Alain Fromager
Nascimento : 1960-10-30, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Val-de-Marne, France
Alain (diner à la brasserie)
Vanessa Springora tells how she found herself under the influence of a famous writer. In 1986, she was 13; him, almost 50. She explains how she was the victim of a triple predation: sexual, literary and psychic. But beyond her individual story, she also questions the excesses of an era, and the complacency of an environment blinded by talent and celebrity.
Alain Brusch
The trawler Marie-Morgane sinks suddenly and inexplicably with all its crew, including Captain Lenormand and his son. When Nolwenn Lenormand hears the news she's convinced that a submarine on maneuvers must have been responsible.
After the attacks that bloodied Paris, everyone is worried about terrorist acts. A man is running in the middle of the night. He has blood on his face. He arrives at the radio station and explains to his colleagues that he was investigating a cell of terrorists but that one of them has just committed suicide in front of him. Just before he told her that a bomb was on the 11 p.m. Paris-New York flight. It's scheduled for four in the morning: in one hour. Should they disseminate the information?
Jean-Marie Bolzi
The body of a shady businessman is found on the jetty in the port of Toga, in Bastia. The investigation, Commander Gabrielle Monti's first since returning to the country, begins on a tightrope between the past and the present.
Yvan sente-se perseguido por um crescente antissemitismo, e ele costumava ouvir que ele exagera, que ele é paranoico. Durante as sessões com o seu terapeuta, Yvan, então, fala sobre o que o preocupa: a sua identidade, sobre ser francês e judeu hoje. Mas esses encontros são também, e sobretudo, uma espécie de fio vermelho que liga uma série de histórias curtas que tentam desconstruir, de modo tragicômico, os maiores clichês antissemitas que perduram na sociedade.
Okay, Marie is a little tired of the insouciance of her husband Sam, framework sup unemployed for 2 years. Agree, it is very tempted to be seduced by this beautiful stranger who made him the Court. Okay, there is also the daughter piano competition... If this balance light and crazy about standing, an unexpected event throws the family on an even crazier way.
Benjamin Carpentier
Chasseur n°1
Two contempo Frenchmen of Antillean descent visit their ancestor's time as well as their land in the slavery-themed French era.
Um banqueiro bem-educado é forçado a passar por um notório gângster e cafetão.
Professeur Bertrand
Philippe Lemaire
Jacques Dallier, journalist for Minute
Após voltar para a Europa, o criminoso Jacques Mesrine retoma a vida de assaltos e desafia autoridades. O gângster ganha fama de celebridade, mas subestima a polícia.
Claude Thieville
After the Liberation of France during the World War II, ten former Resistant fighters meet again during a dinner organized by Marie-Octobre...
Paris, 1968. Catherine, Yves and Hervé are twenty years old. They're students and they love each other. The May student uprisings radically change their lives. Overtaken by communal utopia, they leave the city with a few friends to set up house in an abandoned farm in the Lot region. A desire for freedom and the search for individual fulfillment lead them to make choices that cause more harm than good.
O Comissário Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg não gosta da Primavera. Receia a subida de energia, os desejos de evasão, a explosão dos impulsos, todos os sinais que indiquem o regresso dos dias bonitos
E Adamsberg tem motivos
Camille, a sua noiva, fez as malas, e a sua ausência corta-lhe as asas no momento em que ele mais necessita: algo caiu sobre a capital, um enigma portador de maldição, que poderá tornar-se em desgraça, se ele não o resolver
Estranhos sinais espalham-se sobre as portas dos edifícios de Paris, e inquietantes e misteriosas palavras são gritadas em praça pública
Chega o que Adamsberg temia: um primeiro morto, um corpo escurecido, o rosto ensanguentado com uma expressão de terror.
Marc and Emma move into a new house but have no idea that their basement was a gay nightclub. To make matters worse, the club was destroyed by fire, and now the house is haunted by the ghosts of five gay clubbers.
