Thierry Marcos


Anonymous Animals
The balance of power between man and animal is reversed. In a remote countryside, any encounter with the dominant can become hostile. At the crossroads of fantastic and suspense kind, Anonymous Animals questions the place of animals in our societies.
And the Winner Is
A boxer, alone in a boxing ring, is engaged in an imaginary fight. Carried by a friendly public that only he can hear, an unexpected opponent is going to come and interrupt his demonstration and cause his convictions to vacillate.
Madame Bovary
Serviteur Au Mariage (uncredited)
Na França do século XIX, a romântica filha de um escudeiro se casa com um médico aborrecido. Para escapar do tédio, ela se envolve em casos amorosos com um proprietário de terras local e um estudante de direito, e contrai ruinosas dívidas. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)