Christoph Waltz

Christoph Waltz

Nascimento : 1956-10-04, Vienna, Austria


Christoph Waltz (Viena, 4 de outubro de 1956) é um ator austríaco. Em 2009, no filme Inglourious Basterds, de Quentin Tarantino, Waltz encarnou o Standartenführer Hans Landa, também conhecido como "O Caçador de Judeus". Por este trabalho, ele foi agraciado com o prêmio de melhor ator no Festival de Cannes de 2009 e foi bem recebido pelos críticos e pelo público em geral.Em 2012, no filme Django Unchained, este também de Quentin Tarantino, Waltz fez o papel de Dr. King Schultz, um caçador de recompensas alemão, papel pelo qual foi agraciado com o Oscar, o BAFTA e o Globo de Ouro, todos de melhor ator coadjuvante.


Christoph Waltz
Christoph Waltz
Christoph Waltz
Christoph Waltz
Christoph Waltz


The Portable Door
Humphrey Wells
Paul Carpenter is an intern at a mysterious London firm with unconventional employers, including a CEO who wants to disrupt the ancient magical world with modern corporate practices.
Pinóquio por Guillermo Del Toro: Cinema Feito à Mão
Com imagens impressionantes do trabalho da equipe de animação, este especial de bastidores mostra todo o talento artístico necessário para contar uma história única.
Pinóquio por Guillermo Del Toro
Count Volpe (voice)
Uma versão mais sombria do clássico conto de fadas infantil, onde um boneco de madeira se transforma em um menino vivo de verdade.
Brad Pitt: More Than a Pretty Face
Self (archive footage)
Brad Pitt is a singular actor in Hollywood's glamorous world, breaking through his "playboy image" and embodying American cinema's renewal. At the beginning there was a humble Midwestern aware of being a smokescreen for the illusions of his time, who has managed to keep control of his image to better serve the most talented directors of our time. To name but a few: David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, the Coen brothers, Terrence Malick, James Gray and soon Damien Chazelle. This documentary dives into the brain of a complex, brilliant and endearing personality, far from the cliché of a world-famous movie icon to discover the hidden side of the most handsome man in the world.
Dead for a Dollar
Executive Producer
O filme segue um famoso caçador de recompensas que encontra seu inimigo jurado, um jogador profissional e fora da lei que ele havia enviado para a prisão anos antes.
Dead for a Dollar
Max Borlund
O filme segue um famoso caçador de recompensas que encontra seu inimigo jurado, um jogador profissional e fora da lei que ele havia enviado para a prisão anos antes.
A Crônica Francesa
Paul Duval
Na França pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, um jornal americano dá vida a uma coleção de histórias publicadas na revista "The French Dispatch".
Christoph Waltz - The Charm of Evil
Self (archive footage)
Ernst Stavro Blofeld
007: Sem Tempo para Morrer
Ernst Stavro Blofeld
Bond deixou o serviço ativo e está desfrutando de uma vida tranquila na Jamaica. Sua paz é interrompida quando o seu velho amigo Felix Leiter, da CIA, aparece pedindo sua ajuda. A missão de resgatar um cientista sequestrado acaba sendo muito mais difícil do que o esperado, deixando Bond no caminho de um vilão misterioso e armado com uma nova tecnologia perigosa.
Most Dangerous Game
Miles Sellars
Ser James Bond
Self (archive footage)
Daniel Craig reflete abertamente sobre sua aventura de 15 anos como James Bond. Incluindo imagens de arquivo nunca antes vistas de Casino Royale ao 25º filme, No Time To Die, Craig compartilha suas memórias pessoais em uma conversa com os produtores de 007, Michael G. Wilson e Barbara Broccoli.
Most Dangerous Game
Miles Sellars
Desperate to secure the future of his pregnant wife, Dodge Tynes, a Detroit real estate developer beset by misfortune, agrees to participate in a game as lucrative as it is deadly. (Film montage of the series of fifteen nine-minute episodes developed for mobile devices.)
