Alan Bates

Alan Bates

Nascimento : 1934-02-17, Allestree, Derbyshire, England

Morte : 2003-12-27


Sir Alan Arthur Bates CBE (17 February 1934 – 27 December 2003) was an English actor, who came to prominence in the 1960s, a time of high creativity in British cinema, when he demonstrated his versatility in films ranging from the popular children’s story Whistle Down the Wind to the "kitchen sink" drama A Kind of Loving. He is also known for his tour-de-force with Anthony Quinn, Zorba the Greek, as well as his roles in King of Hearts, Georgy Girl, Far From the Madding Crowd, and The Fixer, which gave him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. In 1969, he starred in the Ken Russell film Women in Love with Oliver Reed and Glenda Jackson. Bates went on to star in The Go-Between, An Unmarried Woman, Nijinsky, and The Rose with Bette Midler, as well as playing varied roles in television drama, including The Mayor of Casterbridge, Harold Pinter's The Collection, A Voyage Round My Father, An Englishman Abroad (as Guy Burgess), and Pack of Lies. He also continued to appear on the stage, notably in the plays of Simon Gray, such as Butley and Otherwise Engaged.


Alan Bates


Chá Com as Damas
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
BBC Arena's documentary on the Dames of British Theatre and film featuring Maggie Smith, Elieen Atkins, Judi Dench and Joan Plowright on screen together for the first time as they reminisce over a long summer weekend in a house Joan once shared with Sir Laurence Olivier.
Shuttlecock: Sins of a Father
Major James Prentis (archival footage)
At the memorial for his father, WWII hero Major James Prentis (Alan Bates), John (Lambert Wilson) confesses a dark family secret to his own son Martin (David Oakes), something that he has harbored for over twenty years. A suspense drama, it explores the complex nature of heroism, betrayal, and father-son relationships. This is a reworking of the director's original 1993 film entitled simply, Shuttlecock.
Discovering Hamlet
Claudius (archive footage)
Journey into "Hamlet"-the play and the man-through the experiences of some of the major actors and directors who have brought Shakespeare's great tragedy to life. Christopher Plummer, David Tennant, John Nettles, John Simm, Sir Trevor Nunn, Franco Zeffirelli, Philip Saville, and others explore the enduring appeal of the Prince of Denmark more than 400 years after his stage debut.
Antonius Agrippa
Em uma Roma repleta de intrigas políticas, guerras civis entre aristocratas e provincianos, e lutas de arena, a expansão do Império é vital. Para isso, vilas são destruídas e mulheres e crianças e homens aprisionados e transformados em escravos. Mas para Spartacus, que aprendeu a lutar guerreando contra os romanos, escapar da escravidão e libertar seu povo vale muito mais que a honra de morrer como um gladiador.
Hollywood North
Michael Baytes
The making of a serious, Canadian art house film descends into Hollywood farce when its producer is forced to compromise his vision to accommodate his drug-addled star, his leading lady and his venal backers.
A Confissão
Armand Bertier
Pierre Brossard, um policial colaborador dos nazistas, prende e fuzila sete judeus franceses numa pequena cidade do interior da França, em junho de 1944, durante a II Guerra Mundial. Após a guerra e a libertação do país, condenado à morte in absentia e escondido durante décadas, por um teia de proteção da Igreja e de altos integrantes do escalão governamental ex-colaboracionistas como ele, ele começa a sofrer tentativas de assassinato, em princípio imputados a grupos judeus de caçadores de nazistas. A juíza Levy e o coronel Roux da inteligência do exército francês, tentam encontrá-lo antes que seja assassinado, pois acreditam que na verdade os atentados são praticados a mando de integrantes do alto escalão do governo, de passado comprometedor durante a guerrra, que pretendem silenciá-lo.
