Woods vai ter que enfrentar a corrupção e a conspiração nos altos escalões do departamento de justiça de Nova York, neste drama de muita ação. Eddie Dodd (James Woods), um renomado defensor dos direitos civis nos anos 60, agora um cínico amargurado que ganha apenas o suficiente para viver defendendo traficantes de drogas. A paixão de Dodd pela justiça é revivida quando um jovem advogado idealista (Robert Downey Jr.) vai até ele para reabrir o caso de um crime ocorrido há oito anos, cujo jovem prisioneiro cumpre pena em Sing Sing. A frenética busca de Dodd pela verdade acaba levando-o a um angustiante labirinto de inescrupulosos promotores, grupos brancos racistas e policiais corruptos. Será que ele estará pondo a vida em jogo pelas suas crenças? Apoiado em um elenco extraordinário, Justiça Corrupta é um intenso e emocionante suspense que retrata a luta de dois homens pela restauração da justiça.
Original Music Composer
Sarah Tobias é estuprada em um bar e, ao denunciar a agressão, defronta-se com dois problemas: seus agressores e o sistema penal, no qual as vítimas de estupro são suspeitas em seus próprios casos.
A Hora do Espanto 2
Original Music Composer
Em uma cidade americana, quatro vampiros se mudam para uma grande casa. Liderados pela sedutora Regine Dandridge (Julie Carmen), eles parecem ter um particular interesse em Charlie Brewster (William Ragsdale) e em Alex (Traci Lind), a namorada dele, pois Charlie matou um vampiro que era irmão de Regine, que agora planeja se vingar de Charlie.
Hot Paint
Original Music Composer
Two losers rob a rich guy and discover that, among the loot, they've taken a rare painting worth $2.8 million. John Larroquette plays his usual rude, selfish character-here named Gus - and he suckers Willy (Gregory Harrison) into his scheme to rob the mansion. The two losers have to try to figure out how to sell the valuable but high-profile item without getting busted. They travel the world looking for potential buyers but always end up short. Everyone can see that they are novices in the art world and buffoons in general.
After five hard years behind bars Bonnie Lee is still haunted by her past which hides a terrible secret and hunted by her father, a man desperate for revenge and a need to silence her forever... Alone on the run, she will do whatever it takes to survive and find the one person who can clear her name - her mother. She's a desperate woman on a desperate mission and the only person who can save her is the only person who cares... her Hostage .
A Maldição dos Mortos-Vivos
Original Music Composer
Em uma época de inqueitação social e política no Haiti, o antropologista Dennis Alan viaja para o dividido país para estudar uma droga de vodu usada em práticas religiosas que torna suas vítimas em zumbis. Com a ajuda de um médico feiticeiro e com a amiga pesquisadora, Dennis junta as peças do mistério mortal. Após a descoberta, Dennis deve fugir das autoridades haitianas que veem sua pesquisa como uma ameaça.
Nowhere to Hide
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
The Last Innocent Man
Original Music Composer
A retired criminal lawyer is persuaded to take on one more case and becomes involved with his client's wife.
Sunday Drive
Original Music Composer
Two identical cars pull up to a restaurant, one belonging to a childless couple who are taking care of their niece and nephew while their parents are away, who are out on a Sunday drive. The other belonging to a guy who is on his way to meet his fiance and to begin working for her father. In his car is his dog, whom the couple mistake for the children, when they get into his car and drive. While he goes into their car and the children are under a blanket and he mistakenly assumes it's his dog. When they discover the mistake they are both so far away from each other that they don't know what to do.
Acerto de Contas
Original Music Composer
Reny McSwayn, um jovem simpático e levemente corrupto policial, investiga em Nova Orleans o assassinato de um membro da Máfia local quando é interpelado pela promotora Anne Osborne, empenhada numa investigação sobre corrupção na polícia. Eles se envolvem afetiva e sexualmente, mas se opõem no plano profissional: McSwayn vê o crime como um acerto de contas entre gangues rivais, enquanto a incorruptível promotora acredita no envolvimento direto de policiais.
Resgate Infernal
Original Music Composer
Quando Harry é seqüestrado por terrorristas sul-americanos e o governo americano decide lavar as mãos, sua família contrata os serviços de um mercenário para resgatá-lo.
