What if a web cast, LIVE on Halloween, turned out to be a real life survival game? What if the people hunting them are a rogue military? What if all eyes from the around the world are tuned in, and with a short window of time, officials need to find out where this broadcast is taking place? With all of technology taken away from the the young adults to slow down any rescue team from finding them, they find themselves with no weapons to defend themselves. Can they be found in time, as the world watches on?
Aos 22 anos, Tori Coro (Chelsea Durkalec) se envolve em uma luta clandestina. Quando seu corpo é encontrado machucado e abandonado em uma floresta, rumores começam a circular que ela morreu no Vale da Luta, vizinhança onde os lutadores vão para conseguir dinheiro. Windsor (Susie Celek), irmã de Tori, se muda para a cidade para investigar. Ela começa a treinar a lutar para poder enfrentar a pessoa que matou sua irmã.
A suspenseful modern film about the occult. It is shocking and hilarious. Black Mamba catches demons, puts them in jars and stores them in her cupboard for future spells. Be careful what you ask her for, it may turn out to be nightmare.