Two childhood friends - Darren and Gary - re-unite for the funeral of an old acquaintance. Gary boasts of the life he's made in London during the four years he's been away. Darren is still living in the same town they're from. It doesn't take long before the timid and easily-lead Darren, drawn in by his charismatic friend, finds himself in trouble as the pair check out old haunts, mates and ex-girlfriends.
As Bruxas de Salem
Sir William Phips
1691, Salem. Algumas garotas iniciaram um período de terror enorme quando disseram que padeciam de sofrimentos demoníacos. A comunidade assustada acreditou na explicação das meninas, que diziam que foram "possuídas" por bruxas que viviam dentro na comunidade puritana. O reverendo Samuel Parris (Henry Czerny) e outros líderes comunitários começam uma inumana caça às bruxas. Logo ninguém estava livre de suspeitas, mas só mulheres do povoado foram acusadas. Ann Putnam (Kirstie Alley), seguiu os passos da sua filha, Annie (Katie Boland), que aparentemente foi tomada por visões estranhas e publicamente acusou de bruxaria uns vizinhos. Rebecca Nurse (Shirley MacLaine), uma religiosa fervorosa e uma amável anciã da comunidade, é um das mulheres que foi vítima das acusações de Ann. Entretanto Rebecca não foi a primeira nem seria a última deste tribunal, que agora também condenava homens para serem enforcados, pelo simples fato de terem se oposto aos métodos usados para apurar a 'verdade'.
Evelyn: Uma História Verdadeira
Thomas Connolly
Desmond Doyle is devastated when his wife abandons their family on the day after Christmas. His unemployment, and the fact that there is no woman in the house to care for the children—Evelyn, Dermot and Maurice—make it clear to the authorities this is an untenable situation. The Catholic Church and the Irish courts decide to put the Doyle children into Church-run orphanages.
Bertie and Elizabeth
King George V
The duke of York, nicknamed Bertie, was born as royal 'spare heir', younger brother to the prince of Wales, and thus expected to spend a relatively private life with his Scottish wife Elisabeth Bowes-Lyon and their daughters, in the shadow of their reigning father, George V, and next that of his elder brother who succeeded to the British throne as Edward VIII. However Edward decides to put his love for a divorced American, Wallis Simpson, above dynastic duty, and ends up abdicating the throne, which now falls to Bertie, who reigns as George VI.
The Making of 'Gosford Park'
A documentary giving film fans a behind-the-scenes look at the making this Robert Altman film about a murder at an English country estate. Includes interviews with the cast and crew, who relate some of their experiences with making the film, as well as giving their views on all the work that went into it.
A Soma de Todos os Medos
A Guerra Fria americana é revivida, depois que o presidente da Rússia morre e é sucedido por um homem de passado obscuro. Mas as tensões Ocidente-Oriente vêm à tona, quando a CIA suspeita que cientistas russos renegados estão desenvolvendo mais armas nucleares. Acionado pelo diretor William Cabot, Jack Ryan percorre uma trilha perigosa até uma chocante conclusão: terroristas planejam provocar a guerra, detonando uma bomba nuclear durante um jogo do campeonato de futebol.
A Última Profecia
Alexander Leek
Pessoas sem qualquer ligação começam a ter visões que preveem acontecimentos catastróficos. De alguma forma, essas visões podem estar conectadas à morte da mulher de um jornalista, e fazer parte de um evento maior e destruidor.
Assassinato em Gosford Park
Na década de 1930, Sir William McCordle e família recebem ricos e famosos para um relaxante fim de semana em uma suntuosa casa de campo. Mas um assassinato ocorre na propriedade, e todos os convidados e serventes viram suspeitos do crime.
Arabian Nights (When Night Falls, The Adventure Begins)
Story Teller 2
Steve Barron, Peter Barnes, Andy Serkis, Ayesha Dharker, Vanessa Mae, Peter Guinness, Robert Halmi Sr., Jim Carter, Dyson Lovell, John Leguizamo, Pik Sen Lim, Nigel Wooll, Rufus Sewell, Amira Casar, Howard Ellis, Dougray Scott, Hugh Quarshie, Alexis Conran, Robert Halmi Jr.
