Carl Conway Maguire


A History of Sitting in Waiting Rooms (or Whatever Longer Title You Prefer)
"A History of Sitting in Waiting Rooms (or whatever longer title you prefer)" is the coming of age story you never knew you wanted. Meet Lorenita: a rambunctious six-year-old with six cavities. One for each of the letters in her name, no one can pronounce. Lorenita is a butch Latina fighting to find herself in the cacophony of Queens, NY in the 90s. With the help of her imaginary best friend, Boo, a civil war ghost, Lorenita will poorly navigate the drawn-out pains of puberty.
Bebê De Outubro
Lance (uncredited)
Alguns falam que o mal do século é a depressão, mas o que tem gerado esse sentimento de solidão e de enorme falta de amor ao próximo? Em busca de seus próprios interesses, é visível que o amor de muitos tem esfriado.