G.W. Bailey

G.W. Bailey

Nascimento : 1944-08-27, Port Arthur, Texas, USA


​George William Bailey was born on August 27, 1944, in Port Arthur, Texas. Bailey started college at Lamar University in Beaumont and eventually transferred to Texas Tech University in Lubbock; but he did not complete his studies. He worked at local theater companies during the mid 1960s until his move to California in the 1970s. Here he began work on television series such as Starsky and Hutch (1975), Charlie's Angels (1976) and CHiPs (1977). He eventually got a movie debut role in the Chuck Norris movie A Force of One (1979) before landing the role of Luther Rizzo in MASH (1972-1983). In 1993, he returned to Texas to study again at Southwest Texas State University. In 1994, he graduated with a Bachelor's degree of Fine Arts Theatre; and, for the 1999-2000 school year, he was the Artist in Residence.


G.W. Bailey


Highly Functional
When he discovers his guardian is dying, an autistic twenty-something travels across country to bring back a deluded, has-been country singer, believing that a personal performance will inspire his guardian to live.
My Boy
Sarah nurtures a relationship with a 2 year old boy she calls Johnny. She buys him clothes, to him and introduces him to close friends. She says he is the son of her cousin who is unable take care of him. Her friends want to believe her, but something isn't quite right about her story... "My Boy" is a partially autobiographical film and has won a long list of awards.
The Newest Pledge
Mr. Hodgkinson
The morning after kicking off their semester with a patriotic "stars, stripes, and strippers" party, the members of the Omega fraternity awaken to a find a baby on their doorstep. After little to no deliberation, the Omegas decide to pledge the baby. When a rival fraternity member, Rico, learns of this, he devises a plot to ruin the Omegas reputation in the eyes of the student body at Hamilton University. It's up to the Omegas to not only secure their legacy at the University, but to also raise a baby in a fraternity house. Written by Tuxedo (IMDB.com).
Cake: A Wedding Story
Howard Canter
When two star-crossed lovers, set on eloping, are forced into having a big wedding, the bride develops a plan of her own. Unfortunately, the groom is not privy to the plan. Meanwhile, family and friends start to take sides at a reception for a wedding that never took place!
Nem Que a Vaca Tussa
Rusty (voice)
A fazenda Caminho do Paraíso está em pânico, pois uma ação de despejo ameaça acabar com o local. Temendo ir para o matadouro, os animais da fazenda decidem ajudar a dona a conseguir a quantia necessária para pagar a hipoteca. O alvo escolhido pelo grupo é o perigoso bandido Alameda Slim, que tem uma grande recompensa reservada para quem capturá-lo.
Police Academy - Behind Academy Doors: Secret Files Revealed
Self/ Lt. Thaddeus Harris
The making of "Police Academy".
The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story
Det. Gates
Dean Cain portrays Scott Peterson, the California man accused of murdering his 8 month pregnant wife, Laci. Based on a true story.
Impacto Fulminante
General Moore
The only hope for humanity to survive a natural disaster is to detonate a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles.
Paulo de Tarso
Esta é a história de Saulo de Tarso, perseguidor de cristãos que se tornou no apóstolo Paulo depois que Jesus lhe apareceu em uma visão. Como um dos primeiros missionários cristãos, Paulo levava uma vida de perigo e aventuras. Ele foi aprisionado, torturado, apedrejado, afundaram seu barco, foi atacado por bandidos e inimigos da fé.
The Thin Blue Lie
Philadelphia, 1976. The city of Brotherly Love is waging a successful war against crime led by its tough-talking mayor, Frank Rizzo. But a maverick investigative reporter, Jonathan Neumann, has heard some troubling rumors: stories of innocent people victimized by a "goon squad" of law enforcement officers.
Jesus: A Maior História de Todos os Tempos
Não existe personagem da história cuja vida tenha sido mostrada tantas vezes e de maneiras tão diferente a não ser Jesus de Nazaré. Apresenta um Jesus que cativa pela sua simplicidade, pela sua ternura, pelo seu modo de agir e pelo seu entusiasmo.