Anthony Quinn: The Final Words
In a historical interview only a few months before his death, the harger-than-life star of Zorba the Greek seaks frankly about his memorable role, his tumultuous marriages and 13 children, and his insatiable passion for art. Arnold Schwarnegger, Alan Bates, Francesco Quinn, Alex Quinn, Lorenzo Quinn amongst others offer exclusive personal anecdotes on the man behind the legend.
St. Patrick: The Irish Legend
A young Christian boy attends a druid worship that is attacked by invading Irish tribes. Taken captive, he is taken back to Ireland to become a slave. Enduring many hardships, he finds comfort and eventually salvation in his faith. After several years, he escapes back to England, where he joins a convent to prove his faith. His greatest desire is to return to Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity. Years later, he is given the opportunity. Upon setting foot on the Irish soil, all snakes are aitomatically driven from the land. He then overcomes many obstacles, including disagreements with the British Cardinal (Malcolm McDowell), to fulfill his destiny and ultimately being given Sainthood.
The Prince and the Pauper
Re Enrico VIII
An adaptation of the classic, "The Prince and the Pauper" is the retelling of Edward Tudor and young Thomas Canty, two amazing look-alikes caught up in imperial intrigue and scandal. In fleeing from his violent father, Tom stumbles into the palace courtyard, and is seen by young Prince Edward, who takes him in. Each desiring to see what the other's life is like, the boys impulsively switch identities... little knowing what disaster lies ahead at this fault of thought. And soon Thomas becomes a pawn in the hands of Edward's malicious and greedy uncle, who would have the kingdom for himself.
The Cherry Orchard
Madame Ranevskaya (Rampling) is a spoiled aging aristocratic lady, who returns from a trip to Paris to face the loss of her magnificent Cherry Orchard estate after a default on the mortgage. In denial, she continues living in the past, deluding herself and her family, while the beautiful cherry trees are being axed down by the re-possessor Lopakhin (Teale), her former serf, who has his own agenda.
Nicholas’ Gift
Reg Green
Fact based drama about an American couple on vacation in Italy in 1994 with their two children who are attacked and shot by highway bandits. Shortly they discover that their son is brain dead. The parents are then faced with the hard decision to donate the boy's organs which ultimately led to saving the lives of seven seriously ill Italian patients.
The Grotesque
Sir Hugo Coal
Sir Hugo is more interested in reconstructing dinosaur bones than in paying attention to his wife, Lady Harriet. He's not thrilled when daughter Cleo brings home her betrothed, Sidney, who aspires to be a poet. The new butler, Fledge, provides Lady Harriet with the attention she's been missing and then seduces Sidney. Did he have a role in Sidney's disappearance as well?
Hard Times
Josiah Bounderby
Charles Dickens' bleak, passionate novel about the challenges of life in 19th-century London comes to life with an outstanding cast and brilliant cinematography.
Major James Prentis VC
Major James Prentis VC is a British spy of World War II and war hero who goes under the code name of "Shuttlecock". Alienated from his family and children, he ends up in a mental institution in Lisbon, Portugal.
Silent Tongue
Eamon McCree
Mad with grief after the death of his Kiowa wife, Roe awaits death under a tree with her body beside him. She begins to haunt him because he won't bury her. His father, who bought him the wife, thinks her sister might reason with Roe.
Losing Track
Henry Sitchell
In 1950, a man returns home to the UK from India after the death of his wife to build bridges with his son, but instead ends up building an elaborate model railway.
Unnatural Pursuits
Hamish Partt
An English playwright sacrifices his health waiting for his play's make-or-break opening on Broadway.
Secret Friends
During a train ride, an anxiety attack leads middle-aged illustrator John into an identity crisis. As his marital problems merge and blur into his fantasy life with prostitutes and call girls, a long-dormant secret friend of his childhood surfaces in his delusions.
