Hervé Briaux

Hervé Briaux


Hervé Briaux


The Time of Secrets
Marcel Pagnol, adulte
Marseille, July 1905. Nearly a teenager, Marcel Pagnol embarks in his last summer vacation before high school and returns, at last, to his beloved hills in Provence. What begins as a summer of boyhood adventures becomes one of the first loves, and unearthed secrets.
Flic tout simplement
Directeur Générak Jeantot
Serial killer Guy Georges' hunt by a female captain who created a DNA database that revolutionized the police methods.
Côte d'Azur, 1915. Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Michel Bouquet) é atormentado pela morte da esposa, as dores da artrite e a preocupação com o filho Jean (Vincent Rottiers), que luta na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Eis que surge em sua vida Andrée (Christa Theret), uma jovem bela e radiante que desperta no pintor uma inesperada energia. Rejuvenescido, Renoir a torna sua musa. Quando Jean retorna à casa do pai para se recuperar de um grave ferimento na perna, ele se envolve com Andrée e a torna também sua musa, mas de um sonho ainda distante: o de fazer cinema.
Le Suicidé
La très excellente et divertissante histoire de François Rabelais
André Tiraqueau
Changer la vie !
Pierre Meauroy
A documentary drama retelling the shift of Mitterand's policy. In May 1981, F.Mitterrand is elected President of the Republic, after more than twenty years in the opposition. He wants to change the life; he believes in the supremacy of politics over economics. He wants it to be fast and executes his programme to realise the socialist transformation. Two years later, Pierre Mauroy and Jacques Delors introduce an unprecedented austerity plan and open the parenthesis of austerity... that would never be closed.
Mer belle à agitée
S.A.C. : Des hommes dans l'ombre
Jacques Foccart
Almost Peaceful
le propriétaire
Set during the largely unexplored period immediately following World War II, the film follows a group of mostly Jewish Parisians who attempt to restart their lives and rekindle their capacity for happiness in the shadow of unspeakable horrors. Variety called it "thoroughly charming. Sad, gentle, and funny in the best French tradition of high quality cinema." A film by Marcelo Gomes
Balzac: A Life Of Passion
Charles Sedillot
This is the sprawling saga of Honoré de Balzac, a man who created a great literary oeuvre from the dramas and adventures of his own life - a life that he shaped into one spectacular and unforgettable blaze of passion. At the heart of the story are the women in Balzac's life. Although gruff, unsophisticated, and far from handsome, Balzac exerts an irresistible fascination on women.
The Proprietor
Aristocratic Man
An expatriated French novelist returns to Paris when she learns that her childhood home is being placed on the auction block.
Louis, the Child King
Gaston d'Orléans
History buffs will glory in the riches of Louis, Enfant Roi, others will perhaps find this complex story of intrigues and betrayals in the court of the young king tough sledding. When Louis the Fourteenth (1638-1715) was born, the power of government was shared between the monarchy, the church, the nobility, and the Parlement. His predecessor had greatly centralized the powers of government following the advice of Cardinal Richelieu. Louis XIV (often called "The Sun King" for the brilliance of his rule) followed the advice of Richelieu's successor, Cardinal Mazarin (Paolo Graziosi), and brought the powers of government under the sole sway of the monarch. He expanded the territory and influence of France in a series of wars throughout his reign. How he came to be so autocratic and ruthless both personally and politically is the subject of this biographical drama.
On the day Jean Gabin dies, a kidnaper who also takes a fortune in jewels heisted from Cartiers murders Simon Verini's wife. (Simon was fencing the jewels for a youthful gang who robbed Cartiers; he suspects them of the murder.) He's framed for the theft and spends ten years in prison, writing to his daughter, Marie-Sophie, who's 11 when he's sent away. Released, he reconnects to Marie-Sophie and to the young thieves, seeks revenge, and is quickly arrested again. She doesn't know what to make of her father, retreats to her Swiss fiancé, and is flummoxed when one of the young thieves falls for her. Is resolution possible when crime cuts across families and romance?
Raison perdue
Inspecteur Roubion
A young girl accuses her parents of being murderers. Hurriedly committed to an asylum, she attracts the attention of a psychologist who is determined to get to the bottom of the story. At her own risk.