Benjamin Sadler

Benjamin Sadler

Nascimento : 1971-02-12, Toronto, Canada


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Benjamin Sadler (born February 2, 1971) is a German actor who was born in Toronto, Canada, the son of a German graphic designer and a British teacher. He lived in Canada until he was five. In 1976 he moved with his parents to Germany. After studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, his career as actor started in 1994 with roles in German thrillers such as Wolffs Revier and SK-Babies. In 2001 he appeared in the German-Italian film Maria Magdalena in the role as John the Baptist beside Maria Grazia Cucinotta and Danny Quinn. In 2002 he worked on two further religious films: The Bible - The Apocalypse with Richard Harris and Luther with Joseph Fiennes and Sir Peter Ustinov. He also appeared as the young emperor Augustus (Peter O'Toole was the emperor in later life). In 2006 he played the part of a physician in the film Dresden. In 2007 he starred as a lawyer and father of a thalidomide-handicapped daughter, for which he received a Bambi Award in 2007. He explained in an interview that he was proud to be a part of the film, which influenced the German parliament to pass a law giving greater financial compensation for victims of thalidomide. Description above from the Wikipedia article Benjamin Sadler, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Benjamin Sadler


Leben über Kreuz
Sebastian Blumberg
Two couples who can't stand each other need to become friends. Because this is their only chance for a life-saving organ donation.
Pohlmann und die Zeit der Wünsche
Tom Pohlmann
Eine harte Tour
A mountain hiking tour of friends brings to light unexpected conflicts.
Charlotte Link - Im Tal des Fuchses
Quando Hitler Roubou o Coelho Cor-de-Rosa
Heinz Rosenfeld
Alemanha, 1933. A história acompanha a fuga da família de Anna, uma menina judia alemã que aos poucos perde a inocência da infância em um mundo onde de repente precisa deixar sua escola, seu país e até mesmo deixar de falar sua língua.
Tödliches Erwachen
Jan Brenner
The lover of a policeman is strangled in his house.
Jenseits der Angst
Ronald Kärger
Renowned fashion designer Lisa Hembach irritates her surroundings with her behavior. She looks erratic, unfocused and feels persecuted.
Duisburg - Linea di sangue
Thomas Block
Após um massacre brutal liderado pela máfia na cidade de Duisburg, dois detetives - um italiano, um Gernan - se unem para investigar. Com base em fatos reais.
Wir sind doch Schwestern
Heinrich Verhoeven
Wendy 2 - Freundschaft für immer
Luna: Em Busca da Verdade
Quando a família de Luna é morta a sangue frio nas férias, em uma montanha, ela mal escapa e descobre que está vivendo uma mentira. Seu pai era um agente secreto russo e sua família era apenas uma frente. Luna tem a oportunidade de fugir do país. Mas, primeiro, ela quer vingança.
Der Gutachter: Ein Mord zu viel
Dr. Robert Siedler
Tödliche Geheimnisse – Jagd in Kapstadt
Prof. Jonas Schwarz
Where is Paul Holthaus? The investigative journalist Rommy Kirchhoff, together with his son Max, is looking for the disappeared lobbyist Paul Holthaus, who has negotiated several times in Cape Town on behalf of Lilian Norgren for their agricultural corporation Norgreen Life. Norgren makes it clear to Rommy that the search for the whistleblower is unwanted and puts her and the boy in danger.
Wendy Der Film
One Breath
A nightmarish crisis occurs after a pregnant young Greek immigrant takes a job as a nanny to a young professional couple, in this stunning drama from Germany’s Christian Zübert.
Das Dorf der Mörder
Dr. Jeremy Brock
Die Wallensteins - Dresdner Dämonen
Rolf Koch
Tag der Wahrheit
Jean-Luc Laboetie
The truth about the ailing state of the Haut-Rhin nuclear power plant in the tri-border region is to come to light - this is the goal of the assassin David Kollwein. He brings the power plant in his power and extorted policy and operating company. The German prosecutor Marie Hoffmann has only three hours to procure explosive information together with the French policeman Jean-Luc Laboetie and to prevent the meltdown in the reactor ...
Depicts various periods in the life of Saint Francesco: Youth and the first conversion in 1206, the process that inflicts his father, the birth of the historical nucleus of Fraternitas and the departure for the Holy Land up to the writing of rules and death, addressing the problem of the legacy of his message in the different interpretation that Chiara and Elia will give it.
Das Lächeln der Frauen
André Chabanais
Two couples and two singles are confused by their enotions to each other.
Zwischen den Zeiten
Michael Rosch
Alles muss raus
Henry Bergmann
The world's most loved fairy tale is back in a whole new fantastic imagining in Pinocchio. When a piece of pine-wood falls into the hands of the poor old toy maker, Geppetto, he carves it into a puppet which he names Pinocchio. To Geppetto's delight, Pinocchio comes to life - and like most little boys, he's full of reckless whims and wild ideas! His crazy escapades lead him into a series of madcap adventures from joining the circus to visiting the inside of whale! Along his journey, and throughout all the fun, Pinocchio learns to be considerate and courageous and learns what it takes to become a real boy.
