Jean-Noël Félix


Souvenirs and Evocations
A short program in which the participants describe how they fell in love with cinema.
Agnès Tells a Sad and Happy Story
Director Agnès Varda gathers some of her collaborators from JACQUOT DE NANTES to discuss their experiences making the film, as well as show Varda wove her grief over the loss of her husband, Jacques Demy, into other projects.
O Leão Volátil
Unit Production Manager
Uma pequena aventura de três personagens: Clarisse, aprendiz de vidente; Lazare, que trabalha nas catacumbas parisienses; e o leão, uma estátua de bronze no Denfert-Rochereau (no 14º arrondissement). Clarisse e Laraze se encontram diariamente, mas um dia Lazare desaparece – e o leão também.
Un bol d'air
Assistant Director