Federico Pacifici

Federico Pacifici

Nascimento : 1955-04-07, Rome, Italy


Federico Pacifici
Federico Pacifici


After his son dies, an Italian mountain farmer moves to Brussels to look after his granddaughter
Il caso è chiuso, andate in pace
A tribute to Italian 70's "poliziottesco" movies. A bizzarre detective investigates the spread or a new drug nearby a church and it's priest.
Il giudizio
Giudice Balleri
Il signor Diavolo
Italy, 1952. A government official arrives in a rural town to investigate a shocking crime: the murder of a child by a young boy who claimed to have killed the Devil himself.
Pure Hearts
Agnese and Stefano are profoundly different. She is only seventeen, lives with her mother – a harsh and devoted woman – is a regular church-goer and is about to take a vow of chastity to last until marriage. He is twenty-five, has a violent temper and a difficult past behind. He works as a warden in a car park that borders a Roma camp. Their unexpected meeting engenders a true sentiment, made of little stolen moments and mutual help.
Stella Maris
A lost Italian village around the Mediterranean Sea. The annual fair. All the locals gather on the beach waiting for the arrival by sea of a traditional illuminated statue, the Stella Maris. The story of a craftsman and his daughter, a blind mayor, fireworks fusing like weapons and street-art as a revolution.
Ti sposo ma non troppo
Dr. Ferri
A man. A small factory. A lot of debts. Suddenly the suffocating feeling of not succeeding corrodes everything, and the life of a man is turned apart.
Diaz: Política e Violência
Funzionario Questura
Diaz - Política e Violência reconstrói com brutal e chocante realismo os eventos acontecidos durante o último dia do encontro do G8 de 2001, em Gênova, quando mais de 300 policiais atacaram a escola Diaz, buscando ativistas em protesto. O resultado foi uma explosão de cruel e descontrolada violência.
Boris - Il film
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.
Anjos do Mal
O filme, baseado em fatos reais, conta a história do assaltante de bancos Renato Vallanzasca, desde o início de sua carreira criminosa nas ruas de Milão até a posição de grande assaltante de bancos continuamente perseguido pelas autoridades.
The Past Is a Foreign Land
A promising law student from a good family is driven by a cool cardsharper into a downward spiral of criminality, thus discovering an evil part of himself he has never known.
No problem
Hotel Meina
Alberto Moneri
How will the Germans react to the armistice of the 8th of September 1943, due to which Italy betrays them and sides with the allied forces? This is the distressing questions that a group of 16 Italian - Greek Jews evacuated at The Meina Hotel ask themselves.
The Remains of Nothing
Clemente Fonseca
Set in the 1790s, this historical drama follows the travails of an idealistic noblewoman who helps lead a daring revolution in Italy.
A Paixão de Cristo
O filme narra as últimas 12 horas de Jesus Cristo, que, após ser traído por Judas, é preso e levado para o julgamento de Poncio Pilatos. Sem conseguir encontrar um motivo para sua condenação, ele sofre com a pressão popular, que pede a crucificação de Jesus.
La banda
Almost Blue
Capitano Carabinieri
A serial killer, called the Iguana, is terrorizing Bologna. He is able to change continuously identity. Grazia is investigating trying to find out the truth about the Iguana.
Judge Diana
Determinado a quebrar o reinado da máfia na Itália, Giovanni Falcone, um advogado corajoso, ousou desafiar a Cosa Nostra.
The Scent of the Night
A former policeman turns full-time robber and goes on a downward spiral of crime in 1970s Rome.
Open Sea
For personal and humanitarian reasons, Edoardo, a Ligurian sea captain, agrees to run a shipment of arms to Bosnian rebels for a shady Russian in Toulon who calls himself Riffaud. Edoardo's lover Clara wants him to quit the sea and Riffaud's wife warns Edoardo not to trust her husband, but Edoardo takes the job anyway. Sailing up the Adriatic, the crew threatens mutiny when they learn they must dock in a war zone. Once in port, little goes as Riffaud promised, and Edoardo must travel with a translator to the rebels' mountain stronghold to get payment for the crew. The war is all around them as Clara waits at home and the translator begs passage to Italy.
Vacation in Hell
Italian man unknowingly becomes a drug mule and gets arrested in Thailand. He is sent to tough prison where he plans escape with the help of another prisoner who also has a score to settle with the drug dealer who set the Italian up.