Little Berlin
When the Iron Curtain cuts his tiny German village in half, Peter the bull gets separated from his 36 cows. Based on a true story narrated by Christoph Waltz.
O Festival do Amor
Mort Rifkin e sua esposa Sue viajam para a Espanha para acompanhar o Festival Internacional de Cinema de San Sebastián. Na cidade, Mort passa a desconfiar que Sue pode estar tendo um caso com um atraente cineasta francês, enquanto ele mesmo se encanta por uma jovem espanhola, o que acaba influenciando consideravelmente a dinâmica do casamento deles.
Cinema Austria, the first 112 Years
This historical and analytical documentary draws attention to the background of the roots of "New Austrian Cinema" and presents Austria as a film country to be taken seriously. The audience gets to see rare early works by well-known filmmakers as well as shots of landscapes that served as a source of inspiration and locations that have produced important Austrian films since the end of the 19th century.
Most Dangerous Game (the Movie)
Miles Sellers
Most Dangerous Game
Miles Sellars
Polanski, le travail à l'oeuvre
Quentin Tarantino: Os Oito Primeiros
De "Cães de Aluguel" a "Os Oito Odiados", atores e colaboradores examinam os oito primeiros filmes do aclamado diretor e roteirista Quentin Tarantino.
O Crime de Georgetown
Inspirado no artigo de Franklin Foer para a New York Times Magazine, o filme vai acompanhar Albrecht Muth, um excêntrico “alpinista social” que seduz e se casa com uma viúva rica e mais velha, Viola Drath. Juntos, Muth e Drath passam a sediar eventos pomposos para a alta sociedade e ingressam nos círculos políticos mais privilegiados — ocasiões em que Muth mentirá extensivamente sobre um passado que só virá à tona quando Drath for encontrada morta, em Georgetown.
O Crime de Georgetown
Ulrich Mott
Inspirado no artigo de Franklin Foer para a New York Times Magazine, o filme vai acompanhar Albrecht Muth, um excêntrico “alpinista social” que seduz e se casa com uma viúva rica e mais velha, Viola Drath. Juntos, Muth e Drath passam a sediar eventos pomposos para a alta sociedade e ingressam nos círculos políticos mais privilegiados — ocasiões em que Muth mentirá extensivamente sobre um passado que só virá à tona quando Drath for encontrada morta, em Georgetown.
Alita: Anjo de Combate
Dr. Dyson Ido
Abandonada em um ferro-velho de Iron City, a ciborgue Alita é encontrada pelo cientista Dyson Ido. Revitalizada, ela acorda sem memória e reconhecimento do mundo em que se encontra. Determinada a conhecer seu passado e explorar suas habilidades surpreendentes de luta, Alita se torna uma poderosa caçadora de recompensas, combatendo forças mortais.
Pequena Grande Vida
Dusan Mirkovic
Na cidade de Omaha, as pessoas descobrem a possibilidade de reduzir de tamanho para uma versão minúscula, a fim de terem menos gastos vivendo em pequenas comunidades que se espalham pelo mundo. Encantado após ter contato com amigos que passaram por pelo processo, um homem (Matt Damon) decide convencer sua esposa (Kristen Wiig) a adotar o curioso novo estilo econômico de vida.
Amor e Tulipas
Cornelis Sandvoort
Holanda, século XVII. O artista Jan van Loos (Dane DeHaan) é contratado para pintar o retrato do casal Sandvoort e imediatamente se apaixona pela jovem esposa do rico comerciante, Sophia (Alicia Vikander). Completamente envolvida no tórrido romance e cansada da existência infeliz ao lado do marido, ela decide fugir de casa para viver o amor.
A Lenda de Tarzan
Captain Leon Rom
Releitura da clássica lenda de Tarzan, na qual um pequeno garoto órfão é criado na selva, e mais tarde tenta se adaptar à vida entre os humanos. Na década de 30, Tarzan, aclimitado à vida em Londres em conjunto com sua esposa Jane, é chamado para retornar à selva onde passou a maior parte da sua vida onde servirá como um emissário do Parlamento Britânico.