Das Jerusalem-Syndrom
Der Tote im Eis
Gregor Lucius
The Pursuit of Unhappiness
Frank Henne
Based on the best-selling psychology book by Paul Watzlawick, the film tells the story of Tiffany Blechschmid, a neurotic, moony, superstitious, contradictory and, no surprises here, single young woman in her late-twenties.
Hans Speidel
1944. Adolf Hitler mostra toda sua confiança no marechal de campo, Erwin Rommel, quando deixa em suas mãos uma missão decisiva. Agora, diante de certas dúvidas, o militar deverá demonstrar a perfeição de seu plano e sua lealdade ao Führer.
The German Friend
Michael Tendler
It’s the late 1950s, and in an affluent and quietly respectable part of Buenos Aires, young Sulamit Löwenstein strikes up a friendship with her next-door neighbour Friedrich over the whereabouts of her family dog. She is the daughter of German-Jewish immigrants to Argentina, he is the son of a senior SS officer, a tragic political legacy from whose shadow both characters struggle to escape over the next three decades. Following the teenaged Friedrich to Germany, Sulamit finds him caught up in the radical politics of late-1960s student life; and she’s forced to make important decisions about her attitude to her homeland when Friedrich returns to Argentina to join the fight against the military junta.
O escritório de uma proeminente corporação multinacional serve como ambientação para uma disputa de poder entre duas mulheres contemporâneas. Isabelle tem uma admiração sem limites por sua superior direta, Christine, uma mulher bastante experiente nos jogos do poder. Christine gosta de manipular Isabelle, permitindo que ela cresça um passo de cada vez, levando-a a mergulhar fundo em um jogo de sedução e manipulação, de dominação e servidão.
Munique 72 - O Atentado
Ulrich Wegener
Os Jogos Olímpicos de 1972 deveria ter sido um destaque esportivo. Mas, em seguida, o impensável acontece. No início da manhã de setembro de terroristas palestinos 5ª invadiram a Vila Olímpica e invadir os quartos da delegação israelense.
Das Mädchen auf dem Meeresgrund
Hans Hass
When Hans Hass seeks a secretary for his Viennese office in the summer of 1947, Lotte Baierl applies for the job. She has just graduated from high school and is a big fan of Hass. Lotte is learning how to handle diving equipment and underwater cameras, as she wants to participate in the next expedition. Hass, who is initially against the participation of a woman, changes his mind. The TV movie tells the story of the two diving pioneers.
Se Não Nós, Quem?
Walter Jens
Alemanha Ocidental, início dos anos 60. Bernward Vesper (August Diehl) e Gudrun Ensslin (Lena Lauzemis) são colegas de faculdade que iniciam um relacionamento amoroso. Apaixonados pela palavra escrita, eles resolvem fundar uma editora. A primeira publicação é um antigo trabalho do pai de Bernward, um polêmico autor nazista. O livro logo é atacado, mas Bernward defende a habilidade como escritor do pai, mesmo com o peso de seu passado. Não demora muito para que ele passe a também questionar a participação do pai no Terceiro Reich de Adolf Hitler.
Mörderischer Besuch
Theo von Gelden
Liebe deinen Feind
Within the Whirlwind
During Stalin's reign of terror, Evgenia Ginzburg, a literature professor, was sent to 10 years hard labor in a gulag in Siberia. Having lost everything, and no longer wishing to live, she meets the camp doctor and begins to come back to life.
Auftrag Schutzengel
Ben Sievert
The Charlemagne Code
Eik Meiers
An action-packed race to find the legendary treasure of the Nibelungen hidden by Charlemagne and thought to be the biggest lost treasure in the world.
Tom Schreiber
Paul Wegener
Hotel Meina
Hans Krassler
How will the Germans react to the armistice of the 8th of September 1943, due to which Italy betrays them and sides with the allied forces? This is the distressing questions that a group of 16 Italian - Greek Jews evacuated at The Meina Hotel ask themselves.
Annas Alptraum kurz nach 6
Lukas Walser
Onorio Longhi
The tumultuous and adventurous life of Michelangelo Merisi, controversial artist, called by Fate to become the immortal Caravaggio. A violent genius that will dare to defy the ideal vision of the world imposed by the Renaissance painters. A provoker that scandalized patrons and institutions, raising the altars the outcast figures he knew so well: drunkards, vagrants and prostitutes.
Der Untergang der Pamir
Victor Reetz
The story of the German sail-training ship Pamir that sunk in a hurricane.