A Trégua
Although liberated from Auschwitz on January 27, 1945, Levi did not reach Turin until October 19 of that year. After spending some time in a Soviet camp for former concentration camp inmates, he embarked on an arduous journey home in the company of Italian former prisoners of war from the Italian Army in Russia. His long railway journey home to Turin took him on a circuitous route from Poland, through Russia, Romania, Hungary, Austria and Germany.
O 18º Anjo
Dark Eyed Cleric
Uma jovem de Boston, Lucy Stanton, filha de um professor de música e de uma pesquisadora de história, é escolhida por uma seita de sacerdotes italianos, que adoram Satã, para ser o 18º anjo, que fará Lúcifer ascender aos céus. Mas para isto diversos componentes precisam ser detalhadamente preparados e um deles é fazer a mãe da jovem se suicidar e então convencer o pai da garota que a filha poderá se tornar uma top model. Inicialmente ele recusa, pois a finada mulher era contra que a filha se dedicasse a ser modelo, mas a jovem quer fazer carreira e acredita ser sua chance.
Snowball - Fugindo para a Liberdade
Um ator consagrado, Billy Bolla, está chegando à idade de se aposentar e sempre mantém sua caderneta de pensão próxima, dentro de uma garrafa. Em um cruzeiro pelas ilhas gregas, enquanto está atuando, ele derruba a garrafa no mar e Snowball, um golfinho branco, a engole. Billy contrata um guia local, Sidik, para a ajudá-lo a encontrar Snowball, que tem outros objetivos: escapar de Marcov, um comerciante de armas que quer treiná-lo para uma missão suicida.
Moisés foi um homem comum chamado por Deus para libertar seu povo, os Israelitas. Sua missão, libertá-los da escravidão no Egito e levá-los para Canaã, a terra prometida. Quando os israelitas correram risco de captura pelo exército do Faraó, Deus dividiu o Mar Vermelho para que Moisés e os que o acompanhavam pudessem fugir. Mais tarde durante a dura jornada, Deus proferiu através de Moisés, Os Dez Mandamentos, a lei divina.
Lembranças de Outra Vida
Prof. Santini
Thomas Johnson é um homem obcecado por trabalho, que morre em um acidente e volta à vida no corpo de um cachorro. Relembrando quem era na vida passada, ele volta para sua mulher e filho para protegê-los do homem que causou o acidente. Através da vida de cachorro, ele se dá conta que não foi um pai tão bom assim.
Flight of the Innocent
The boy Vito is a portrait of beauty and wide-eyed innocence spawned from a violent family of kidnapers and murderers in the South of Italy. When his entire family is murdered by a rival clan of kidnapers, Vito must flee for his own life and in the end attempts to make atonement for some of his family's sins.
Genoa, 1945. The war is over but not for 4 partisans who still try to capture the remaining fascists. They are not satisfied with the concept of justice that the new born Italian Republic tries to instigate.
The Raffle
sostituto procuratore
Francesca, an incredibly beautiful woman, after the death of her husband discovers his unfaithfulness and huge amount of debts he left. Cesare is Francesca's best friend, he is a solicitor. Following his advice Francesca starts selling all her goods, like the house, jewels, furs and finally also the yacht. By doing this she is able to survive for the rest of the year, but has no prospects for the future and every attempt to get a job fails. Finally she makes a decision to set up a lottery in which the prize is her.
18 anni tra una settimana
The King's Whore
1st Courtier
Set in the 17th-century, an Italian nobleman weds an impoverished countess, who is wooed by the King of Piedmont and faces pressure from his entire court to succumb to his wishes.
The Monster of Florence
Mostro di Firenze
A string of sex murders has been plaguing Florence for almost 15 years, in which a serial killer brutally murders couples who are sneaking "a quickie" in public areas. A writer who is doing research for a book about the crimes sets out to uncover the identity of the killer, aided by his beautiful girlfriend. Based on a true story.
He Looks Dead... But He's Only Fainted
Directed by Felice Farina.
Circle of Passions
Silvio Croce
An aristocratic Sicilian family living in the 1950s. Count Villafratti has sex one night with his nymphomaniac daughter because he thinks she is his wife.
Elective Affinities
Adaptation of Goethe's novel.
Death at Work
A young man moves to an apartment where an actor has just committed suicide. There is a room with cabinets full of theatrical objects and posters of old films. A child spies on him and in the house opposite a girl haunts him.