William Rossman


Sintonia de Amor
Driver (uncredited)
Depois da morte de sua esposa, Sam muda-se para Seattle com seu filho Jonah. Em um programa de rádio, enquanto Sam fala sobre seus sentimentos, a repórter Annie o ouve e se apaixona por sua voz. Mesmo estando noiva, Annie decide convidá-lo para sair.
Child in the Night
A child psychologist, Hollis who's marriage collapsed after she learned she was barren, bonds with Luke Winfield, who witnessed his father's murder at the hands of rain-slicker wearing killer with a cargo hook. Along the way she befriends Detective Bass as he investigates a series of homicides, each with the same M.O. As Hollis gets closer to Luke she discovers some trouble family secrets ensuring she is next to be slain.
Armadilhas do Amor
Bum (uncredited)
Vampish miss Dolan hires hardboiled P.I. Harry Dobbs to tail her shady boyfriend. Harry realizes that the man leads a double life but then his client disappears. Harry teams up with his own tail, P.I. Stella Wynkowski, to clear things up.
Os Intocáveis
Gangster (uncredited)
Na Chicago dos anos 1930, o jovem agente federal Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner) tenta acabar com o reinado de terror e corrupção instaurado pelo gângster Al Capone (Robert De Niro). Para isso, ele recruta um pequeno time de corajosos e incorruptíveis homens e conta com a ajuda do experiente policial Jim Malone (Sean Connery).