Tracy Fetterolf


The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain
Associate Producer
Baseado na história real dos acontecimentos que levaram à morte de Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., um idoso veterano afro-americano com transtorno bipolar, morto durante um conflito com policiais que foram enviados para ver como ele estava.
Associate Producer
In the wake of the tragic events at Waco, Texas where an armed conflict with armed militiamen broke out, agents of the federal government's Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) carry out a clandestine mission within another militia operation that is possibly involved in the sales of guns and the murder of an agent. Agent Robin O'Brien infiltrates the operation against her director's orders. When events start unraveling and an FBI agent threatens to take over the operation and start a military action, the ATF agents have to apply what they learned from Waco to save another blood bath.
Unlikely Angel
Post Producer
A country singer dies prematurely, but cannot enter heaven until she performs a good deed back on earth.