Gareth Wilkes


Fale Comigo
Art Direction
Quando um grupo de amigos descobre como conjurar espíritos usando uma antiga mão embalsamada, eles ficam viciados na nova emoção. Até que um deles vai longe demais e abre a porta para o mundo espiritual.
Art Direction
Um grupo de humanos busca respostas no futuro após as florestas, vida selvagem e plantas do planeta serem devastados pela mudança climática.
Late one night, Kate finishes her shift at a diner when she becomes victim to a regular customer in a violent attack. A sudden earthquake destroys the diner, trapping and forcing her to confront her attacker.
Late one night, Kate finishes her shift at a diner when she becomes victim to a regular customer in a violent attack. A sudden earthquake destroys the diner, trapping and forcing her to confront her attacker.
Art Direction
Karla, a young medical student, is trying to cure her brother, Blake, from a terminal sleep illness called Fatal Familial Insomnia, where you are unable to sleep until you die. On her quest to treat him, a more sinister reason for his condition is revealed.