Julián, a divorced man with financial problems, uses a cell phone application to share his car with strangers.
What would you choose: be a little rich now, or wait ten years and be filthy rich? Could you wait this long? Why? And most importantly, could you come to terms with your life partner? The protagonists will have to choose between the possibility of opting for 100,000 euros at the present time or obtaining a million euros after ten years... Adaptation of the work by Jordi Vallejo.
Alberto San Juan
Depois de se internar no centro psiquiátrico onde vive a mulher por quem ele se apaixonou, Adri descobre que sair de lá não vai ser tão fácil assim.
Os vizinhos do andar de cima farão uma proposta inusitada e surpreendente para Julio e Ana, um casal que está junto há mais de quinze anos, e isso transformará a noite em uma experiência excessiva e catártica para os quatro.
Production Assistant
Madrid, Spain, March 2020. As the merciless disease that plagues the world spreads through the increasingly deserted streets of the city, people barricades themselves in their homes and move on with their lives…
After interning her insane husband in a remote psychiatric hospital, book editor Helga Pato returns home by train, where she meets a mysterious man who identifies himself as a psychiatrist.
Executive Producer
Spain, June 2014. King Juan Carlos I abdicates after forty years on the throne. The historical cycle that began in 1978 has ended. It is the beginning of a new era. Felipe VI is the new king and the future is uncertain.
Theatre Play
Spain, June 2014. King Juan Carlos I abdicates after forty years on the throne. The historical cycle that began in 1978 has ended. It is the beginning of a new era. Felipe VI is the new king and the future is uncertain.
Spain, June 2014. King Juan Carlos I abdicates after forty years on the throne. The historical cycle that began in 1978 has ended. It is the beginning of a new era. Felipe VI is the new king and the future is uncertain.
Spain, June 2014. King Juan Carlos I abdicates after forty years on the throne. The historical cycle that began in 1978 has ended. It is the beginning of a new era. Felipe VI is the new king and the future is uncertain.
Various Roles
Spain, June 2014. King Juan Carlos I abdicates after forty years on the throne. The historical cycle that began in 1978 has ended. It is the beginning of a new era. Felipe VI is the new king and the future is uncertain.
A family reunites to discuss the selling of their beloved house, but their secrets threaten to overwhelm them as they come to light.
Multiple love stories unfold in Barcelona during Christmas's Eve.
A rural couple in crisis, who have a brother and sister with urban problems, and all of them trying to find a solution.
Javier Falcón, Chief of the Sevilla Homicide Division, must solve two different cases in a short time. In the first case he is personally involved. An old friend of his infiltrated an Islamic terrorist cell and now the group is trying to recruit his young son for their cause. The same case hits even closer at home. A war is raging between two clans in the Russian Mafia. When an important mobster tries to defect, he gets killed in a car crash. On the scene, the police find an encrypted USB stick with highly explosive information. Then the son of Falcon’s girlfriend Consuelo is kidnapped. They are contacted by both Mafia clans claiming they have the kid and wanting to get their hands on the information. And both say they will kill him if Falcon doesn’t give them the stick
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
Uma comédia centrada em oito homens de 40 anos, todos com crise de identidade.
Oito homens enfrentam a crise da meia-idade e passam a questionar a sua identidade masculina: G. (Ricardo Darín) começa a tomar remédios para suportar o fato de que sua esposa o trai, S. (Javier Camara) tenta retomar com a sua esposa, dois anos após o divórcio, E. (Eduardo Fernandez) perde tudo o que tem e volta a morar na casa de sua mãe, A. (Alberto San Juan) e M. (Jordi Mollà) são dois amigos que começam pela primeira vez a revelar seus segredos íntimos, J. (Eduardo Sbaraglia) conquista tudo o que deseja, mas fica deprimido, P. (Eduardo Noriega) não consegue seduzir a sua própria namorada, e L. (Luis Tosar) sempre confunde o nome de suas namoradas com o nome de seu cachorro.
Three childhood friends meet again many years later, a woman and two men. A triangle. In one corner, sex, in another, love, and in the middle ... the protagonist in a mess. Romantic and sentimental comedy about sex, love and its many complicated combinations.
César é porteiro num prédio. Pode não ser o melhor trabalho do mundo, mas a verdade é que não o trocaria por nenhum outro, já que este lhe permite conhecer a fundo todos os inquilinos dos apartamentos, seus movimentos, seus hábitos. Além de controlar as suas idas e vindas, como um psicopata estudar os pontos fracos e segredos de todos. Se quisesse poderia inclusive controlar as suas vidas e ainda intervir nelas como se fosse Deus, sem ninguém suspeitar. César tem um jogo secreto: gosta de ver o sofrimento alheio, mover as peças necessárias para criar dor em cada à todos ao seu redor. A nova vizinha do 5º B sorri, entra e sai todos os dias radiante, cheia de luz, convertendo-se assim na sua próxima vítima. A sua nova obsessão. O jogo de César começa a ficar imprevisível. Perigoso. Se não tiver cuidado, pode inclusive voltar-se contra ele.