Of Pure Blood
A mother investigating her son's mysterious death finds much more than she bargained for. Casting director Alicia Browning (Remick) takes leave of her job in NYC to investigate what happened to her son Mark (Browning) in Germany. Her persistence uncovers perplexing details that lead to the discovery of some very unsettling, and dark personal memories!
Original Music Composer
An astronaut's ship passes through a strange magnetic field on its way back to Earth, and when he emerges from it after landing, he finds he has acquired superhuman powers and a super-genius IQ.
A Irmandade da Justiça
Derek e Victor são dois jovens que cairam na armadilha do crime. Tudo começou quando alguns marginais se aproximaram do círculo de amigos de Derek, que retaliaram formando um grupo de vigilância afim de conter a criminalidade em seu bairro. O grupo foi chamado de Irmandade da Justiça, que começou uma luta para manter os traficantes e delinquentes longes de seu convivio social. No começo a Irmandade é vista com bons olhos pela sociedade, porém com o seu crescimento o grupo ganha poder, gerando corrupção, vingança e violência, ao invés de proporcionar segurança.
Under Siege
Original Music Composer
Terrorists launch an attack against the USA. Their first strike is by a suicide squad that detonates a truckload of explosives at an army base in Washington DC. FBI probes indicate that the attack is by Arab terrorists led by Iranians. Subsequent attacks are via airplanes exploded in mid-air, crowded restaurants, and an attack on a mall. Administration cabinet heads push the President to retaliate. The director of the FBI believes that there may be more to the story than the investigation has revealed and the Secretary of Defense is the only other person urging caution.
Deserto em Flor
Original Music Composer
The story involves Rose Chismore's youth. She flashes back and remembers her coming-of-age. Her recollections are sometimes less than sweet, particularly those of her troubled and alcoholic step-father. Her memories of Robin, her first-love, are much happier and she also recalls her colorful Aunt Starr -- who's visit is fun but also detrimental to her family's health. The setting of 1950s Las Vegas' bomb testing is increasingly significant to the development of the story.
Popeye Doyle
Original Music Composer
While Popeye Doyle is investigating what appears to be a very simple drug overdose, he becomes involved in international intrigue. The Mosad and various other foreign diplomatic figures turn up everywhere he goes. The drug overdose becomes a very involved murder case.
Jogo Perigoso
Original Music Composer
O drama de um médico famoso e exímio jogador de tênis, que submete-se a operação de troca de sexo. Surgem então as pressões dos amigos e da família e o boicote para sua participação no circuito feminino de tênis. Baseado em fatos reais, o médico Radley, depois de mudar de sexo, passou a jogar tênis profissional feminino com o nome de Renée Richards. Fez sucesso até descobrirem que não era mulher. Richards chegou a ser técnica da tenista Martina Navratilova.
A Hora do Terror
Original Music Composer
Um grupo de jovens se juntam no dia das bruxas para roubar um antigo baú, na intenção de ressuscitar os mortos. O que eles não sabem é que estão libertando criaturas malignas dispostas a destruir tudo. Agora a cidade está cheia de mortos que vão celebrar o dia das bruxas de uma forma bem diferente.
Desaparecido no Ar
Original Music Composer
Ellen Burstyn stars as Joan Walker, a mother whose college student son vanishes while traveling from Canada to Colorado. When police fail to investigate, Walker takes matters into her own hands. She and her ex-husband begin a search, but when their son's van is found in Maine brandishing stolen plates, they fear the worst. Now, it's up to a private detective to uncover the chilling truth in this absorbing drama based on a true story.
Posições Comprometedoras
An ex-newspaper woman who is now a suburban housewife can't resist getting involved in an investigation of the murder of a philandering dentist who had been having affairs with several of her neighbors.
A Hora do Espanto
Original Music Composer
O estudante do ensino médio Charley Brewster descobre acidentalmente a verdadeira e assustadora natureza de Jerry Dandrige, seu elegante e enigmático novo vizinho, mas ninguém parece disposto a acreditar nele.
Lieutenant Harry Braker and his new partner investigate the murder of a sleazy record executive.
Children in the Crossfire
Original Music Composer
For the children of Northern Ireland, violence and hatred are a way of life passed from one generation to the next. In "Children in the Crossfire" four children from both sides of the conflict come to America through a special project, and discover each other away from the ravages of their homeland.
