Damien Garvey

Damien Garvey


Damien Garvey


Amor e Monstros
Após o mundo ser invadido por monstros, Joel terá de se aventurar por metade do país, em meio a todo tipo de perigos, para tentar encontrar o amor da sua vida.
Dora e a Cidade Perdida
Security Guard
Ambientado na floresta peruana, o filme narra as aventuras de Dora (Isabella Merced) junto de seu macaco Botas, amigos que acabou de fazer na escola e um misterioso explorador a fim de salvar seus pais de mercenários. Mas Dora também terá de solucionar um grande mistério envolvendo Parapata, uma antiga cidade perdida dos Incas.
Inimigo Mortal
Rick Rogers
No filme, Jackie Chan é um agente das forças especiais durão que acaba se envolvendo em uma misteriosa conspiração, ao mesmo tempo em que luta para proteger uma jovem de um perigoso grupo de criminosos. Estranhamente, ele sente que tem uma conexão especial com a moça, como se eles tivessem se conhecido em uma vida diferente.
Medo da Escuridão
Senior Detective Von Holzen
Uma jovem e brilhante psiquiatra é forçada a confrontar uma criatura escura que habita dentro dela pelo próprio inconsciente quando ela investiga o desaparecimento sobrenatural de uma estudante universitária.
Manny Lewis
The film follows the story of a famous fictional stand-up comedian Manny Lewis, who connects with millions of fans but finds it hard to connect to one person. Manny struggles to overcome his sense of alienation and shyness, and a difficult relationship with his father, in a romantic and feel-good quest for the love of the quirky Maria.
Condução Perigosa
Detective Chief Inspector Smith
Peter Roberts (Thomas Jane), um ex-piloto de corrida automotiva, tornou-se instrutor de motorista e durante uma de suas aulas é sequestrado por Simon Keller (John Cusack), que supostamente seria um aluno como qualquer outro. O sequestrador misterioso força ele a participar de um crime que coloca ambos na mira da polícia e da máfia, desencadeando uma perseguição.
The Killing Field
Brett Holloway
A task force is sent to a small country town to investigate a shocking crime.
Jack Irish: Dead Point
Jack Irish is thrown into a world of club owners, drug dealers and killers when he is hired by a judge to find a mysterious red book.
Jack Irish: Black Tide
Jack, um ex-militar, ex-advogado criminal e ex-alcoólatra que atua como detetive particular especializado em localizar pessoas, e aprendiz de marceneiro nas horas vagas. Desta vez, Jack ajuda um velho amigo da família, cujo filho desapareceu.
Jack Irish: Bad Debts
Jack, um ex-militar, ex-advogado criminal e ex-alcoólatra, actua como detetive particular especializado em localizar pessoas e aprendiz de marceneiro nas horas vagas
First Detective
A charismatic, crazy hothead transforms a family's life when she becomes the nanny of five girls.
A Isca
Numa comunidade costeira tranquila, os vendedores de um supermercado subterrâneo encontram-se aterrorizados quando um bandido invade o local. Ao mesmo tempo, um assustador tsunami atinge a cidade, prendendo-os no estabelecimento praticamente submerso, enquanto tentam se esquivar do maníaco armado. No entanto, o problema maior ainda está por vir: o tsunami trouxe para o local visitantes do lado profundo das águas. Com o medo de morrer afogado ou assassinado, o grupo ainda precisa sobreviver a essa outra e mais poderosa ameaça: tubarões tigres famintos!
Working at an underground city storage facility, a young man discovers evidence of a murder and vows to bring the killer to justice.
Acidentes Acontecem
Officer Passman
There are dysfunctional families... and then there are the Conways. After a family tragedy, 15-year-old Billy Conway has become the de facto glue between his bitter mom, distant brother, and stoic dad. But when Billy starts to act out, everything changes for him and his family
A Vítima Perfeita
Box Hill Cop
Consumida com a auto-repugnância, com 19 anos de idade, Caroline cobiça e rapta com a intenção de assassinar Rachel Barber de 15 anos que considera perfeita; tudo o que ela não é: bonita, segura de si e feliz. O desaparecimento de Rachel desencadeia uma reação elétrica dos seus pais e do seu namorado. Apesar da indiferença da polícia, eles montam uma campanha pública para encontrá-la.
O Marine
River Boat Cop
Um antigo comandante das Forças Especiais da Marinha persegue um grupo de ladrões de diamantes que sequestraram a sua mulher. Agora, Triton tem de lutar para a salvar, usando a sua arma mais poderosa: ele próprio!
Answered by Fire
Ron Nestovic
Mark Waldman (David Wenham) is an Australian policeman who volunteers for the United Nations mission in East Timor. Put in charge of the Civilian Police at the UN base in Nunura, he meets Julie Fortin (Isabelle Blais), a Canadian policewoman on her first overseas mission, and Ismenio Soares (Alex Tilman), the young Timorese translator assigned to work with the unit. Mark and Julie are unarmed and emotionally unprepared for the brutal reality of Timor, while Ismenio is cynical about whether the UN can prevent what seems an inevitable, bloody end to the process. Against growing intimidation and violence from the Indonesians and East Timorese militia, they work to get the Timorese registered to vote. Ismenio's fears are realised when the vote goes pro-independence, the country is set alight and the UN evacuates. Mark and Julie are forced to abandon Ismenio and his family to a nightmarish fate at the hands of the Indonesian military and its murderous militias.
Big Reef
A story of romance and humour set in Australia's far North East. Former journalist Tom Stopple escapes Brisbane and heads north to find himself immersed in a world of immense beauty, bounty hunting and a three-way fight for the girl of his dreams.
Shot down over the Soviet Union
The reconnaissance flights of the Americans into East Block airspace were more numerous and more dangerous than originally claimed. From the sky, the Cold War was waged in earnest - with cameras, aerial canons and rockets. There were countless weapons launched, prisoners taken and fatalities suffered. During the secret aerial war the superpowers forced patently western aircraft into Soviet airspace; Western Germany was a sort of base for America's espionage activities. The film discloses a multitude of heretofore unknown actions, elucidated by impressive, often emotional commentary by the actual participants. The contemporary witnesses discuss operations including the dropping of agents during night flights, and top-secret actions undertaken to detect potential bases for nuclear attacks.
Seconds to Spare
When a deadly assassin hijacks a passenger train, he threatens to detonate a deadly can of poison that can wipe out an entire city, if he isn't given a 25 million dollar Ransom. While the cops are attempting to thwart the madman, they decide to call Former DEA agent Paul Blake (Antonio Sabato, Jr) the one man who can possibly stop the fiendish plot.
Every year more than 70,000 Australian school leavers head to the beaches of Australia's Gold Coast to celebrate their release from the secondary school system. With a wild mixture of sun, surf and sex, this quintessential Australian tradition is known affectionately as 'Schoolies Week'. So strap on the beer goggles and follow several groups of friends as they travel to the Gold Coast by train, clapped out Holden, Limo and on foot in search of the best time of their lives.
Green Sails
Trawler Captain
When ambitious CCT exec Will Patterson uncovers a corporate conspiracy, his life spirals out of control. With an unlikely ally and beautiful crusader to guide him through his struggle, he travels to the jungles of Indonesia where a tribe--wrongly forced off their land by CCT--and the corporation clash. No matter which side Will chooses--with so many lives on the line, his decision is destined to be a deadly one.
The Lost World
A group of unlikely allies are assembled to go on an expedition deep within the Amazon forest in search of new discoveries.