007: Contra Spectre
Franz Oberhauser / Ernst Stavro Blofeld
James Bond chega à Cidade do México e está pronto para eliminar Marco Sciarra sem que o chef M saiba da missão. O caso leva à suspensão temporária do agente, que passa a ser constantemente vigiado pelo governo britânico graças a uma tecnologia implantada em seu corpo por Q. Na tentativa de despistar os inimigos e até mesmo alguns de seus parceiros de trabalho, ele se responsabiliza por ajudar a filha de um desafeto. Toda a situação o leva ao centro de uma temida organização denominada Spectre.
Oh du mein Österreich
The Making of Big Eyes
Behind the scenes of Big Eyes (2014)
Grandes Olhos
Walter Keane
Este drama apresenta a história da pintora Margaret Keane, uma das artistas comerciais mais rentáveis dos anos 1950, graças aos seus retratos de crianças com olhos grandes e assustadores. Esta mulher, defensora das causas feministas, teve que lutar contra o próprio marido no tribunal, já que o também pintor Walter Keane afirmava ser o verdadeiro autor de suas obras.
Quero Matar Meu Chefe 2
Bert Hanson
Após o trauma vivido no filme anterior, os amigos Nick, Dale e Kurt resolvem abrir seu próprio negócio, de forma que eles mesmos sejam seus chefes. O problema é que, quando a companhia começa a deslanchar, eles sofrem um golpe do investidor que bancou o negócio. Sem ter como recorrer através dos meios legais, o trio decide partir para um ato desesperado: sequestrar o filho do investidor e, com o dinheiro do resgate, pagar a dívida contraída e manter a empresa.
Muppets 2: Procurados e Amados
Um empresário convida os Muppets para uma turnê mundial. Kermit desconfia de suas intenções, hesita, mas o grupo acaba aceitando a proposta. Entretanto, tudo não passa de uma armadilha e eles se veem envolvidos em uma trama criminosa internacional chefiada pelo perigoso sósia de Kermit, o sapo Constantine. Kermit acaba preso na Sibéria e, enquanto tenta provar sua verdadeira identidade, Constantine está livre para realizar um grande roubo.
The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers
Menachem Begin (voice)
Based on the best-selling book by Ambassador Yehuda Avner, The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers takes the audience inside the offices of Israel's Prime Ministers through the eyes of an insider, Yehuda Avner, who served as a chief aide, English language note-taker and speechwriter to Levi Eshkol, Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, and Shimon Peres. The first of two parts, The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers focuses on Ambassador Avner's years working with Prime Ministers Levi Eshkol and Golda Meir and then US Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin and reveals new details about the Six-Day War, the development of Israel's close strategic relationship with the United States, the fight against terrorism, the Yom Kippur War and its aftermath.
O Teorema Zero
Qohen Leth
Qohen Leth (Christoph Waltz), um habilidoso hacker de computador vive em uma constante crise existencial. Ele é instruído por uma empresa fantasma chamada “Management”, para resolver o enigma do “Teorema Zero”, uma fórmula matemática que determinará a razão da existência dos homens e se a vida possui algum sentido. Obcecado por essa missão, ele encontra obstáculos que interrompem seu trabalho. Qohen espera por um telefonema que contém todas as respostas que ele procura.
Reino Escondido
Mandrake (voice)
A adolescente Mary Katherine (Amanda Seyfried) é magicamente transportada para um universo secreto e vai precisar contar com a ajuda dos seres fantásticos que o habitam para conseguir salvar o mundo dos humanos e este novo reino descoberto de uma força maligna, que ameaça destruir a Terra.
Ode to Joy
The Man
Photographer and Director Robert Ascroft envisions the inner struggle of working with an Anger Management Therapist. Realized through the eyes of two time Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz.
