Ernest Haller

Ernest Haller

Nascimento : 1896-05-31, Los Angeles, California, USA

Morte : 1970-10-21


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ernest Jacob Haller (May 31, 1896 – October 21, 1970) was an American cinematographer. He was most notable for his involvement in Gone with the Wind (1939) and his close professional relationships with prominent actresses of the time, such as Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, and Ingrid Bergman. Haller was nominated for Academy Awards a total of seven times and won for Best Cinematography once. Haller began his career as a cinematographer as an assistant cameraman to D. W. Griffith’s great cameraman Billy Bitzer. He next moved to Warner Brothers. Some of Haller’s recognized works include Weary River (1928), Dawn Patrol (1930), The Rich Are Always with Us (1931)— a film where he first photographed Bette Davis—, The Emperor Jones (1933), and Dangerous (1935). In 1938, Haller received his first Academy Awards nomination for Best Cinematography for the film Jezebel. This recognition caught the eyes of David O. Selznick who was impressed with Haller's work in Jezebel enough to borrow him from the Warner Bros. to participate in Gone with the Wind (1939), which granted Haller his first and only Oscar for Best Cinematography. Haller had five more nominations for an Academy Award, for All This, and Heaven Too (1940), Mildred Pierce (1945), The Flame and the Arrow (1950), What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962), and Lilies of the Field (1963). Haller initially announced his retirement in 1965 but managed to briefly come out of it in July 1965 upon the request of director James Goldstone to film the second pilot of the Star Trek episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before". He was killed in a car accident in Marina Del Rey, California, on October 21, 1970 at the age of 74.


Ernest Haller


Alguém Morreu em Meu Lugar
Director of Photography
The working class twin sister of a callous wealthy woman impulsively murders her out of revenge and assumes the identity of the dead woman. But impersonating her dead twin is more complicated and risky than she anticipated.
Uma Voz na Sombras
Director of Photography
Homer Smith, um trabalhador da construção civil desempregado, dirigindo-se a oeste para em uma fazenda remota no deserto para conseguir um pouco de água quando seu carro superaquece. A fazenda está sendo cuidada por um grupo de freiras católicas do Leste Europeu, chefiada pela rígida Madre Maria, que acredita que Homer foi enviado por Deus para construir uma capela muito necessária no deserto.
O Que Terá Acontecido a Baby Jane?
Director of Photography
A história do diretor Robert Aldrich é um thriller sobre uma veterana atriz de teatro que conheceu a fama na infância e agora inicia um reinado psicótico de terror sobre sua irmã, ex-rainha do cinema nos anos 30 e hoje presa a uma cadeira de rodas.
Tormentos D'Alma
Director of Photography
Num presídio, o chefe de psiquiatria ouve as reclamações de um auxiliar seu querendo desistir do caso de um garoto negro. Ele acha que o chefe, por ser negro, poderá cuidar melhor desse cliente. O chefe então lhe conta sobre um dos seus primeiros pacientes, que conhecera no início da carreira em 1942 (mostrado em flashback). Esse paciente fora condenado a três anos por rebelião, por ser um admirador de Hitler e seguidor da ideologia nazista. Além disso, tem sérios problemas psicológicos por causa de uma infância problemática, sofre de insônia, ataques e alucinações. O doutor o ajuda a melhorar de seus vários problemas e ele se torna um prisioneiro exemplar. As autoridades do presídio querem dar a condicional ao prisioneiro, mas o doutor se nega, pois acha que ele é um homem "perigoso". As autoridades desconfiam de que o médico está tomando uma atitude "parcial", devido o prisioneiro ser abertamente racista e detestava negros e judeus). (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Married Too Young
Director of Photography
Two high-school sweethearts get married, then find that married life isn't what they thought it would be. In their desperation, they get mixed up with a gang of car thieves.
Three Blondes In His Life
Director of Photography
Tough insurance investigator Mahoney goes to LA to look into the murder of a fellow investigator. It's found that the murdered man knew three different women — all blondes — and with each he had had a love affair. What is their connection to the crime? And will Mahoney bed all of them as well?
Fear No More
Director of Photography
Accused of killing a woman on a train, Sharon Carlin runs home to find another corpse there too!
Armored Command
Director of Photography
An American army unit is trapped in a small town during a German counterattack and discovers that a spy in the town is providing the Germans with information about them.
Por Quê Devo Morrer?
