Sally Lockhart crosses paths with the nefarious industrialist Axel Bellman, the richest and most powerful man in Europe. She's determined to prove him guilty of corruption and fraud, whilst Bellman will stop at nothing to destroy her case.
Emil Brugsch
The grail is not the gold, nor the books of ancient wisdom, but the 3,000 year old DNA of the mummies, which may lead to a cure for malaria.
Lt-Col. Maxwell
Based on diaries, records and eyewitness accounts, this is the story of the two Battles of the Somme from the perspective of British and German soldiers. It shows how the major lessons learned by the British Army leadership after the disastrous first attacks of July 1916 were turned into victory at the second attempt in September 1916, arguably the turning point for the First World War.
Schafhirte im Sturm
A história dos irmãos Esau e Jacó.Na terra de Canaan vive Isac,filho de Abraão,ele e Rebeca tem dois filhos:Esau e Jacó.Esau é corajoso e forte caçador,enquanto que Jacó é mais gentil e humilde,além de ser o favorito da sua mãe para ser o herdeiro de Isac e Abraão,apesar de não ser o mais velho.
Having subdued the Goths, warrior Titus Andronicus returns to Rome to bury his sons, with Gothic Queen Tamora and her retinue as captives. The newly-dead Roman Emperor's two sons, Saturninus and Bassianus, are competing for their father's title. According to Roman custom, Titus sacrifices Tamora's eldest son to the Gods; having the deciding vote, he also chooses Saturninus as Emperor. Both acts have tragic consequences.
Guy Bennet e Tommy Judd são dois estranhos na escola de elite que frequentam. Bennet por ser homossexual, Judd por ser marxista. Cada um com seu motivo, eles evitam participar da esnobe e excludente hierarquia social de seu meio, vivendo em relativa paz, até que um acontecimento na escola coloca a vida de todo o corpo estudantil sob meticulosa vigilância.