Django Libertado
Dr. King Schultz
Django é um escravo negro alforriado que, sob a tutela de um caçador de recompensas alemão, se torna num mercenário e parte para encontrar e libertar a sua esposa, ainda escrava, das garras de Calvin Candie, um inescrupuloso proprietário de uma plantação no Mississíppi onde escravas são negociadas como objetos sexuais e escravos são colocados para lutar até à morte.
It Is No Dream: The Life Of Theodor Herzl
Theodor Herzl (voice)
The latest production of Moriah Films is It Is No Dream: The Life of Theodor Herzl, exploring the life and times of Theodor Herzl, father of the modern state of Israel. Narrated by Academy Award winner, Sir Ben Kingsley and starring Academy Award winner Christoph Waltz as the voice of Theodor Herzl, the film examines how Herzl, a well known journalist and playwright, an assimilated, Budapest born Jew, horrified by the Dreyfus trial in Paris and the anti-Semitism he saw spreading across Europe, took upon himself the task of attempting to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine against all odds. Over the span of 8 years, Herzl organized and led a worldwide political movement that within 50 years led to the establishment of the state of Israel. The film follows Herzl as he meets with Kings, Prime Ministers, Ambassadors, a Sultan, a Pope and government ministers from Constantinople to St. Petersburg, from Paris to Berlin, from Vienna to Vilna in his quest to build a Jewish nation.
Deus da Carnificina
Alan Cowan
Em Nova York, o casal Nancy e Alan Cowan vai até a casa de Penelope e Michael. O motivo do encontro: o filho do primeiro casal agrediu o filho do segundo. Eles tentam resolver o assunto dentro das normas da educação e civilidade, mas, aos poucos, cada um perde o controle diante da situação.
Os Três Mosqueteiros
O jovem D'Artagnan, depois de sair da Gasconha e viajar para Paris, conhece os mosqueteiros Athos, Aramis e Porthos, e tentam impedir que o Cardeal Richelieu e sua agente Milady de Winter causem uma guerra entre a França e a Inglaterra.
Água para Elefantes
August Rosenbluth
Jacob Jankowski é um estudante de veterinária que está perto de se formar quando uma tragédia o força a abandonar a escola. Sem ter pra onde ir, ele pega um trem que pertence a um circo itinerante. Jacob consegue um emprego como tratador de animais e conhece Marlena, uma bela artista de circo. A compaixão que ambos sentem por um elefante especial chamado Rosie, os leva a se apaixonar, mas August, o marido de Marlena, se coloca no caminho deles.
O Besouro Verde
Britt é o herdeiro da fortuna do maior jornal de Los Angeles e um mulherengo mimado que está feliz com sua vida sem rumo. Após a morte de seu pai, ele conhece Kato, um engenhoso empregado da empresa. Britt percebe que eles possuem talento e recursos para fazer algo produtivo em suas vidas. Os dois se unem para trazer à Justiça um criminoso da cidade.
Sacanas Sem Lei
SS Colonel Hans "The Jew Hunter" Landa
No primeiro ano da ocupação de França pelos alemães, Shosanna Dreyfus testemunha a execução da sua família pela mão do Coronel Nazi Hans Landa. Shosanna escapa por pouco, fugindo para Paris onde falsifica uma nova identidade como proprietária e operadora de um cinema. Noutro local da Europa, o Tenente Aldo Raine organiza um grupo de judeus americanos, soldados, para executar investidas rápidas e chocantes de retribuição. Conhecidos pelos seus inimigos como "os sacanas", o bando de Raine une-se à actriz e agente infiltrada alemã Bridget von Hammersmark numa missão para destruir os líderes do Terceiro Reich. O destino de todos eles converge sob um letreiro de cinema, onde Shosanna está determinada em criar o seu próprio plano de vingança...