Director of Photography
A night club singer who is the daughter of a small-town crook is tried and convicted of murder.
O Menino e os Piratas
Director of Photography
Jimmy desires to be a pirate when one day he discovers a magic bottle on the beach. He makes a wish and suddenly finds himself aboard Blackbeard's ship. Soon he realizes that being a pirate isn't what he expected.
A 3ª Voz
Director of Photography
Marion Forbes é a secretária, amante e criadora da fortuna financeira de Harry Chapman, mas Chapman se apaixona por Francis e decide se casar com ela. A vingança de Marion é terrível. Com a ajuda da terceira voz ela mata Harry, que é então representado pela terceira voz. Tudo isso para roubar US $ 600.000.
O Milagre
Director of Photography
A novice leaves a Spanish convent to follow a 19th-century British soldier she loves.
Speed Crazy
Director of Photography
Juvenile delinquency is the topic is this late fifties flick.
O Homem do Oeste
Director of Photography
Link Jones é um proprietário rural e está viajando para o Texas para contratar o primeiro professor de sua pequena cidade. Quando o trem para no caminho eles são atacados por ladrões armados, mas o trem escapa deixando para trás Link Jones, o tagarela Sam Beasley e a cantora de saloon Billie Ellis. Eles começam a andar e chegam num lugar que Link conhece bem: a casa da fazenda onde ele viveu. Lá ele encontra os homens que roubaram o trem e também o seu tio, Dock Tobin.
O Pequeno Rincão de Deus
Director of Photography
Patriarca megalômano mobiliza toda a família para procurar ouro que supostamente havia sido enterrado pelo avô debaixo de suas terras, ao mesmo tempo em que precisa lidar com seus filhos e a difícil relação familiar.
Hell's Five Hours
Director of Photography
The manager (Stephen McNally) of a rocket-fuel plant deals with a worker (Vic Morrow) threatening to blow himself up.
Plunder Road
Director of Photography
A spectacular heist starts to unravel as the crooks take it on the lam.
Back from the Dead
Director of Photography
A woman is possessed by the spirt of her husband's deceased first wife, turning her into a cold, scheming flirt who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. The woman's sister, husband and the sister's new boyfriend struggle with accepting what has happened, who has caused it and how to correct it, which soon brings them into contact with a coven of devil-worshippers and forces of the supernatural.
The Young Don't Cry
Director of Photography
An orphaned teen gets involved with some chain-gang convicts.
Os Que Sabem Morrer
Director of Photography
Na Coréia, em 6 de Setembro de 1950, o tenente de pelotão Benson encontra-se isolado em território controlado pelos inimigo depois de uma retirada. Logo eles se juntam ao sargento Montana, cuja preocupação primordial é cuidar de seu coronel catatônico. Benson e Montana não podem se ajudar, mas, juntos eles chegam com os sobreviventes na Colina 465, onde esperam encontrar o resto da divisão. É uma longa e angustiante marcha, repleta de todos os perigos que o inimigo evasivo pode provocar. Quem vai sobreviver?
The Cruel Tower
Director of Photography
The story of a bunch of hard-drinking steeplejacks.
Strange Intruder
Director of Photography
A Korean War veteran must find his buddy's widow and children to keep a bizarre promise.
Dakota Incident
Director of Photography
Indians attack a stagecoach, and a disparate band of passengers must band together to fight them off.
The Come On
Director of Photography
A con woman tries to swindle her partner-in-crime husband with the help of one of her former marks. But is she to be trusted?
Juventude Transviada
Director of Photography
Em uma das performances que mais influenciaram a história do cinema, James Dean interpreta um jovem recém-chegado a uma cidade e cuja solidão, frustação e fúria e que espelharia os adolescentes do pós-guerra — e ainda reverberaria pelos 50 anos seguintes...
Magic Fire
Director of Photography
Director William Dieterle's 1956 film biography of classical composer Richard Wagner stars Carlos Thompson, Yvonne De Carlo, Rita Gam, Alan Badel and Valentina Cortese.
Circus of Love
Director of Photography
Carnival Story
Director of Photography
An American carnival in Germany sets the scene for sin, sex and melodrama.
The Tiger and the Flame
Director of Photography
Considerado o maior espetáculo da Índia, ele estrela os melhores atores do teatro e cinema indianos. Uma história cheia de ação sobre a rainha guerreira de Jhansi, Rani Lakshmibai, que liderou os príncipes rebeldes contra as forças militares britânicas.