Letztes Kapitel
Achim Pazurek
Bettgeflüster & Babyglück
A baby is supposed to crown the dreamlike marriage of the divorce attorneys Pia and Uli, but the success of all their efforts – ranging from “sex on a schedule” to artificial insemination – fails to materialize. When Pia learns that Uli has cheated on her during this difficult period, she immediately files for a divorce. But Uli fights stubbornly for the custody of the deep-frozen oocytes which have remained from the artificial insemination.
Sehnsucht nach Liebe
Jochen Hofmann
Italiener und andere Süßigkeiten
Paolo Fabrelli
Augustus - O Primeiro Imperador
Gaius Octavius, the young Augustus
César foi assassinado... Quem o sucederá? Em Tróia, Peter OToole faz o papel de Priamo, o Rei de Tróia, que apesar de ser o maior inimigo do invencível Aquiles (Brad Pitt) é também o único Rei que Aquiles admira! Em Augustus, Peter OToole consegue ser ainda mais carismático do que é em Tróia e prova ser um dos mais completos atores de todos os tempos! Brutus, Marco Antonio, Cléopatra e Augustus fazem parte do contexto de guerras e tramas que rodeiam o poder e são magnificamente espelhados neste surpreendente épico. Augustus, o Primeiro Imperador é uma história envolvente, emocionante e que mostra de forma fascinante como todos os épicos começaram!
Das Wunder von Lengede
Salvatore di Pietro
Georg Spalatin
Após quase ser atingido por um raio, Martim Lutero (Joseph Fiennes) acredita ter recebido um chamado. Ele se junta ao monastério, mas logo fica atormentado com as práticas adotadas pela Igreja Católica na época. Após pregar em uma igreja suas 95 teses, Lutero passa a ser perseguido. Pressionado para que se redima publicamente, Lutero se recusa a negar suas teses e desafia a Igreja Católica a provar que elas estejam erradas e contradigam o que prega a Bíblia. Excomungado, Lutero foge e inicia sua batalha para mostrar que seus ideais estão corretos e que eles permitem o acesso de todas as pessoas a Deus.
Antonia – Tränen im Paradies
Moritz Graf von Ahrendorff
Das Herz ist rot
Dr. Aaron
Nur Anfänger heiraten
Hannes Mack
" Finally find yourself a man!" Nina ignores her grandmother 's request - and unexpectedly falls in love with Hannes , whose wedding she is supposed to organize ...
Zimmer der Angst
Daniel Neymann
Jonathan's Liebe
Antonia - Zwischen Liebe und Macht
Moritz Ahrendorff
Stunningly attractive law student Antonia Scherer and her girlfriend Judy are earning vacation money as Paparazze for a slimy gossip columnist named WALZ. Part of the job involves trying to snap photos of famous people on the Cote d'Azur. The two girls promptly catch a snap of the eldest son of a mega rich banking family, in a suggestive situation. Realizing that she has been spotted by him, Antonia runs off with the film but is then involved in an accident and loses consciousness. She wakes up to find herself on Leonhardt's private yacht.
Die Verwegene - Kämpfe um deinen Traum
O Apocalipse
90 d.C. O Imperador Romano Domitian lançou uma campanha bárbara contra os cristãos. Mantido como refém pelos romanos na ilha de Patmos, o velho apóstolo João luta para salvar a Cristandade da extinção, enviando cartas às comunidades cristãs. Determinada pela vontade de conhecer a última testemunha viva da paixão de Cristo, a jovem cristã Irene consegue ter acesso à cela de João.
Das Tattoo - Tödliche Zeichen
Mary Magdalene
Giovanni il Battista
Employed as a spy and given the task of investigating the threat posed by John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene is overwhelmed by John's powerful message of the coming of the Messiah. Gazing into John's eyes before he dies, Mary is left with the certainty that her place is at the side of this great man, Jesus Christ.
Sedutora mas Perigosa
Maya e Tony são dois malandros sem nenhum escrúpulo. Passando-se por garota de programa, ela leva suas vítimas para um quarto de hotel, o cenário para golpes que rendem algum dinheiro para dupla. Eles não se intimidam com ninguém, até que um dia aparece em suas vidas um fraudador. Imediatamente eles se transformam em vítimas daquele homem que, por meio de chantagem, os coloca como cúmplices num golpe sórdido. Um golpe que não estava em seus planos.
Spuren im Eis - Eine Frau sucht die Wahrheit
Flo Capeder
Der blonde Affe
Andreas Prolsch
Verführt - Fatal Online Affair
Spuk aus der Gruft
Friedrich von Kuhlbanz
Rosenzweig's Freedom
Jacob Rosenzweig
When Michael Rosenzweig, a working-class German Jew, is charged with the murder of a neo-Nazi leader, he and his family find themselves fighting for justice in the face of a brick wall of prejudice.
Babyraub - Kinder fremder Mächte
Rosamunde Pilcher: Stunden der Entscheidung
Nigel Davenport
Nackt im Cabrio