Sebastian Flies
Das Geheimnis im Wald
Hans Kortmann
Die Zürcher Verlobung – Drehbuch zur Liebe
Frank 'Büffel' Arbogast
Die Verzauberung
Dr. Helmut Bahr
Two couples on vacation in the Austrian alps is a recipe for adultery? Dr. Helmut Baer falls on the first day there and twists his leg. The lady next door is a masseuse. She stays behind while their spouses go with the children on an overnight hike in the mountains. Both couples become tempted by each other, but only one acts upon it. Adultery is in the air!
Franziskas Gespür für Männer
Karl Löwen
Lapislazuli - Im Auge des Bären
Schöne Witwen küssen besser
Mörderische Suche
Richard Benedek
Scheidungsopfer Mann
Benedikt von Arn
Berlin Blues
In October 1989, the part of the West Berlin borough of Kreuzberg called SO 36, had been largely shut off by the Wall from the rest of the city for 28 years. A lethargic sub-culture of students, artists, bohemians and barflys had flourished among crumbling buildings. Part of that microcosm is barkeeper Frank, semi-formally called 'Herr Lehmann' by friends and patrons. He hangs out drinking, sports utter disregard for anything beyond SO 36 and lazily pursues an affair with cook Katrin. His lifestyle is gradually disturbed, when his parents show up for a visit, things go awry with Katrin and his best friend Karl starts to act strange. Meanwhile, political turmoil mounts on the other side of the Wall.
Tiger Eyes See Better
Dr. Thilo Rylow
Judith leads a busy life with her daughter Lissi and her job as statistician.
Two Days of Hope
Michael Berg
Rolf Steiner
Assim como narrou Oscar Wilde em seu romance em 1890, Louis, ao ser retratado por seu empresário Henry, recebe a bênção de envelhecer somente nas fotos, tornando-se um novo Dorian Gray.
Der Mörder ist unter uns
Martin Bach
One Hell of a Night
Klaus-Dieter Lehmann
Tragicomic, the hero entangled in a strange, strange world. In addition, Armin Rohde rumbles in use for fun and hilarious commission through the scenery. Running gags make the film by Stephan Wagner to a as dense as it rapid foray into the night & the history of film.
Jagd auf den Flammenmann
"Inspector Susanne Beckert doesn't make it easy to be liked. Thanks to her tenacity to follow through on her ""intuition"", she soon has the entire precinct on her back. Her first case involves a fire in which the mother and daughters escape but the father dies. Susanne is convinced the man was murdered. Though she still has the support of her partner Weber, she puts everything on the line when she begins to investigate into similar cases that occurred in the past - against the will of her colleagues. With the help of former pathologist Gerit, Susanne discovers a trail of cover-ups and irregularities that ultimately lead her and Weber to the serial killer's lair. Before they can seize him, however, Susanne is knocked unconscious and Weber is shot with Susanne's gun. Suspected of attempted murder, she must now prove her innocence and catch the killer - the only way to prove to her colleagues that her instinct was dead right.
Oskar Roehler's drama Der Alte Affe Angst (Angst) is about the dissolution of a couple. Robert (Andre Hennicke) and Marie (Marie Baumer) have little in common other than their sex life. Since Robert is going through a bout with impotency, they are having a very rocky time. Robert learns that his father, whom he is estranged from, has died. This disturbs Robert so much that he visits a prostitute, and is able to engage in sex with her. Marie discovers the infidelity, and the prostitute has a surprise of her own. Angst was screened at the 2003 Berlin Film Festival.
Dito Tsintsadze's drama focuses on a loner whose life changes dramatically, when he gets to know a beautiful, but strange girl. Lukas, a young man doing "meals on wheels" instead of military service, doesn't have many friends and leads a boring life, until he meets Isabella. The fascinating girl soon becomes his best friend, but Lukas learns she has a sexual relationship to her stepfather. Thus, he is obsessed with the idea of delivering Isabella by killing the man..
Weihnachtsmann gesucht
Johannes Böhmke
Der Tanz mit dem Teufel - Die Entführung des Richard Oetker
Dieter Cilov
When wealthy college student Richard Oetker is kidnapped and held for a hefty ransom, state police officer Georg Kufbach becomes obsessed with bringing the kidnapper to justice. This film is based on a true story.