Jim Thorpe – All-American
Director of Photography
The triumph and tragedy of Native American Jim Thorpe, who, after winning both the pentathlon and decathlon in the same Olympics, is stripped of his medals on a technicality.
Meus Braços Te Esperam
Director of Photography
Numa pequena cidade de Indiana, nos meados da década de 1910, a família Winfield acabou de se mudar para uma casa maior em um bairro agradável. O pai, o banqueiro George (Leon Ames), sua esposa Alice (Rosemary DeCamp), sua filha moleca crescida Marjorie (Doris Day), seu precoce e encrenqueiro filho Wesley (Billy Gray), e sua governanta exasperado Stella (Mary Wickes). Ninguém além de George está feliz com a mudança, até Marjorie encontrar seu novo vizinho, William Sherman (Gordon MacRae). Os dois ficam imediatamente atraídos um pelo outro, o que faz Margie mudar seu foco do beisebol para tentar tornar-se uma jovem senhorita educada. Teve uma continuação em 1953 com o filme Lua Prateada (By the Light of the Silvery Moon).
Vingador Impiedoso
Director of Photography
After the Civil War, Confederate soldier Blayde Hollister travels to Dallas to avenge the savage murder of his family. Discovering his enemy is now an esteemed citizen, Hollister plots to expose the outlaw and his syndicate.
O Gavião e a Flecha
Director of Photography
Dardo, uma espécie de Robin Hood, e seus seguidores leais usar uma ruína romana na Lombardia Medieval como sua sede de onde eles conduzem uma revolta contra seus conquistadores de Hesse. No Século XII a Lombardia encontra-se sob o tacão de ferro de um senhor alemão, o conde Ulrich "O Falcão", mas nas montanhas os guerrilheiros ainda resistem. Cinco anos antes de nossa história, Ulrich roubou a linda mulher do jovem arqueiro Dardo que, cínico, em vez de amargurado, ainda tem pouco interesse em juntar-se aos rebeldes. Mas isso muda quando seu filho, também, lhe é tirado. O resto é alegre fanfarronice interlúdios românticos com bela refém Anne.
A Morte não é o Fim
Director of Photography
Matt Brennan encontra Jo Holloway, a garota da Cruz Vermelha que ele namorou na Europa quando era aviador na Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando lhe foi oferecido um emprego pela fabricante de jatos Leland Willis como piloto de teste. Carl Troxell, quer vender um cockpit de fuga para a Força Aérea. Ele quer que Matt pare a apresentação do JA-3, o protótipo que não inclui o assento de ejeção, para lhe dar mais tempo para o JA-4 experimental. Mas Matt não acredita que ainda seja seguro o suficiente para tentar. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Always Leave Them Laughing
Director of Photography
A self-absorbed comedian steps all over his friends and colleagues in order to achieve success.
Meus Sonhos Te Pertencem
Director of Photography
O pretensioso cantor Garry Mitchell (Lee Bowman) recusa a renovação de seu contrato com a rádio. Então o agente Doug Blake (Jack Carson) decide encontrar uma nova estrela para substituir Garry. Em Nova York encontra Martha Gibson (Doris Day), uma mãe solteira com uma grande voz. Ele promove a mudança dela para Hollywood, mas tem problemas ao tentar vendê-la para o patrocinador do show Felix Hofer (S.Z. Sakall). Doug tenta todos os truques que pode pensar para fazer de Martha uma estrela, e como os dois trabalham muito juntos, ele acaba se apaixonando por ela. O que complica ainda mais as coisas é quando Martha conhece Garry e fica atraída por ele.
Encontro no Inverno
Director of Photography
A repressed poetess and an embittered war hero help each other cope with their problems.
My Girl Tisa
Director of Photography
1905 was a period of heavy immigration from Europe to America before laws were passed restricting the flow of immigrants. Almost every character in this movie is a recent arrival. Tisa has been in America only four months, yet she is holding four jobs to save enough money to pay for her father's boat passage to America. She works in a garment factory in Greenwich Village owned by Mr. Grumbach, who is studying to pass his citizenship test. Denek, a brash young man, tries to help her but gets her into trouble and her deportation is ordered by an immigration judge.
The Unfaithful
Director of Photography
Christine Hunter kills an intruder and tells her husband and lawyer that it was an act of self-defense. It's later revealed that he was actually her lover and she had posed for an incriminating statue he created.