The story of three siblings who try, each in his or her own way, to fight off the curse they have inherited: schizophrenia. Their father's genetic legacy, which they have schlepped around their entire lives, is exacerbated by the strict and moralistic upbringing they received from their mother.
Flor, the sister of José Humberto Baena, continues the tireless struggle that her parents took until the end of their days: vindicate the innocence and memory of her brother. Baena was a member of the FRAP and was shot on September 27, 1975 after a summary war council. He was accused of the attack that killed policeman Lucio Rodríguez. In the process, no material evidence was presented nor was there any witness. Xosé Humberto always maintained before his family that he was innocent.
A young married couple, not knowing how to deal with their new adopted son's behavior, decides to give him back.
Tricked by a former college rival (Guillermo Toledo), two juvenile brothers (Santiago Segura, Javier Gutiérrez) travel to a concert that's not taking place.
Selfish, opportunistic Benito returns to his home in Navarre when he learns that his father is dying. There, he reconnects with his younger brother Lalo, a metal sculptor who is emotionally needy. Benito also develops a surprising bond with Ainara, the young daughter of his brother's girlfriend, Nines.
Comedy set in 1977, in which a renowned playwright (Alberto San Juan) tries to shoot a social protest drama starring a doldrums folk, former child star (Natalie Poza) and produced by a producer and shameless liar (Miguel Rellán). Inexperience, ambition, lack of means and the love-hate relationship with the star director shooting become a craze.
Comedy set in 1977, in which a renowned playwright (Alberto San Juan) tries to shoot a social protest drama starring a doldrums folk, former child star (Natalie Poza) and produced by a producer and shameless liar (Miguel Rellán). Inexperience, ambition, lack of means and the love-hate relationship with the star director shooting become a craze.
Casual Day is a company practice imported from the USA. Every Friday the workers are asked to exchange their suits for more informal attire. Ruy has always lived as he liked. Though clever, he's gotten himself into a jam. José Antonio, his girlfriend's father, has earmarked an important job for him in his company. He wants him to be his successor. At the age of 25, without actually having decided anything, he's trapped. He'd like to say no to the job, to José Antonio, to Inés, his girlfriend, and to the Casual Day stuff. But it's not easy to say no. What started out as a simple event, a weekend in the country, ends up deciding the rest of his life.
Three years have passed and the boys seem to have matured. Javier is going to marry Marta and Pedro is very much in love with his new girlfriend Raquel. Rafa has also found happiness with Pilar, who loves him too and treats him in a very particular way. It can seem that everything is perfect in their lives. But what do the girls think? Marta and Raquel have different plans that will put their relationship with their boyfriends in danger. Even Pilar has got a lover and is being unfaithful to Rafa. But that's not all: a new woman, Carlota, appears in Javier and Pedro's lives
Juan José Garfia
September 1987. In a shootout with police, Juan Jose Garfia makes a triple murder. Sentenced to more than one hundred years, is a rebel prisoner, clever and elusive that it has nothing to lose and nobody to worry about. In 1991, manages to escape from a police van jumping up. Stopped after two months of robberies and shootings, Garfia leads several prison riots, against which the authorities takes as a measure subjecting prisoners to a more contentious special isolation regime. Garfia, the prisoner with the highest IQ, avoiding drugs, which seems immune to punishment, and lives two years without seeing anyone, held in a tiny cell and subjected to continuous harassment. There he meets Marimar, a nurse I can barely speak, but between both of a current of mutual understanding.
Do all men want the same thing? Nestor, recently widowed, runs a bakery near Barcelona, has a bank account and a bad heart, and swims in the sea every day. He also has a daughter and a two-timing son-in-law. Nestor's maid asks him to hire her 20-something daughter, Maribel, as a shop assistant.
A comedic romp that celebrates the power of friendship to turn your life around, Dias de Futbol introduces us to Antonio, an ex-convict and amateur shrink who convinces his pals that the best way to overcome their midlife crises and lack of success with women is to reassemble their old soccer team and win something in life, even if only a local championship. Directed by David Serrano. Starring Alberto San Juan, Natalia Verbeke (Dot the I, Son of the Bride), Pere Ponce, and Fernando Tejero.