Rieke's Love
Trainer Peter Karlhoff
A young figure-skater becomes jealous when her brother, also a young figure-skater, falls for another young female figure-skater. She thought she was all that he needs.
Death, Deceit & Destiny Aboard the Orient Express
Terrorists hold a group of people hostage during a Millenium Eve party aboard the Orient Express. Only an action movie star and a gymnast can save them.
Engel sucht Flügel
A bittersweet tale about three people - a young pianist, a moody antique dealer and a notorious thief - who are transformed by love.
Mensageiro da Rainha
Ben Samm
By order of Her Majesty's Secret Service, Captain Strong is given a dangerous assignment to deliver a delicate communication to the British Ambassador in Kazakhstan. As the senior officer for the elite Queen's Messenger corps, Captain Strong must pledge to protect his diplomatic cargo with his life
She Who Must Be Obeyed
Michael Vincey
Leo Vincey receives a map from his late father, leading him to the legendary city of Kor in search of an explanation for his mysterious ancestry. He is accompanied by his girlfriend Roxanne. He discovers that he is the only descendant of an Egyptian priest who had been executed for the crime of falling in love with the Egyptian Princess. The ruling queen Ayesha, or rather She, is the same Egyptian Princess of centuries ago, her beauty and youth look being preserved by magic. She becomes convinced that Leo is the reincarnation of her former lover, and wants to kill him. Leo and Roxanne will have to fight against surprise attacks on them, but survival in that foreign land with strange customs, is difficult. Leo is terribly attracted to She's beauty, but at the same time he fears for her obscure spirit, and finally he must take a decision - to run away from her, or to love her and die.
The Beast
Finanzbeamter Fink
An adulterous woman draws a meticulous plan to murder her husband with the help of her lover, a much younger man. Committed the crime, they move to a beautiful Mediterranean island where they remain hidden waiting for the insurance company pays the policy of her husband. Everything seems to go perfectly when suddenly, she thinks she has seen her husband in a supermarket
Falling Rocks
6 Friends, 1 Killer, No Mercy! Slow moving thriller that builds up towards a nerve wrecking end.
Wenn man sich traut
Um Criminoso Decente
Michael Lynch (Kevin Spacey) é o mais famoso ladrão de Dublin, na Irlanda. Seus roubos fazem dele o pesadelo da polícia local e um herói entre os criminosos locais. Além disto, Lynch banca o chefe de sua família, que inclui suas duas esposas: as irmãs Christine (Linda Fiorentino) e Lisa (Helen Baxendale). Porém, enquanto elabora mais um sofisticado plano Lynch precisa se precaver contra o detetive Noel Quigley (Stephen Dillane), que está disposto a tudo para capturá-lo.
Dessine-moi un jouet
Klaus Hermann
A french fantasy film with Christoph Waltz
Die Braut
Herzog Carl August
The relationship between Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the great German writer, and Christiane Vulpius, a village girl, is one of the instantaneous and fiery passion. They lived together for 28 years, 18 of these living in sin, 10 a married couple. Christiane's rival, Charlotte von Stein, a former favorite of Goethe, begins plotting and scheming against her. Christiane puts up with countless insults and humiliations like having to 'disappear' with their son into the servants' quarters and to stay at home on official occasions. Goethe marries her when she saves his life during an attack by plundering Napoleonic soldiers. Her new social position as Goethe's wife is resented and envied by all. When she is openly attacked by the snooty, jealous people, Goethe is only half-hearted in coming to her defence. But she stays with him for he is her great love, even when she turns to the charms of many youthful admirers...
Strange Behavior of Sexually Mature Urbanites at Mating Season
Follows a divorced couple and their separate, cyclonic sexual escapades, and all of the spin offs.