Acordes do Coração
Director of Photography
A classical musician from a working class background is sidetracked by his love for a wealthy, neurotic socialite.
O Veredito
Director of Photography
After an innocent man is executed in a case he was responsible for, a Scotland Yard superintendent finds himself investigating the murder of his key witness.
Que o Céu a Condene
Director of Photography
After marrying her long lost love, a pianist finds the relationship threatened by a wealthy composer who is besotted with her.
Uma Vida Roubada
Director of Photography
A twin takes her deceased sister's place as wife of the man they both love.
Director of Photography
In Victorian England, literary siblings Emily and Charlotte Brontë vie for the affection of the Rev. Arthur Nicholls. Along with their sister Anne, Emily and Charlotte also try to help their tormented brother Branwell, a gifted artist whose life is being destroyed by alcohol.
Alma em Suplício
Director of Photography
Principal suspeita do assassinato de seu marido, Mildred Pierce tem sua vida repassada em flashback. Vemos como era seu relacionamento com as filhas, o quanto dava duro para lhes dar tudo do bom e do melhor, e como uma delas a tratava mal, chegando a ter um relacionamento com seu padrasto. Oscar de Melhor Atriz para Joan Crawford.
Rapsódia Azul
Additional Photography
Ascensão de George Gershwin, de uma editora musical em Manhattan aos píncaros da fama internacional. O excesso de trabalho cobra seu preço e Gershwin falece aos trinta e nove anos, de hemorragia cerebral, em 1937.
The Doughgirls
Director of Photography
Arthur and Vivian are just married, but when the get to their honeymoon suite in Washington D.C., they find it occupied. Arthur goes to meet Slade, his new boss, and when he comes back, he finds three girls in his suite. He orders Vivian to get rid of them, but they are friends of Vivian's and as time goes by, it looks more like Grand Central Station than the quiet honeymoon suite Arthur expected. As long as there is anyone else in the suite, Arthur will not stay there and there will be no honeymoon.
Director of Photography
A popular e bela Fanny Trellis é forçada a um casamento sem amor com um homem mais velho, o banqueiro judeu Job Skeffington, a fim de salvar seu amado irmão Trippy de uma acusação de peculato e as consequentes complicações previsíveis. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Sua Alteza Quer Casar
Director of Photography
A down-to-earth pilot charms a European princess on vacation in the United States.
Cavalcade of Dance
Director of Photography
Ballroom dancers Veloz and Yolanda perform the various dance fads of the first half of the twentieth century.
George Washington Slept Here
Director of Photography
New Yorkers Bill and Connie Fuller have to move from their apartment. Without Bill's knowledge, Connie purchases a delapidated old farmhouse in Pennsylvania, where George Washington was supposed to have actually slept during the American Revolution.
Spanish Fiesta
The Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo perform a ballet to Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's Capriccio Espagnol.
Nascida Para o Mal
Director of Photography
An unhappy, self-centered woman runs off with her sister's husband, wreaking havoc and ruining the lives of those around her.
The Gay Parisian
Director of Photography
The Gay Parisian is an American short film produced in 1941 by Warner Bros. featuring the Ballet Russe de Monte-Carlo and directed by Jean Negulesco. The film is a screen adaptation, in Technicolor, of the 1938 ballet Gaîté Parisienne, choreographed by Léonide Massine to music by Jacques Offenbach. It was nominated for an Academy Award at the 14th Academy Awards for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).
Blues in the Night
Director of Photography
A struggling band find themselves attached to a fugitive and drawn into a series of old feuds and love affairs, as they try to stay together and find musical success.
Aquela Mulher!
Director of Photography
Hank McHenry and Johnny Marshall work as power company linesmen. Hank is injured in an accident and subsequently promoted to foreman of the gang. Tensions start to show in the road crew as rivalry between Hank and Johnny increases.
A Noiva Caiu do Céu
Director of Photography
A financially-strapped charter pilot hires himself to an oil tycoon to kidnap his madcap daughter and prevent her from marrying a vapid band leader.
Footsteps in the Dark
Director of Photography
A high-society gent has a secret life - he writes murder mysteries and hangs out with the police attempting to solve crimes. This causes him no end of problems when his wife wants to know about his little disappearances and exceptionally late nights out.
Honeymoon for Three
Director of Photography
Noted writer Kenneth Bixby, in love with his witty secretary Anne Rogers, is on a book tour when he meets up with a former college fling with a loopy Danish girl which he barely remembers. She remembers him, very well.
