Johannes Brandrup
Nascimento : 1967-01-07, Frankfurt, Germany
The story of three young people whom the war forced to grow up early: Emma, Franz and Bruno - three friends from Trieste, are very close. Their life was mercilessly affected by the First World War, which forces the children to fight for survival, as well as for their love and friendship, although each of them comes from different social strata.
Gernot Strasser
A drama directed by Sigi Rothemund.
Gernot Strasser
Gernot Strasser
Marc Redel
A woman's life unravels as the predator preying on her daughter online destroys her life via online sabotage.
Rechtsanwalt Gernot Strasser
Herodes Antipas
The film begins with the Annunciation: Mary, a young Galilean, virginal conceived the Messiah, the Son of God. Her husband Joseph, a humble carpenter, decided to stay by his side throughout. When Caesar Augustus ordered the Jews to register people, the couple embarks on a journey to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. Meanwhile, Maria Magdalena, a young woman from the same town that Mary, turns away from God and placed in the palace of King Herod, Herodias where convinces her to lose her innocence in the arms of the king's son.
Staatsanwalt Gernot Strasser
Valerius (age 25)
Em 430 DC, a cidade sitiada de Hippo, o bispo de setenta anos Augustino conta a Jovinus, capitão da guarda romana, a estória de como sua mãe Cristã, Mônica, o salvou. Nascido na cidade norte africana de Tagaste, Augustino estudou em Cártago, se tornando realizado mas dissoluto orador. Após se converter para o Maniqueísmo, uma religião livre de culpa, ele foi chamado para a corte imperial em Milão para servir como oponente do Bispo Cristão Ambrose. Mas quando a imperatriz Justina envia guardas imperiais para liberar uma basílica onde a própria mãe de Augustino está rezando, ele é vencido para o Cristianismo. De volta em Hippo, Augustino implora ao cerco Romano para negociar com o Rei Vândalo, Genseric, mas ele orgulhosamente recusa. Nesse ponto, ele também, abrindo mão de uma oportunidade para escapar em um navio enviado pelo Papa para resgatá-lo, ele fica ao lado de seu povo.
Robert Grewe
Police Officer #2
80 minutes to live or die. Alex got injected with a high tech poison by his creditor and put on a time clock to pay his debt back in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Will he make it or even further will he stay loyal to his friends and relatives under a pressure like running out of time?
Dirk Berger
When Germany is hit by a drought, the Ruhr area is threatened with the collapse of drinking water. Meteorologist Martina Fechner is appointed head of the crisis team, but has to recognize that her colleagues see the crisis as an opportunity for their own career. When even highly toxic germs are discovered in a reservoir, the region is also threatened by a plague.
Markus Scholl
Markus Scholl
Ausgerechnet am Tag ihrer Hochzeit fand Franziska raus, dass ihr Verlobter ein Verhältnis hatte. Seither weiß sie, dass alle Männer Schweine sind, und sie beweist es immer wieder aufs Neue: Im Auftrag von Kundinnen, die die Treue ihrer Partner testen wollen, verführt sie die Typen reihenweise. An Markus aber beißt sie sich die Zähne aus - und verliebt sich prompt in ihn, nicht ahnend, dass sie bloß eine Figur in einem perfiden Spiel seiner Frau ist.
Over one wild Cologne night, three women in search of the perfect partner and perfect life discover that a little bit of magic changes everything...
Andreas Braun
Filippo d'Assia
The story of Mafalda is like the one of Cinderella, just the other way round. The dramatic real story of a Italian princess, born and raised in the comforts of a golden court, who will be forced by war to share the fate of ordinary people in a concentration camp. Mafalda di Savoia was chosen to represent the decline of nobility and the errors of war, which separate and destroy even noble families. Mafalda is a victim of political strategies that overlook her, and her tragic death shows the levelling power of war, that forces poor and rich alike to share the same destiny.
The true story of a mother in search of her children deported to Germany by the Nazis.
Thomas Borchert
Um dos principais eventos de todos os tempos: a introdução do Cristianismo em Roma e por todo o Império romano. Como romanos e judeus reagiram à este acontecimento, do ponto de vista político e religioso, além da enorme dificuldade que o Cristianismo enfrentou antes de se espalhar. Pedro foi um homem que conseguiu agregar o que estava dividido e mostrou como a amizade entre dois homens capazes de amar e compreender um ao outro.Esta é a história de uma comunidade da qual nasceu uma nova religião que se espalhou pelo mundo afora. A história de uma cidade e seus habitantes em um momento crítico da história humana.
Thomas Holmer
A verdadeira história de Angela Ghignino, uma italiana com ideais anti-fascistas mas que se apaixona por um capitão do exército alemão durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ela abandona sua família, desafia a sociedade e arrisca sua vida para segui-lo até o front. O amor impossível deles permite que um grupo lance uma imensa operação de importância militar e humana em Veneza e que pode levar ao final da guerra.
Christian Eckle
Richard Mellows, Dorothys Sohn
Young Hans
Police officer Eva Meyer re-visits the orphanage where she grew up with the intent of unraveling her confused identity. Stasi archives reveal that her birth was the result of a one-night stand between her mother and one of her husband’s students, a Kenyan. Her family’s plot to hide her birth, metaphorically mirrors Germany’s suppressed history in this noire thriller.
Buchheim jr.
Towards the end of the eleventh century, Pope Urban II announces a crusade against the Saracens, who have occupied the holy city of Jerusalem. Three young friends Richard, Peter and Andrew set off to join the crusading army.
Esta é a história de Saulo de Tarso, perseguidor de cristãos que se tornou no apóstolo Paulo depois que Jesus lhe apareceu em uma visão. Como um dos primeiros missionários cristãos, Paulo levava uma vida de perigo e aventuras. Ele foi aprisionado, torturado, apedrejado, afundaram seu barco, foi atacado por bandidos e inimigos da fé.
Christian Hoffmann
Anna Siebert, Sekretärin der Unternehmensberatung "Christian Hoffmann Consulting", ist in ihren Chef verknallt. Aber Christian möchte sich weder an Anna noch an eine andere Dame binden. Alle wissen das, nur Anna will es nicht wahrhaben. Während einer Betriebsfeier kommen sich die beiden im angetrunkenen Zustand doch näher und verbringen eine Nacht zusammen. Annas Glück währt nicht lange, denn ihr Angebeteter kann sich an nichts erinnern ...
In her mid-fifties , Elisabeth Hallstein found her marriage in tatters overnight : her husband Klaus left her with the family fortune. Elisabeth, spoiled by luxury , has money problems for the first time . After a moment of shock, she comes up with an idea: she simply rents out a few rooms in hersold apartment. Interested parties are quickly found and a new love in the form of a young musician is on the horizon . But the project has its pitfalls.
Ben Hoadey
Michael Steiger
Ingo Buck
Daniel Matzen
Daniel Matzen is a gigolo, a call boy who does his job in a purely professional manner and does not let any emotions approach him. But one day he falls head over heels in love with Kim, one of his customers. He even wants to let his gigolo job go for her, but there is someone who has something against these plans for the future: his regular customer Lisa.
Gregor Jacobsen
Krestin lives a fairly wealthy and carefree life. She is going to marry her boyfriend Gregor, has a good job in a shop and rich parents. But a dispute with Gregor shows his true violent personality, beginning a nightmare for her.
Roger Seifert
Christian Röhmer
Philipp Brinkmann