Night Time
Thomas Krömer follows the traces of a brutal murder in werewolf-manner out of personal interest. After investigating for some time, the traces all point to one person: himself. Now, he has to find out whether he surprisingly turns into a blood-seeking werewolf at full moon without knowing it or if there is an other solution to the murders. Police are getting pretty suspicious after Thomas' own grandmother has been brutally slaughtered in her little fairy-tale-fashioned house in the woods, and it will soon be time for a full moon...
Vickys Alptraum
Mörderisches Erbe - Tausch mit einer Toten
Moritz Fink
Rache für mein totes Kind
Einsteins Ende
Das Finale
Our God's Brother
Max, Maksymilian Gierymski
In this adaptation of an historical play by Pope John Paul II, painter Albert Chmielowski decides to devote his life to helping the homeless.
You Are Not Alone - The Roy Black Story
Roy Black
German TV movie chronicling the life of singer and actor Roy Black.
The Tourist
Stephan Görner
Catarina: Entre o Amor e o Poder
Trapped in a loveless arranged marriage to the immature future Czar, a young German Princess proves a skillful political infighter and rises to become Catherine the Great.
Ein Anfang von etwas
Herbert Sobieski
Herbert lives a rather simple life, left to his own devices. He works as a projectionist in a shabby Viennese movie theater and lives alone with his red nameless cat in the free caretaker's apartment of a somewhat run-down apartment building. Now and then he visits his mother in a nursing home, meets with an old friend of his father, or comes to meetings of a savings club. Saving money is pretty much the center of his life because he has a dream. He wants to emigrate to the U.S. to buy his own movie theater and to reunite with his long-lost father. But when Rita, a young student, moves into the apartment building things in his life are changed completely.
Man in Search of Woman
A group of men, addicted to pornography, have a chance to live out their fantasies but find that the reality is far different from what they expect.
Prinz zu entsorgen
Roman Hertz
Environmental protection and fair working conditions do not matter one bit to the fashion label "Lorena". However, the company ends up in court because of an illegal commercial that violated the anti-discrimination law. The managing partner Roman Hertz is sentenced to 100 hours of community service. Of all things, he has to complete these hours with an environmental protection group.
A história dos irmãos Esau e Jacó.Na terra de Canaan vive Isac,filho de Abraão,ele e Rebeca tem dois filhos:Esau e Jacó.Esau é corajoso e forte caçador,enquanto que Jacó é mais gentil e humilde,além de ser o favorito da sua mãe para ser o herdeiro de Isac e Abraão,apesar de não ser o mais velho.
Tag der Abrechnung - Der Amokläufer von Euskirchen
Erwin Mikolajczyk
This movie depicts the story of Erwin Makolajczyk, a psychopath who killed 9 people in a courtroom on the 9th of March 1994.
A King for Burning
Jan van Leyden
"King of the Last Days" is a German television miniseries in 1993 about the 16th century Anabaptist rebellion in Münster .
5 Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom
Hartwig Klemmnitz
A comedy directed by Rolf Silber.
Die Angst wird bleiben
St. Petri Schnee
In Morwede, a remote Westphalian village, the doctor meets Dr. Amberg in the 1930s.
Maximiliano Kolbe
Jan Tytz
Conta a história do sacerdote católico polonês que foi preso no campo de concentração nazista de Auschwitz. O filme se passa em julho de 1941 e mostra Maximiliano Kolbe que dá a sua vida por outro prisioneiro, um homem de família inocente condenado à morte por inanição em represália por uma fuga.
German Spy
Fact-based biography of James Bond author, Ian Fleming. The film focuses on his wartime exploits and romantic adventures which ultimately led to his creation of the super-spy.
Quicker Than the Eye
An expert magician is hired to entertain world leaders at a peace summit. Unfortunately, he finds himself hopelessly entangled in an elaborate terrorist assassination plot.
The Mortal Fortune
Guy on Train (uncredited)
On the basis of the hardy perennial "boss-assistant" relation, "The Mortal Fortune" depicts the passion of worldly existence. The anonymous hero of the story, to which the spectator is introduced, attempts at freeing himself from his enslaved life. He finally has to realize the transience of the creature man and whithdraws from the constraints of worldly existence.
