"Who Is Lun*na Menoh" follows the life and work of the extraordinary Japanese artist. From her early career in Japan to the underground music scene in Los Angeles, from fashion show runways featuring her sculptural designs to art galleries showing her fantastical work, Lun*na's edgy, witty and beautiful creations are explored. Director Jeff Mizushima follows Lun*na's artistic career, showcasing her uniquely individual expressionism and interviewing her family, gallery owners, models, fans, and fellow visual artists & musicians to find out who and what Lun*na Menoh is and why her art, in all of its forms, fits in our world.
Self - Artist
Quando o personagem de quadrinhos indie Pepe the Frog se torna um ícone involuntário de ódio, seu criador, o artista Matt Furie, luta para trazer Pepe de volta da escuridão e navegar pela divisão cultural da América.
Grace "The Bad Butterfly" Nabiya is a tough, rebellious Earth girl who takes on the Universal Brawling Federation's biggest, scariest, and stinkiest brawlers from all over the galaxy.
Grace "The Bad Butterfly" Nabiya is a tough, rebellious Earth girl who takes on the Universal Brawling Federation's biggest, scariest, and stinkiest brawlers from all over the galaxy.
On a quiet afternoon an elderly woman prepares some afternoon tea for her and her husband. This short film was made on a single Super-8 cartridge, edited in camera, shot in sequence with only one take per shot. This was originally made for an Los Angeles film event called: "Attack of the 50 Foot Reels".