Stafford Repp

Stafford Repp

Nascimento : 1918-04-28, San Francisco, California, USA

Morte : 1974-11-05


Stafford Alois Repp (April 26, 1918 – November 5, 1974) was an American actor best known for his role as Police Chief Clancy O'Hara, opposite Adam West's character on ABC's Batman television series.


Stafford Repp


O Outro Lado do Vento
Marvin Pister
J.J. Jake Hannaford (John Huston) é um consagrado diretor de cinema que enfrenta problemas para concluir seu último filme, "O Outro Lado do Vento", devido ao abandono repentino do protagonista, John Dale (Robert Random). Com o orçamento estourado e a pressão de executivos de Hollywood, Hannaford comemora seu aniversário em meio a amigos e inimigos, exibindo aos presentes o que já filmou até o momento.
Savage Abduction
A serial killer murders a businessman's wife, then blackmails the man into procuring young girls for him to murder. The businessman hires a gang of renegade motor-cyclists to kidnap girls for him.
Batman: O Homem Morcego
Chief O'Hara
Em Gotham City, Charada, Pinguim, Coringa e Mulher-Gato roubam uma invenção secreta e planejam usá-la de forma maléfica. Além disto, planejam também destruir o Homem-Morcego e o Menino-Prodígio.
The Explosive Generation
Police Captain
Peter Gifford is a likable, dedicated schoolteacher that teaches a senior life skills class. When student Janet Sommers brings up the topic of sex and dating, he asks students to write questions on the topic, and will cover them in the next class. The parents get wind of what Gifford is about to do, notify the principal, and he warns Peter not to read the questions in class. Gifford decides to go against this and is suspended. The whole student body protests, and the administration gets worried on what to do.
Gunfight at Black Horses Canyon
Major Shankford
Feature-length Western based on the hit TV show 'Tales of Wells Fargo,' about a Wells Fargo Company troubleshooter who becomes the target of an outlaw he helped send to prison.
Quero Viver!
Police Sgt.
Uma prostituta, condenada à morte por assassinato, clama por sua inocência. Barbara Graham é uma mulher com padrões morais duvidosos, muitas vezes convidada para bares fuleiros. E já foi sentenciada por alguns pequenos crimes. Ela sabe que dois homens mataram uma velha mulher. Quando os dois são pegos, começam a pensar que Barbara ajudou a polícia a prendê-los. Como vingança, dizem à polícia que Barbara é a assassina.
Quando Vem a Tormenta
Baggage Man (uncredited)
Alma Duval, a middle-aged housewife, trying to hide how much she suffers from her husband's amorous excursions while trying to help her children solve their problems and doing her best to keep her family together as it's slowly falling apart. Meanwhile, daughter Virginia is dumped by her boyfriend because she cannot help him with his career. Her cheating husband's birthday party is approaching and many lines will be crossed after that event.
The Green-Eyed Blonde
Bill Prell
Blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo (working under the pseudonym “Sally Stubblefield”) tells a rough-edged tale of life inside a 1950s women’s reformatory. Set in the Martha Washington School for Girls—an institute for wayward teenagers and unwed mothers—THE GREEN-EYED BLONDE tackles a range of topical social issues as the inmates band together to help out one of their own when she refuses to give up her child.
Plunder Road
Roly Adams
A spectacular heist starts to unravel as the crooks take it on the lam.
The Boss
Earl Bentley
A crusading politician falls prey to the temptations of power.
Crimes Vingados
Leo Roos
The sheriff of Gunlock is planning to hang Sam Hall, who shot three farmers found on cattle land, at sundown. At the casino, betting is 8 to 3 he won't make it. The cattlemen are set to rescue Sam; the farmers hope to lynch him before he can be rescued; and Hall schemes for escape with his girl Nellie. But Sheriff Jorden is most concerned with finding out who hired Hall: a leading suspect is the sheriff's future brother-in-law.
A Trágica Farsa
Reporter (uncredited)
O desempregado jornalista desportivo Eddie Willis, é contratado pelo promotor de luta corrupto Nick Benko para promover seu atual protegido, um boxeador argentino desconhecido chamado Toro Moreno. Embora Moreno seja um gigante, suas chances de sucesso são prejudicadas por um soco fraco e um queixo de vidro. Explorando a reputação de Willis para melhorar sua posição na comunidade do boxe, Benko organiza uma série de lutas arranjadas que impulsionam o ingênuo Moreno a lutador número 1 para o campeonato. O campeão reinante, o sádico Buddy Brannen, guarda ressentimento pela publicidade que Toro recebeu e promete puni-lo violentamente no ringue. Eddie agora deve decidir se deve ou não contar ao ingênuo Toro a verdade. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
O Preço do Medo
Johnny McNab
A co-owner of a race track goes on the run after witnessing something he shouldn't have at the track.
The Steel Jungle
The tale of a young bookie, married to a beautiful woman who goes to jail, and becomes involved with hoodlums.
O Assassino Anda Solto
Captain Lyle Snow (uncredited)
Um desequilibrado criminoso cuja mulher, acidentalmente foi morta por um detetive da polícia durante sua prisão, pretende vingar-se matando a esposa do policial.
Fuga para a Morte
A tough and realistic crime drama unfolds as merciless kidnapper Jerry Barker (Ralph Meeker) demands ransom paid against a young runaway whose fate lands Barker in Casabel Island Prison.
Black Tuesday
Vicious gangster Vincent Canelli pulls off a daring prison escape just moments before going to the electric chair, taking with him Peter Manning – a bank robber and cop killer who was to die right after him. Taking several hostages along, they try to get their hands on the loot from Manning’s robbery to finance their escape from the country.
Caçado Como Fera
Detective O'Dell
A crooked detective masterminds a robbery then fights to keep his money.