Davi, agora um homem velho, ainda é rei de Israel. Entre seus filhos, o ambicioso Adonias e o inteligente Salomão. Os dois jovens são rivais ferozes, pois ambos são herdeiros em potencial do trono e apenas um pode ser bem-sucedido. Durante uma expedição de caça, Adonijah desafia seu irmão mais novo, Salomão, a uma corrida de carros. Enquanto Salomão, apesar de corajoso, ainda mantém um pouco de cautela, o temerário Adonijah está ansioso por vencer a todo custo e perde o controle de sua carruagem. Salomão leva Adonias, gravemente ferido, de volta a Jerusalém. No caminho, eles encontram a atraente Abishag, que apesar de sua juventude é versada no uso de ervas medicinais. Ela realmente consegue ajudar o príncipe. Adonias se apaixona por Abishag, mas Bate-Seba organiza as coisas para que ela trabalhe para Davi, esperando que sua juventude, sua beleza e seus poderes de cura aliviem o sofrimento do velho rei.
Seduction in a Small Town
Pat Carter
A couple's idyllic life is shattered when authorities accuse them of child abuse and take away their three young children. When they desperately search for the source of the rumors about them, their suspicions lead them to a young woman who recently arrived in their small town, but they can't believe that this person they befriended would turn the town against them.
Na Mira do FBI
Ralph Coulter
A mini-series dramatization of the controversial 1992 attack by federal agents on the Idaho home of Randy Weaver, a white seperatist. The ten-day siege, begun over a minor gun charge, resulted in the deaths of Weaver's son, wife and dog, and a U.S. Marshall. The incident caused major public outcry against the FBI and U.S. Marshals.
Ace Ventura em África
Lieutenant (uncredited)
Após não conseguir salvar um guaxinim, Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) impôs a si mesmo um exílio entre monges no Himalaia. Mas ele acaba indo viajar para a província de Bonai, Níbia, África, a fim de tentar recuperar o grande morcego branco sagrado, que foi prometido como dote quando a princesa da tribo dos Wachati, uma tribo pacífica, se casar com o filho mais velho dos Wachootoo, uma tribo sanguinária. Se o morcego não for recuperado em tempo hábil isto ocasionará uma guerra e os Wachati serão massacrados, pois os Wachootoo vão considerar isto um insulto e o desaparecimento do morcego uma maldição. Ace tenta ajudar da melhor maneira possível, mas para ele a melhor maneira implica em várias confusões.
Loucademia de Polícia 7: Missão Moscou
Thaddeus Harris
O Comandante Lassard tem um novo plano para acabar com a criminalidade nas ruas, permitir que voluntários participem de um treinamento especial na Academia, onde aprenderão técnicas de salvamento e combate ao crime. Com Steve Guttenberg e Sharon Stone.
No Child of Mine
Lamar Jenkins
A woman attempts to stop her daughter signing away her down syndrome grandson for adoption. Based on a true story.
Dead Before Dawn
Based upon a true story. Wife with young family finds life becoming unbearable with her successful, but violent and abusive, husband. After filing for divorce, she quickly learns that her husband, through fear of his personal life embarrassing his clients, has commissioned an assassin to murder her before going to court. Unfortunately, for him, the hired assassin turns out to be an FBI agent. The FBI convince her that she must “pretend” to have been murdered in order to prove her husband’s involvement.
An American Story
Tom Cantrell
World War II has ended and many soldiers return to their houses and families. But three of them find themselves with big problems when they arrive at their home village.
Bed of Lies
Zeke Zbranek
Dramatization of the true-life story of a woman who fights for custody of her children while awaiting trial for the murder of her husband, who happens to have been the son of the powerful ex-governor of Texas.
Memories Of M*A*S*H
Self / Luther Rizzo
Hosted by one-time M*A*S*H guest star Shelley Long, “Memories of M*A*S*H” included brand-new interviews with the cast as well as producers, creators and guest-stars. The 90-minute retrospective aired on November 25th, 1991 on CBS as part of its “Classic Weekend II,” which also included “The Bob Newhart 19th Anniversary Special” and “The Best of Ed Sullivan II.” Dozens of clips from over over sixty different episodes were shown. It was the brain-child of Michael Hirsh (also responsible for “Making M*A*S*H”) and coincided with the 20th anniversary of M*A*S*H.
A Mother's Justice
Joe Comminger
Cansada de esperar pela prisão do estuprador de sua filha, mulher decide agir por conta própria. Mesmo desaconselhada por seu marido e pelos policiais, ela se faz de isca para atrair o criminoso a uma cilada, colocando sua vida em perigo.
Write to Kill
Dean Sutton
In this thriller, Jamie Sanford is murdered by a group of counterfeiters when he attempts to expose them in order to secure an early parole. However, when aspiring writer Clark learns of his brothers death, he sets out to exact revenge and bring the guilty to justice while being framed for his brothers murder.