Hamlet (Mel Gibson), Príncipe da Dinamarca, retorna ao seu país-natal quando seu pai, o rei, morre. Ao chegar, já encontra sua mãe (Glenn Close) casada com seu tio (Alan Bates), que se tornara rei. Mas logo o fantasma do pai de Hamlet surge e conta ao filho que seu tio e sua mãe o tinham assassinado. Hamlet passa então a ser atormentado pela decisão de vingar a morte do pai ou ter uma atitude passiva em relação ao fato.
102 Boulevard Haussmann
Marcel Proust
In 1916 author Marcel Proust is leading a reclusive life in Paris. He hires a quartet of musicians and befriends one of them, a wounded serviceman.
Dr. M
Dr, Marsfeldt / Guru
In the not-too-distant future Berlin is shocked by a series of spectacular suicides; a policeman's investigations lead him to a beautiful, enigmatic woman and the revelation of a sinister plot to manipulate the population through mass hypnosis.
Mister Frost
Felix Detweiler
Frost is arrested and committed for murder after he is apprehended burying his victims in the garden. However, even while under psychiatric care and tight hospital security, it becomes obvious that Mr. Frost is not all he seems to be.
Força Maior
Malcolm Forrest
Philippe e Daniel vão de férias para o sudeste da Ásia, onde se encontram com Hans, um morador da região que atua como guia. Antes de partirem de volta para Paris, os dois dão a Hans de presente o haxixe nativo que sobrou. Um ano e meio depois, um advogado da Anistia Internacional aparece e informa que Hans foi preso por posse de drogas logo após a partida deles e agora foi condenado à morte. Philippe e Daniel têm a chance de ajudar Hans confessando suas ações às autoridades, compartilhando a culpa pelo crime e aceitando os termos da prisão. Pressão adicional é aplicada pela ex-namorada de Hans, com o argumento de que a vida em jogo é a vida de Hans. Phillipe e Daniel afirmam que suas vidas estão em jogo também.
The Dog It Was That Died
Rupert Purvis jumps off a bridge onto a dog, causing problems for Blair, his superior at MI5. Blair must convince Hogbin, the agent who's been tailing Purvis, of which side Purvis is really on--once he finds out what it is.
We Think the World of You
Frank Meadows
An aimless young man, Johnny, is sent prison. He entrusts his beloved dog, Evie, to the care of his former lover and best friend, Frank. When he gets out of prison, he has to face difficulties at home. Added to this, is the fact that he may have to give up Evie to Frank.
Prece Para Um Condenado
Jack Meehan
Terrorista irlandês decide abandonar a organização e foge para a Inglaterra. Perseguido por seus antigos companheiros, pela polícia e pela máfia, precisa escolher um aliado. Toma então uma decisão irreversível. Baseado no romance de Jack Higgins.
Pacote de Mentiras
A couple learns that their friendly neighbours might be Russian spies.
Sede de Amar
David Cornwallis
When Stephanie, a famous violinist, contracts multiple sclerosis her life begins to fall apart. Her career ends, her husband leaves her for another woman and her favorite pupil leave the country. Unable to bear all this loss, Stephanie attempts suicide.
One for the Road
Powerful statement about the abuse of human rights by totalitarian governments, finds an unctuous and "civilized" interrogator humiliating the doomed members of a family who have become enemies of the state.
Dr. Fischer of Geneva
Dr. Alfred Jones
Dr. Fischer has an unusual hobby — to expose human greed. How much humiliation will his fellow man endure enticed by valuable presents? Dignity for money! Death for money?
A Voyage Round My Father
John Mortimer
A successful lawyer struck with blindness in middle age continues his battles in the courtroom with the assistance of his family. As his son deals with bitter memories of their relationship, he also seeks his father's respect and love and in the process learns to love in return.
An Englishman Abroad
Guy Burgess
Actress Coral Browne travels to Moscow, and meets a mysterious Englishman. Turns out he's the notorious spy, Guy Burgess. Based on a true story, with Ms. Browne playing herself.