No Time for Comedy
Director of Photography
Director William Keighley's 1940 film adaptation of S. N. Behrman's stage hit, about an aspiring playwright who finds himself an overnight Broadway success, stars James Stewart, Rosalind Russell, Genevieve Tobin, Louise Beavers, Charles Ruggles and Allyn Joslyn.
Cavalcade of the Academy Awards
This 1940 presentation features highlights of earlier (1928 onward) Oscar ceremonies including Shirley Temple and Walt Disney, plus acceptance speeches for films released in 1939 with recipients and presenters including Vivien Leigh, Judy Garland, Hattie McDaniel, Fay Bainter, Mickey Rooney, Thomas Mitchell, Sinclair Lewis, and more, with host Bob Hope.
Tudo Isto, e o Céu Também
Director of Photography
Adaptação do best-seller de Rachel Field. Bette Davis é a professora Henriette, que relembra sua história em flashbacks, trazendo à tona o tempo em que trabalhava como governanta do Duque de Praslin. Dominada por um ciúme doentio, a duquesa acusou Henriette de manter um caso com o duque. A governanta achou melhor deixar o emprego ao invés de criar confusão, mesmo com a promessa não cumprida da duquesa em escrever uma carta de referências. Logo depois, porém, a duquesa foi encontrada morta.
Um Sonho Para Dois
Director of Photography
After crooked nightclub owner murders a police informant, he blackmails his piano player to allow him to stay at his eccentric mother's boarding house.
Homens Marcados
Director of Photography
A gangster is unable to go straight after returning home from prison.
...E o Vento Levou
Director of Photography
Scarlett O'Hara é uma jovem mimada que consegue tudo o que quer. No entanto, algo falta em sua vida: o amor de Ashley Wilkes, um nobre sulista que deve se casar com a sua prima Melanie. Tudo muda quando a Guerra Civil americana explode e Scarlett precisa lutar para sobreviver e manter a fazenda da família.
Heróis Esquecidos
Director of Photography
After World War I, Armistice Lloyd Hart goes back to practice law, former saloon keeper George Hally turns to bootlegging, and out-of-work Eddie Bartlett becomes a cab driver. Eddie builds a fleet of cabs through delivery of bootleg liquor and hires Lloyd as his lawyer. George becomes Eddie's partner and the rackets flourish until love and rivalry interfere.
Confissões de um Espião Nazista
Director of Photography
Ed Renard é um Homem do Governo investigando uma rede de espionagem nazista enorme nos Estados Unidos. Os contatos são descobertos e presos nos EUA, América Latina e Europa.
Vitória Amarga
Director of Photography
Uma jovem socialite é diagnosticada com um tumor cerebral e deve decidir se vai ou não conhecer seus últimos dias com dignidade. Judith Traherne está no auge da sociedade quando o Dr. Frederick Steele diagnostica um tumor no seu cérebro. Após a cirurgia, ela se apaixona por Steele. O médico diz à secretária que o tumor vai voltar e eventualmente matá-la. Quando fica sabendo disso, Judith se torna maníaca depressiva. Seu treinador de cavalos, Michael, que a ama, diz a ela para tirar o máximo de proveito da vida possível. Ela se casa com o Dr. Steele, que pretende encontrar uma cura para sua doença. Quando ele vai para uma conferência em Nova York, Judith começa a ter falhas de visão, o que indica a que ela está morrendo.
Brother Rat
Story of three buddies at the Virginia Military Institute. Cadet Bing Edwards is secretly married and soon to be a father.
Quatro Filhas
Director of Photography
Musician Adam Lemp and his four equally musical daughters, Emma, Ann, Kay, and Thea, live happily together. Each daughter has an upstanding young man for whom she cares. However, the arrival of a cynical, slovenly young composer named Mickey Borden turns the household upside-down, and romantic and tragic complications ensue.
Amando Sem Saber
Director of Photography
A publicist falls for his most difficult client's daughter.
Director of Photography
Em 1852, em Nova Orleans, uma jovem egocêntrica da aristocracia local provoca o rompimento do seu noivado ao usar um vestido vermelho, quando as moças deviam usar branco. Apesar de seu antigo noivo se casar com outra mulher, ela continua amando-o. Ela tem a grande chance de lhe provar que realmente deixou de ser uma jovem mimada quando uma peste se abate sobre a cidade. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
O Grande Garrick
Director of Photography
A British actor insults a French acting group only to fall victim to a prank that might destroy his career.