Based on a true story, this made-for-cable film tells about Barry Seal, a pilot who was a drug smuggler for the infamous Medellin cartel out of Colombia. He was caught by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and decided to turn over and help the DEA break the cartel. However, he got caught in the middle of the Reagan/Bush administration efforts to topple the Nicaraguan government in the '80s, in which Nicaraguan rebels called "contras" were allowed to smuggle cocaine into the US in exchange for their fighting against the leftist Nicaraguan government. Eventually Seal was murdered by his former Medellin employers, and some critics say it was with the tacit, if not implicit, connivance of the US administration.
Held Hostage: The Sis and Jerry Levis Story
Based on the real-life experiences of Sis Levin, the wife of CNN Reporter Jerry Levin, who was taken hostage in Lebanon by Shiite Fundamentalists in 1984, and her struggle to free him.
Fine Things
Bernard Fine's career leaves little time for romance, so fate takes over. When Bernie befriends a little girl, he meets - and falls for - her single mother, Liz. They soon marry and add a son to their new family. But the happiness is short-lived as Liz is fatally stricken by cancer. Added to the heartbreak is a threat from the past that could tear the family apart. For Bernie, it's a struggle to hold on to and savor the truly fine things in life.
Q & A - Sem Lei, Sem Justiça
Bartender (uncredited)
A young district attorney seeking to prove a case against a corrupt police detective encounters a former lover and her new protector, a crime boss who refuses to help him.
Love and Lies
Sgt. Halsey
Fact-based story of real-life detective Kim Paris who was assigned to work undercover to find the murderers of an elderly couple who were shot in their beds. The chief suspect (Gallagher) is a charming man who once lived with the daughter of the couple. In acting in her undercover role, she gets too close to the suspect and the two start falling in love.
The Gifted One
Dr. Winslow
A young boy can transfer his body energy into ESP and heal sick people. While the subject of scientists' studies, he runs away to try to find out about his past and why he is the way he is.
Loucademia de Polícia 6: Cidade em Estado de Sítio
Captain Thaddeus Harris
Esse louco grupo de policiais é chamado para uma missão: Acabar com uma gangue que rouba bancos e joalherias. Usando o talento para trapalhadas de cada um deles, eles enfrentarão o bando de criminosos. Sob a falsa suspeita de que algum espião esteja infiltrado em seu Distrito Policial, o capitão Harris contribui para que a situação se agrave ainda mais.
Loucademia de Polícia 5: Missão Miami Beach
Captain Thaddeus Harris
Os recrutas estão em Miami para uma convenção de academias, na qual o comandante Lassard, que se aposentou recentemente, será homenageado com o título de policial da década. Acidentalmente Lassard fica de posse de jóias roubadas, o que faz com que seja sequestrado por uma quadrilha. Ao saber do ocorrido seus comandados mais uma vez se reúnem, para resgatá-lo.
Hawaiian Dream
Inspector Pierce
Tatsuhiko and Shofumi are hoodlums living in downtown Hawaii, who have flown out of Japan and entered the country illegally for a reason. The two make a living by trafficking marijuana under the pretext of selling tea leaves, but they are in a foreign land where they don't speak the language well.
Loucademia de Polícia 4: O Cidadão se Defende
Captain Harris
Um novo grupo de recrutas chega à Academia de Polícia e desta vez eles são voluntários civis, que aderiram ao plano "O cidadão se defende", do Comandante Lassard. Mas apesar de ter apoio governamental, o Capitão Harris está determinado em ver o plano fracassar, pois crê que os policiais podem perder seus empregos depois de algum tempo.
A Ladrona
Ray Kirschman
Ex-presidiária que vive de vender livros guarda segredo conhecido apenas por um ex-policial. Este passa a chantageá-la, o que a obriga a voltar ao mundo do crime. E quando um homem aparece morto ela se torna a principal suspeita.
Captain Felix Maxwell
Jovem empregado de uma loja de departamentos se apaixona por uma manequim, que adquire vida fora do expediente. A manequim é na verdade uma deusa egípcia que agora auxilia seu pretendente na confecção de maravilhosas vitrines.
Downpayment on Murder
About an estranged husband who, in an explosive rage, decides to have his wife murdered by a hired killer.