Le marchand de primeurs
30 ans, l'âge des responsabilités... Martin s'apprête à partir en vacances avec sa femme Ariane et sa fille Cerise, 4 mois... C'est alors qu'il croise Constance, son ex, son amour de jeunesse, elle-même flanquée de deux marmots. C'est décidé : on passera quelques jours ensemble, au soleil, dans la maison familiale. Comme au bon vieux temps.
BMW driver
After fatally shooting a stalker, Parisian bar-maid Lea must live the life of the title reptile. At the time of the killing she was living with Francis, a much older American ex-con. After committing the murder, the fleeing and frightened Lea is saved by Paris paper boys Jean and Luc. Later she tells her sad story to hard-drinking Moskowitz, a middle-aged cop who secretly desires her. His unrequited love leads to tragedy. Meanwhile, Lea continues living with Francis, but also shacks up with Luc while trying to avoid the jealous cop.
Ten young people ( boys and girls) at the age at which all is possible. They meet, they love, they choose. The film comes and goes between all those people, revealing their anguish, their dreams, depicting the portrait of a generation of the '90s which has both the fury and the fear of life.
Hippolyte, the chef at the small Paris restaurant of the title, is losing his sense of smell - and without that, you can’t cook. Not in France. The restaurant has to close. Guests and customers of the ailing master chef gather for one last fabulous meal. Between courses, personal conflicts are explored and flashbacks flesh out incidents from the lives of the restaurant owners.
Serge and Yvette are on the verge of separating. Hervé and Irene are already separated. Serge will meet Irene and Yvette will meet Hervé. Chance will make them meet other characters.
Frederic Lombard
Zina, young theater opener, hesitates between the love of Slim, taxi driver who hopes to become a lawyer and that of Frederic, who holds the poster at the theater. Why not keep her two loves?
Esta história se passa em 1930, no momento em que o domínio colonial francês na Indochina está terminando. Uma mulher francesa solteira que trabalha nos campos de borracha, acolhe uma princesa Vietnamita como se ela fosse sua própria filha. Ela e sua filha se apaixonam por um jovem oficial da marinha francesa que mudará significativamente a vida de ambas.
In this detective and crime comedy, the heir to a large fortune is an unknown, and nobody knows him or where he can be found. An occasional musician, Fred plans to pass himself off as that man. It's a goofy idea, but maybe it will work. However, before he can set up the con properly, he learns that his loser of a brother has, inexplicably, just gotten his first job in years as one of the detectives who is searching for the heir. At one time, the two brothers played together in an amateur rock band, but as a result of a heated disagreement about how to play the Ray Noble standard "Cherokee", the two haven't spoken in years. It's going to take a lot of persuading to pull this scam off.
L'étudiant dans le bureau de Gauthier
Joey Wellman, an American cartoonist from Cleveland now largely forgotten at home, visits France with his partner Lena to attend an exhibition in Paris about the comic strip (bande dessinée) which features his work. He also hopes to be reconciled with his daughter Elsie who has been a student in Paris for two years, in flight from the American culture of which she sees her father as a typical example. Elsie is naively infatuated with French literature, and is trying to secure an introduction to the brilliant university professor Christian Gauthier, an expert on Flaubert but also an enthusiast for comic books. The meeting of father and daughter goes badly, but Elsie is persuaded to join Joey and Lena for the weekend at the country house of Gauthier's mother, Isabelle. During a comic-themed masquerade party, all of the characters are made to reconsider their present and past relationships.
Every year, the whole gather in the French region of Auvergne's home. During this 1944 summer, Louis falls in love with his cousin Laurence. The arrival of a British skydiver, Jack, will completely upset Laurence. Louis, jealous like crazy, will betray the skydiver who will die in front of his eyes. But his cousin François-Xavier has also seen what happened.
A company president gets framed with a food-poisoning scandal and the only person who can help him is the evening cleaning-woman, who always seems to be at the right place at the right time.
A quiet young English girl named Alice finds herself in an alternate version of her own reality after chasing a white rabbit. She becomes surrounded by living inanimate objects and stuffed dead animals, and must find a way out of this nightmare- no matter how twisted or odd that way must be.
Le patient qui délire
Jeanne Quester is a psychologist-on-the-airwaves in a radio station. She got a raw deal when she was a child.