(Apesar do título em português, não deve ser confundido com "April Fool's Day", slasher dirigido por Fred Walton no mesmo ano.) Três garotas que estão ingressando numa fraternidade participam de um Baile de Primeiro de Abril num casarão abandonado - fechado desde que, 22 anos antes, um garoto morreu numa brincadeira que deu errado no mesmo baile. Mas não demora para um misterioso assassino, vestido com roupa de mergulhador, começar a matar violentamente os convidados.
Rosebud Doyle
Heartless parents C.L. Doyle and his wife take two of their older children, Rosebud & Joseph T. Doyle, on a family vacation to Alaska, but dump their younger ones, Freddy & Margaret Jean, in a Los Angeles foster home. Infuriated by this, Rosebud talks Joseph T. into running away with her so that they can break their younger siblings out of the system, which sparks a manhunt, and an outburst of sympathy among kids everywhere.
A Confederate officer kidnaps for a $1,000,000 ransom five well-to-do children from a Yankee boarding school; a wounded black Union soldier helps them escape after they perform the necessary surgery to remove the bullet from his leg. But they are captured again, and it takes a lucky Union army attack to save them.