Um Robô em Curto Circuito
Atingido por um raio, o robô conhecido apenas como "Número 5" escapa de uma empresa de eletrônica experimental. Newton Crosby (Steve Guttenberg) e seu assistente Ben Jabituya (Fisher Stevens) são convocados para tentar localizá-lo. Nº 5 encontra a ecologista Stephanie Speck (Ally Sheedy), esperando ensinar tudo para o "alienígena", ela preenche o banco de memória de Nº 5 com cultura pop e é aí que começa a confusão. Filme também conhecido pelo título, O Incrível Robô.
A Winner Never Quits
Fact-based story of a young boy who lost his right arm in a childhood accident, but went on to fulfill his dreams of playing major-league baseball. The story of Pete Gray.
Sinal de Perigo
Tom Schmidt
O Bio Tek, um suposto centro de pesquisa agrícola, é na verdade um laboratório ultra-secreto para o desenvolvimento de armas biológicas. Quando acontece um sério acidente, que libera uma bactéria mortal, o sistema de segurança do complexo lacra o prédio com várias pessoas dentro. Lá acontece uma luta pela sobrevivência, pois todos os contaminados antes de morrerem se tornam loucos assassinos. Connolly (Yaphet Kotto), um agente do governo, tenta controlar a situação enquanto fala várias mentiras para esconder os fatos. Cal Morse (Sam Waterston), o xerife local, quer descobrir a verdade e, se possível, salvar Joanie Morse (Kathleen Quinlan), sua mulher, que trabalha como segurança no laboratório. Assim ele procura Dan Fairchild (Jeffrey DeMunn), um pesquisador que já trabalhou na Bio Tek, e juntos tentam entender por qual motivo Joanie não foi contaminada. Se conseguirem a resposta poderão fabricar uma antitoxina, caso contrário as conseqüências serão imprevisíveis.
O Vaqueiro Cantador
A singing cowboy roams the Wild West with his sidekick, dancing horse and fancy wardrobe.
Runaway: Fora de Controle
Num futuro distante, a população vive em paz, mas controlada por máquinas. Até que surge um homem mentalmente perturbado que decide reprogramar os computadores, o que faz ressurgir a violência.
Loucademia de Polícia
Lt. Harris
O prefeito resolve mudar a lei, afirmando que fatores como sexo, peso e inteligência não devem influenciar nas aplicações para a força policial. Liderado por Carey Mahoney, um grupo de jovens incompetentes, mas de bom coração, ingressa na Academia de Polícia para o desespero dos instrutores, que buscarão impedir de toda as formas as brincadeiras da turma.
The Capture of Grizzly Adams
Tom Quigley
A wilderness-loving man must clear himself of a wrongful murder charge and rescue his daughter who may be sent to an orphanage in this made-for-TV movie.
Bitter Harvest
Jim Laszlo
A farmer's herd sickens and dies, then his family and neighbors fall ill, so he bucks the state agricultural establishment as he pursues the politically-explosive investigation of how his farm, family, and friends came to be poisoned.
Murder in Texas
Richard 'Racehorse' Haynes
Dramatization of the sensational Texas court case of the late '60s involving a noted Houston plastic surgeon accused of doing away with his socially prominent first wife in order to marry someone else.
Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story
Filmed on location at Alcatraz Island, this two-part "whole story" actually concentrates on a handful of the denizens behind the cold grey walls of "The Rock". Michael Beck plays the real-life Clarence Carnes, an Oklahoma Choctaw Indian said to be the youngest man ever incarcerated in the notorious maximum security prison. Serving a 99-year sentence for a gas station holdup and murder, Carnes makes periodic attempts to escape, the final attempt being the most violent. Many of the subordinate characters are fictional (as are most of the details concerning Carnes' escape efforts); the one exception is Robert Stroud, the "Birdman of Alcatraz", here portrayed by Art Carney as a gentle, kindly philosopher. Telly Savalas, a costar of the Burt Lancaster vehicle Birdman of Alcatraz, also guest starred in the 1980 film. Originally titled Alcatraz and Clarence Carnes, this made-for-TV movie wavers between gritty realism and "I'm bustin' outta here!" artifice.
Força Destruidora
Uma das melhores equipes de agentes da delegacia de narcóticos, segue a pista de uma operação multimilionária, quando misteriosamente as coisas começam a ficar muito perigosas. Um a um, os componentes do esquadrão são eliminados por um assassino mestre no karatê. Para ajudar a descobrir a identidade do assassino, a policia convoca o campeão Matt Logan, um perito nas artes marciais disposto a lutar e enfrentar os perigos dessa investigação.
Uma Embarcação Para o Inferno
Two bargemen on the Mississippi River find themselves mixed up in a kidnapping and hijacking plot.