O Exterminador do Futuro
Original Music Composer
Em um futuro próximo, a guerra entre humanos e máquinas foi iniciada. Com a tecnologia a seu dispor, um plano inusitado é arquitetado pelas máquinas ao enviar para o passado um andróide com a missão de matar a mãe daquele que viria a se transformar num líder e seu pior inimigo. Contudo, os humanos também conseguem enviar seu representante para proteger a mulher e tentar garantir o futuro da humanidade.
High School U.S.A.
Anatomy of an Illness
Original Music Composer
Biopic of Saturday Review editor and political journalist Norman Cousins who developed and promoted a self-made health therapy consisting of intake of large quantities of vitamin C and making oneself laugh as much as possible.
O Assassinato da Garota da Capa
Original Music Composer
O milionário Richard Trainor está comemorando o fato do seu novo calendário ser um sucesso, pelo motivo de ter uma das mulheres mais lindas estampando a capa deste mês. No entanto sua vida foi arruinada quando a garota de janeiro foi jogada de um edifício e posteriormente a de fevereiro encontrada morta à facadas. O tenente Dan Stoner da polícia é posto ao cargo de investigar esses estranhos incidentes.
When She Says No
Original Music Composer
After divorced college professor Rose Michaels invites three of her male colleagues to her room during a teacher's convention, she later accuses them of rape, but the men say otherwise.
Heart of Steel
Original Music Composer
A steel factory that employs most of the town shuts down, leaving a man desperate to keep his family and friends together while alcohol consumes him in this depressing drama.
Girls of the White Orchid
Original Music Composer
In Los Angeles, naive and lonely waitress and aspirant singer Carol finds an advertisement for a job opportunity in Tokyo. Traveling to Japan to work at the White Orchid nightclub, she discovers the scheme of prostitution in the club that belongs to Yakuza. Alone, without money and her passport, she is protected by Shiro, but pressed by the managers Madame Mori and her husband Hatanaka to be receptive to client's proposals.
Eyes of Fire
Original Music Composer
A preacher is accused of adultery and he and his followers are chased out of town and become stranded in an isolated forest which is haunted by the spirits of long dead Native Americans.
Cocaine: One Man's Seduction
A 47 year old real estate salesman gets trapped in the insidious web of cocaine addiction.
Murder in Coweta County
Wallace a wealthy landowner in Meriwether County, Georgia, has virtually unlimited power in the county, including having the sheriff under his control. When he murders a share cropper he thinks that he is powerful enough to get away with it. Because the act of murder took place in Coweta County, it is under the jurisdiction of the Coweta County sheriff who hunts the murderer without trepidation.
Born Beautiful
Original Music Composer
This is the story of Betsy a model who is nearly 30. Now in the world of modeling that is considered to be the age of retirement. She then sets out to see what else she can do and at the same time try to straighten out her personal life cause her husband has demanded that she should be either a full time wife or give him a divorce. And she has also taken an aspiring model under her wing, and is considering also being a photographer.
Dreams Don't Die
Original Music Composer
Two young kids in love, one young graffiti artist and the other a foster-child, find trouble on the mean streets on the other side of the river in New York City. Officer Charles Banks finds young Danny tagging subway cars and then catches Teiresa selling drugs for another mislead teen, Kirk. The officer, instead of turning both of them in, gives both teens a chance to make more of their lives together. Changing their ways turns out to be more challenging than first thought.
Hit and Run
Original Music Composer
Still grieving his young wife's death in a hit-and-run accident, Manhattan cab-driver David Marks accepts a regular evening assignment to drive a beautiful but enigmatic woman to a mansion outside New York. One night he tries to discover the truth behind his mystery fare; but in doing so finds himself wanted for a murder he didn't commit. There follows his frantic hunt to uncover the truth behind the murder: the action moves to the streets of New York as the police scour the city in pursuit. But the cab drivers of Manhattan join forces to aid the desperate fugitive, until the solution is finally revealed in a sudden and bizarre end to the mystery.
Mae West
Original Music Composer
Biography of the curvaceous and sharp-witted actress who scandalized Broadway and Hollywood in the 1920s-30s with her frank approach to sex.
Dream House
TV movie 1981 Vacationing Georgia construction worker (John Schneider) meets and falls for Manhattan's comely Director of Urban Renewal (Marilu Henner) and despite her initial rejection of him, sets out to build a dream house for both of them.