A Perversa
Captain Jerry Jackson
Na Inglaterra da Era Vitoriana, a jovem Caroline se prepara para casar com Sir Ralph e convida sua irmã Barbara para a cerimônia. Mas Barbara rouba o noivo, casa-se com ele e se estabelece em sua rica casa de campo. Com o passar do tempo, cansada da aristocracia rural, Barbara passa a se divertir saqueando, mascarada, as carruagens da estrada com a ajuda de um trapaceiro. Até que o jogo perverso começa a ficar perigoso demais.
O Retorno do Soldado
Captain Chris Baldry
The horrors of World War I have robbed returning veteran Chris Baldry of his memory. The traumatized soldier doesn't even recognize his own wife, Kitty, or remember their years together. While Baldry attempts to cope with the unfamiliar surroundings of his own home, he seeks out the company of an old flame from his childhood, Margaret Grey. His amnesia also makes him a ready target for the affections of his older cousin, Jenny.
Separate Tables
John Malcolm / Maj. Pollock
Two one-act plays explore love and loneliness. In "Table by the Window" an aging fashion model contrives a reunion with her ex-husband, a politician ruined by scandal, and their passion is rekindled. In "Table Number Seven" a meek woman harbors a secret love for a man accused of fraud and sex offenses, forcing her to take a stand for the first time in her life.
Hospital dos Malucos
Britannia Hospital, an esteemed English institution, is marking its gala anniversary with a visit by the Queen Mother herself. But when investigative reporter Mick Travis arrives to cover the celebration, he finds the hospital under siege by striking workers, ruthless unions, violent demonstrators, racist aristocrats, an African cannibal dictator, and sinister human experiments.
H.J. Heidler
When her husband's arrest leaves her penniless, a woman accepts an invitation to move in with a strange couple.
Hands Up!
The reunion of a group of former medical students results in a flood of bitter memories.
The Trespasser
Adapted from the D. H. Lawrence novel this tells the romantic story of Siegmund and Helena. Siegmund, an orchestral violinist who is married with three children, has tutored Helena for several years and they've fallen in love but he will not leave his wife or consummate their passion physically. Helena arranges for them to go on an idyllic holiday to the Isle of Wight, hoping that will convince Siegmund to break away from his marriage and they can be together.
Very Like a Whale
Sir Jock Mellor
Theme of a powerful and respected man tearing his life to bits.
Nijinsky - Uma História Real
Sergei Diaghilev
The film suggests Nijinsky was driven into madness by both his consuming ambition and self-enforced heterosexuality, the latter prompted by his romantic involvement with Romola de Pulszky, a society girl who joins impresario Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes specifically to seduce Nijinsky. After a series of misunderstandings with Diaghilev, who is both his domineering mentor and possessive lover, Nijinsky succumbs to Romola's charms and marries her, after which his gradual decline from artistic moodiness to complete lunacy begins.
A Rosa
Rudge Campbell
Bette Midler interpreta Rose, uma estrela do rock autodestrutiva muito semelhante à Janis Joplin. O filme segue a carreira de Rose durante sua última turnê, e como ela está determinada a voltar para sua cidade natal na Florida. Embora um sucesso, ela está exausta e solitária, mas continuou trabalhando por seu empresário rude e ganancioso. Entre graves e agudos Rose é uma usuária de drogas e ex-alcoólatra insegura que parece implorar pela aprovação em sua vida. Ela começa um romance com um motorista de limusine, que na verdade é um sargento desertor do exército. Seu estilo de vida de drogas a qualquer hora, sexo e rock and roll e constantes turnês a levam a um colapso inevitável. A trágica vida de uma estrela do rock autodestrutiva que se esforça para lidar com as pressões constantes de sua carreira e as demandas de seu gerente de negócios impiedoso.
The Shout
Charles Crossley
A traveller by the name of Crossley forces himself upon a musician and his wife in a lonely part of Devon, and uses the aboriginal magic he has learned to displace his host.