Das andere Leben
Der einsame Weg
The Lenz Papers
Franz Sigel
Four-part german limited serial about the baden revolution in 1848 and 1849.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Wahnfried (German: Richard und Cosima, French: Richard et Cosima) is a 1986 West German-French drama film directed by Peter Patzak about the life of Richard Wagner. It was screened out of competition at the 1987 Cannes Film Festival.
Die Wupper
August Puderbach, Färber
The Sandman
Based on the classic 19th century tale by German writer/composer E.T.A. Hoffmann, the film investigates the tale's themes of obsession and madness, emphasizing expressionist imagery and theatrical style. The story relates the life of the young student Nathanael, whose childhood memories are haunted by a sinister man. As a child, Nathanael believed this dark figure to be the mythic Sandman, who puts children to sleep by stealing their eyes. When confronted by this same evil presence as an adult, he is pushed toward madness as he tries to confront his childhood fears.
The Mysterious Stranger
Ernst Wasserman
The film version of the same-titled book by Mark Twain. A young printer's apprentice imagines himself back in the days of Guttenberg, helping him to print the Bible. The next thing he knows he has conjured up a young spirit from the future who casts spells over striking printers and causes general mischief.
Fire and Sword
The young knight Tristan is injured in a fight in Ireland and cared for by the beautiful Isolde. He falls in love with her, unaware that she is the daughter of the Irish king.
Dr. Margarete Johnson
The divorced and emancipated Margarete Johnson falls in love with her young and extremely medical bandaged nephew.
Markus Dorn
A misunderstood youth is incorrectly placed in a mental hospital.
The World Machine
Young Painter / New York Diner Youth
After the passing of her husband, the commissioned painter Anneliese Psiko decides to travel across the country. In the Austrian province of Styria, she discovers a strange work of art entitled "Weltmaschine" (World Machine). From now on, it will change her life significantly.
Karl Albrecht Schlick
A historical drama about the revolution of 1848/1849 in the Austrian empire.
Ruptura das Linhas Inimigas
No final de maio de 1944, durante a retirada alemã na Frente Oriental, o capitão Stransky (Helmut Griem) ordena ao sargento Steiner (Richard Burton) que exploda um túnel ferroviário para impedir que as forças russas o usem. O pelotão de Steiner falha em sua missão ao se deparar com um tanque russo. Steiner então tira uma licença para Paris no momento em que os Aliados lançam sua invasão da Normandia.
Die goldene Rose von Montreux
Der Einstand
Günter Vesely
A young ex-convict returns to his home village. But he soon realizes that nothing is the same for him as before.
Guillermo del Toro’s Frankenstein
A new adaptation of the classic story.
Old Guy
Terry Eubanks
Terry Eubanks still believes he’s the best at what he does. Stuck at a dead end, he is thrilled when The Company pulls him back in the field, but only to train Gen Z newcomer Wihlborg, a prodigy assassin with an attitude. The mismatched pair is asked to eliminate top members of a competing crime syndicate and, in the process, uncover their employer’s true motive: removing the old guard in a full takeover. However, The Company didn’t anticipate that Terry’s experience coupled with the kid’s brilliance would create such an unlikely bond between the two, enabling them to turn it all back on The Company.
Billy Wilder and Me
Billy Wilder
Part coming-of-age story, part true-life portrait of the beloved Billy Wilder, the film is set during the summer of 1977, when an innocent young woman begins working for the famed director and his screenwriter Iz Diamond on a Greek island during the filming of Fedora.
Every Note Played
A world-renowned concert pianist and composer on the verge of creating his magnum opus. When he receives a life-changing diagnosis, his estranged ex-wife takes up the cross of caring for him, and he is forced to balance reconciling his failed relationships with redefining his pursuit of greatness.
Gilded Rage
Thomas Gilbert Sr.
A true-crime movie about accused Ivy League killer Thomas Gilbert Jr.