The night of San Juan, Miguel murders his associate. Two elderly people are witness to the crime and predict that all of his dreams will come true thereafter. He will know the price he has to pay when he sees a black cat with a moon shaped mark on its forehead. Twenty-two years later a messenger begins to see all his dreams come true...
Two men, each with serious problems with your partner, match in a Chinese restaurant. They agree on a plan, one to avenge her lover, the other to recover some diamonds that are held by his ex-wife. The complicity of the two men is shattering, and the result of the plan is far from which traced.
A Spanish theatre company is rehearsing Shakespeare in the original style using young men to play the women's roles. Complicating their endeavors is the previously straight director's infatuation the new young man whose charming everyone except the slightly older young man who he's replacing. When the young man on the way out decides to settle the score with the young man on the way up, he draws on what he's learned in the theatre. Enter Iago.
Sonia (Paz Vega) e Javier (Ernesto Alterio) formam um casal que já está junto há um bom tempo. Eles são muito amigos de Paula (Natalia Verbeke) e Pedro (Guillermo Toledo), que estão enfrentando problemas no relacionamento. Paula largou Pedro, que tem certeza que ela o trocou por outro homem. O que Pedro não sabe é que o novo par dela é justamente Javier, que tenta equilibrar o namoro com Sonia com a paixão que sente por Paula.
Histórias de encontros ao acaso ocorridos entre 14 pessoas no “Quilômetro Zero”, o centro de Madri. O Quilômetro Zero, na Porta do Sol de Madri, é um lugar muito utilizado para se encontrar pessoas. Numa calorosa tarde do verão, pessoas das mais diferentes idades e condições sociais partem para o local a fim de se encontrarem com quem tinham marcado. Uma série de equívocos e encontros fortuitos podem transformar a vida de cada um dos que esperam.
Marga is having a streak of bad luck. Through her friendship with Rosa, she tries to regain her self-confidence, but love interests again create conflict. It is while developing a relationship with a handsome gay sculptor ten years her junior: Iñaqui, that she starts to improve. However, Marga and Iñaqui go beyond friendship, but are frustrated by their limitations. Ultimately, the two may have to settle for an "impossible" love relationship, as their unique best road to happiness
Luis Casanova
Somebody has decided to celebrate New Year's Eve 2011 in a very twisted way - by dressing as a nun and brutally dismembering a little old lady. Lt. Arribas, a bald, toothless, one-eyed and lonely detective is called in on the case. His investigations lead him to the door of renegade Doctor Werner, who tells him the strange story of "The Beautiful Otero" the most beautiful woman in the world (former Spanish model Galera) who, before Werner s miraculous surgery, was the ugliest woman in the world! But Lt. Arribas now has a new problem - he is falling in love at a distance with his principle suspect who, because of her traumatic childhood, is planning her vengeance - to sabotage the Miss Spain Beauty Pageant, leaving behind her a trail of dead beauty queens. A super-slick science fiction thriller with a dark and bizarre finale.
Javier (Javier Bardem), um jovem escritor de sucesso e Miranda (Victoria Abril), que trabalha num programa noturno de rádio, encontram-se numa sessão de terapia em grupo para viciados em sexo. Atraídos cada vez mais um pelo outro, eles tentam cumprir as regras da terapia e manter um relacionamento baseado na castidade e no controle, mas não resistem. E descobrem o corpo de um homem no porta-malas de um velho carro que serviu de local para o primeiro encontro do casal. O policial encarregado de investigar o caso é justamente o marido de Miranda e Javier está entre os suspeitos. Um jogo de paixão e interesse está apenas começando e os desejos mais obscuros serão desvendados de uma maneira surpreendente.
Eva, Alba y Juan are the protagonist of the story. Eva gives birth to Marina, Alba has just been left by her boyfriend. And Juan is happily married. Their paths intersect one night and their lifes will change forever.
Mommy's boy Juantxo is engaged. Dragged to the party by his friends Konradin and Paco, he loses his expensive wedding ring inside the body of a prostitute. Mafioso whorehouse owner Villambrosa finds the ring. Meanwhile Villambrosa's rival gangster Souza sends femme fatale Fatima to check things out. Juantxo and his friends are trying to get the ring back and in the process get involved in the war between gangs.
Furriel 7ª Cía.
International Award Winning Actor Jorge Sanz, star of the Academy Award© winning picture, "Belle Epoque", stars in this action packed film in which a corporal of the guard is teamed with a young prisoner to solve the strange killings that have occurred in the walled city of Zafarinas. The young team finds themselves plunged into a world of drugs, deceit and passion where they find that all is not what it seems.