Uma Mulher Descasada
Saul Kaplan
Mulher de classe média alta de Nova Iorque precisa se adaptar a sua nova realidade após o fim do seu casamento de mais de 16 anos.
The Collection
Set in the rarefied world of West End boutique owners and fashion designers, The Collection takes as its departure point the moment when four elegant lives are suddenly shaken by the suggestion of infidelity. The sinister anonymous phone call that disturbs Harry Kane at four o'clock in the morning becomes increasingly hard to establish...
Two Sundays
An author writes to his old schoolmate, telling him he is going to reveal a secret they have shared since the 1950s.
Plaintiffs and Defendants
A barrister's complex life unravels as he juggles a court case and highly-strung mistress.
O Heróico Covarde
Rudi Von Sternberg
Cowardly rogue Harry Flashman's (Malcolm McDowell) schemes to gain entry to the royal circles of 19th-century Europe go nowhere until he meets a pair of devious nobles with their own agenda. At their urging, Flashman agrees to re-create himself as a bogus Prussian nobleman to woo a beautiful duchess. But the half-baked plan quickly comes unraveled, and he's soon on the run from several new enemies who are all calling for the rapscallion's head.
In Celebration
Andrew Shaw
In a Yorkshire mining town, three educated brothers return to their blue-collar home to celebrate the 40th wedding anniversary of their parents, but dark secrets come to the fore.
A História de José e Jacó
Narrator (voice)
A clássica história de inveja e egoísmo que assola a vida de dois irmãos. Collen Dewhurst estrela como Rebekah, mãe dos dois irmãos: Esau e Jacó (Keith Michell) . Esau, por ser o filho mais velho herdaria todas as riquezas da família, mas sua mãe tem um plano astuto para tirar-lhe o direito à herança, e passá-la a seu filho predileto, Jacó. As lágrimas de decepção dividiram a família por 20 anos, mas junto com a reconciliação de Esau e Jacó, chega também uma nova geração tomada de inveja. José, um dos filhos de Jacó, era invejado por seus irmãos que decidem vendê-lo como um escravo para uma caravana que passava. José (Tony Lo Bianco) é acorrentado e levado para o Egito onde surpreendentemente torna-se o conselheiro chefe do Faraó. Porém José não consegue esquecer sua família e seu perdão se tornará uma lição de moral que viverá para sempre.
Ben Butley
Butley is set in Queen Mary’s College, London and focuses on two English instructors, Ben Butley, a middle-aged former T. S. Eliot expert whose life is now in a shambles, and his protégé, Joey, a homosexual. With both Joey and his wife leaving, Butley faces a life alone, fighting back with wit, obscenity and booze.
História de uma História de Amor
Harry is a married writer who has an affair with a woman whose husband knows that she is unfaithful. As a result of his work, Harry has trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality leaving us to wonder whether the affair is real or just a figment of Harry's imagination.
Second Best
A short film based on a story by D.H. Lawrence in which two sisters meet after being apart for a long time.
Second Best
A short film based on a story by D.H. Lawrence in which two sisters meet after being apart for a long time.
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg
A couple uses extremely black comedy to survive taking care of a daughter who is nearly completely brain dead. They take turns doing the daughter's voice and stare into the eyes of death and emotional trauma with a humour that hides their pain.
O Mensageiro
Ted Burgess
Leo Colston relembra um fato ocorrido quando ele era garoto, quando serviu de intermediário entre Marian, uma mulher aristocrática, e Ted Burgess, um rude fazendeiro, entregando-lhes cartas de amor. Vencedor da Palma de Ouro em 1971 no “Festival de Cannes” e baseado em romance homônimo de L.P. Hartley.
As Três Irmãs
Col. Vershinin
Nearly a thousand miles away from their beloved Moscow, Chekhov's Three Sisters live in virtual exile. Olga , a schoolmistress, attempts to support her siblings and the home that is the sole legacy of their late father.