Pouco Antes do Amanhecer
Original Music Composer
Grupo de jovens vai até uma montanha para acampar e praticar alpinismo. No caminho, são advertidos por um guarda-florestal sobre os perigos de continuar, mas seguem em frente mesmo assim. Logo, eles se tornarão alvos de um misterioso assassino que ronda aquela região.
People vs. Jean Harris
Original Music Composer
This dramatic re-enactment premiered a mere nine weeks after the actual headline-making trial of the refined private school headmistress who was convicted of the murder of her unfaithful lover, Dr. Herman Tarnower, the famed "Scarsdale Diet" author.
O Bunker
Sound Effects
O filme, feito para a TV, dramatiza os três últimos meses de Adolph Hitler, passados no seu bunker em Berlim. Anthony Hopkins está repulsivo como Hitler, enquanto Piper Laurie é ainda mais assustadora como a fanática esposa de Goebbels. Joseph Goebbels (Cliff Gorman) alimenta o ego do Führer, enquanto Albert Speer (Richard Jordan) pretende desafiá-lo. Um dia antes de seu suicídio, Hitler legaliza sua relação com a amante Eva Braun (Susan Blakely). O enredo do filme se estende além do suicídio, com as forças aliadas discutindo sobre quem tem direito à propriedade de Hitler.
O Bunker
O filme, feito para a TV, dramatiza os três últimos meses de Adolph Hitler, passados no seu bunker em Berlim. Anthony Hopkins está repulsivo como Hitler, enquanto Piper Laurie é ainda mais assustadora como a fanática esposa de Goebbels. Joseph Goebbels (Cliff Gorman) alimenta o ego do Führer, enquanto Albert Speer (Richard Jordan) pretende desafiá-lo. Um dia antes de seu suicídio, Hitler legaliza sua relação com a amante Eva Braun (Susan Blakely). O enredo do filme se estende além do suicídio, com as forças aliadas discutindo sobre quem tem direito à propriedade de Hitler.
My Mother Was Never a Kid
A trip to the past helps a teenager learn to appreciate her mother
Escola Noturna
Original Music Composer
A Boston police detective investigates a series of gruesome decapitations of various college coeds, committed by a helmeted, black-leather clad serial killer.
The Day the Women Got Even
Original Music Composer
Four suburban housewives, with a love for the theater, set out to foil an unscrupulous talent agent who has threatened to blackmail another woman to the point of an attempted suicide.
Amarga Sinfonia de Auschwitz
Original Music Composer
Duas mulheres formam um conjunto de cordas no campo de concentração de Auschwitz e, graças à qualidade de sua música, são poupadas das câmaras de gás durante muito tempo pelos nazistas. Vanessa Redgrave está excepcional no papel da judia Fania Fénelon, uma musicista de talento, figura humana de extrema dignidade e sensibilidade, que orienta e presta apoio à mais jovem, esta inconformada com a situação e frágil diante da fome. Num cenário de horrores, uma visão concreta das duas faces da moeda da moral humana: A essência e a barbárie.
Hardhat & Legs
A sex education teacher falls for a construction worker with a gambling problem.
Os Peregrinos
In 1620, the Assembly of the Pilgrims decides to emigrate to the young America because of the persecution they suffer by the English crown. The film tells the adventurous journey of the Pilgrims to an unknown land and future.
A Movie Star's Daughter
A shy teen enrolls in a new school and doesn't make friends easily. Then, overnight, everyone wants to be her friend, once it is discovered that her father is a famous movie star.
Original Music Composer
A killer nympho mermaid with an oral fixation prowls the ocean waters, devouring – up to a point – any man unlucky enough to be swimming naked.
Deadly Hero
Original Music Composer
Officer Lacy is an 18-year veteran of the New York Police Department who finds himself demoted from detective back to patrol duty for his violent tendencies and trigger-happy behavior.
The Astrologer
A scientist investigating reports of the Second Coming of Christ finds himself battling against a suicidal devil cult.
Terminator: Hunter Killer
TERMINATOR: HUNTER KILLER is a proof-of-concept short film, set in the future war of the Terminator-movie universe, as the humans struggle to survive in the post-apocalyptic wasteland following 'Judgment Day'.