Mulheres Apaixonadas
Rupert Birkin
Growing up in the sheltered confines of a 1920's English coal-mining community, free-spirited sisters Gudrun and Ursula explore erotic love with a wealthy playboy and a philosophical educator, with cataclysmic results for all four.
O Homem de Kiev
Yakov Bok
Set in tsarist Russia around the turn of the century and based on a true story of a Russian Jewish peasant Yakov Bog who was wrongly imprisoned for a most unlikely crime - the “ritual murder” of a Gentile child in Kiev. We witness the unrelenting detail of the peasant handyman's life in prison and see him gain in dignity as the efforts to humiliate him and make him confess fail.
Longe Deste Insensato Mundo
Gabriel Oak
A herdeira de uma fazenda contrata seu rejeitado pretendente como pastor de ovelhas. Depois comete o erro de apaixonar-se e casar com um oficial da cavalaria.
Esse Mundo é dos Loucos
Charles Plumpick
Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, Charles é enviado à uma cidade da França para desativar uma bomba colocada lá pelos alemães. No entanto Charles é perseguido por alguns alemães e vai parar em um hospício onde os presos se convencem de que ele é o “Rei de Copas”. Sentindo-se na obrigação de ajudar os loucos, ele decide levá-los para fora da cidade.
Georgy Girl
Jos Jones
A homely but vivacious young woman dodges the amorous attentions of her father's middle-aged employer while attempting to please her glamorously stuck-up roommate Meredith.
Once Upon a Tractor
Joe Turrel
Short film directed by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson.
Zorba, O Grego
Um escritor inglês vai a Creta para trabalhar em uma mina que herdou do pai, um grego de nascença. Logo ele conhece Alexis Zorba (Anthony Quinn), um determinado camponês grego que também quer trabalhar na mina. Os dois acabam indo se hospedar em um pequeno hotel administrado por uma velha prostituta francesa.
Nothing But the Best
Jimmy Brewster
Success has James Brewster's name written all over it, and he also has his heart set on his boss's daughter. A con artist hires him to help out on a bank scheme, but then again, James will do anything to get rich and be the most successful businessman in Britain-even if it means murder!!!
The Caretaker
Enquanto reformava sua casa em Londres, Aston, por pena, aloja um sem-teto, mas o irmão de Aston insulta e assedia o velho rabugento. Aston (Robert Shaw), um homem quieto e reservado, mora sozinho em um quarto desordenado no último andar de uma pequena casa abandonada em um bairro pobre de Londres. Ele faz amizade com Mac Davies (Donald Pleasence), um velho sem-teto que foi demitido de um emprego em um café. Com o tempo, Aston lhe oferece um emprego como zelador da casa. O irmão de Aston, Mick (Sir Alan Bates), um sádico provocador, assedia o sem-teto quando seu irmão está fora, contradizendo suas ordens. Então, Aston, irritado pelo velho rabugento, o expõe. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
A Sombra de uma Fraude
When pilot Rex Black destroys his plane in a crash the day after his insurance policy expires, the insurance company refuses to give him any money. To strike back at the agency, Rex fakes his death, changes his identity, and escapes to Spain, with 50,000 pounds in life insurance money. His wife joins him in Spain, but when an insurance investigator arrives unexpectedly, Rex's paranoia causes him to flee again.
Ainda Resta uma Esperança
Victor Arthur 'Vic' Brown
O desenhista Victor e a datilógrafa Ingrid se conhecem no trabalho. Atraídos um pelo outro, eles começam um caso que leva a uma gravidez indesejada. Apesar do amor não correspondido, eles logo se casam e aprendem a formar um relacionamento.
Também o Vento Tem Segredos
The Man, Arthur Alan Blakey
When an injured wife-murderer takes refuge on a remote Lancashire farm, the farmer’s three children mistakenly believe him to be the Second Coming of Christ.
O Anfitrião
Frank Rice
Archie Rice, an old-time British vaudeville performer sinking into final defeat, schemes to stay in show business.