Cinzas do Passado
Director of Photography
A gangster's widow fights for love despite society's disapproval.
Vamos Brincar de Amor?
The various members of the middle-class Hilton family have a series of romantic misadventures during one eventful spring day.
Public Enemy's Wife
Judith has just been paroled for a crime which her vindictive, jealous, violent husband, Gene, fingered her for. Gene is in prison for life. She claims that she had no knowledge of Gene's criminal activity, but FBI agent Lee Laird doesn't buy it.
Petticoat Fever
Director of Photography
A lonely radio operator in Labrador falls for an engaged woman.
The Voice of Bugle Ann
Director of Photography
A Missouri farmer's (Lionel Barrymore) son (Eric Linden) loves the daughter (Maureen O'Sullivan) of a neighbor who has killed the farmer's foxhound.
Capitão Blood
Director of Photography
O médico irlandês Peter Blood (Errol Flynn)é injustamente acusado de um crime e sentenciado à escravidão no Caribe. Ele termina por se tornar um pirata e se apaixona pela filha do governador, interpretada por Olivia de Havilland.
Director of Photography
Dan Bellows finds former stage star Joyce Heath a penniless drunk and takes her to his Connecticut home for rehabilitation. Unaware that she is married to Gordon, he asks his fiancée Gail to free him and offers to sponsor Joyce in a play. When Gordon refuses to give Joyce a divorce, she runs the car into a tree crippling him for life. Joyce urges Dan return to Gail, opens her play, and begs Gordon for forgiveness.
Director of Photography
A romantic comedy-drama-musical of mistaken identity, infidelity and farce, set in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century.
Age of Indiscretion
Director of Photography
A book publisher finds his business floundering, which prompts his socially ambitious wife to desert him for a society millionaire, leaving him with their young son. The publisher's fortunes improve dramatically, however, when a best-selling romance novelist decides to publish her new book with his firm. In the meantime, his ex-wife has married the millionaire, and she and her new mother-in-law come up with a plan to sue her ex-husband for custody of the boy.
Mary Jane's Pa
Director of Photography
Sam Preston is a small-town newspaper publisher who suffers from wanderlust. Leaving his family, he thinks well-provided for, he packs a suitcase and hits the road. Ten years later he comes back to find the newspaper shuttered and his family gone.
Casados em Segredo
Director of Photography
Before Ruth Vincent, daughter of a state governor, and state attorney general Robert Sheldon can announce their marriage, the governor is accused of bribe-taking. To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, they decide to keep their marriage secret. The political intrigue becomes more involved, and no one is quite what they seem. Soon Sheldon and Ruth must decide between saving the governor's career and an innocent person's life.
The Firebird
Director of Photography
Prohibited from seeing her actor sweetheart Herman Brandt by her tyrannical parents, sweet young Vienesse lass Mariette defies authority by regularly visiting Brandt's downstairs apartment. The lovers' signal is a song called "The Firebird," which Brandt sings whenever he wants Mariette to visit him. When the actor is murdered, poor Mariette and her parents are prime suspects. But the truth is a bit more complicated than that, involving as it does a haughty aristocrat, a powerful diplomat and a most unusual "candid camera" device.
Director of Photography
An Englishman falls in love with a Russian spy.
Director of Photography
A man meets the daughter of his lover and they begin to fall in love.
The Key
Director of Photography
A British officer stationed in Ireland falls for the wife of an intelligence man.
Merry Wives of Reno
Director of Photography
Three couples raise a ruckus when they travel to Nevada for quickie divorces.
Diário de um Crime
Director of Photography
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
Easy to Love
Director of Photography
Carol feels, for whatever reason, that her husband, John, has grown indifferent to her, and is on a quest to find out why, suspecting another woman. She sees the family physician, Dr. Swope, first and then hires a private detective. Her own sleuthing is more effective and she devises a plan; having long been pursued by Eric, she apparently accedes and accompanies him to an apartment and, per her plan, enter the wrong one. There, they find Carol's best friend, Charlotte, and John hiding in a closet. The latter, showing more nerve than good sense, goes into a rage and berates Carol for her apparent philandering. The battle continues at home, where their daughter Janet informs them that because of them, she and Paul have given up on the idea of marriage, but are going away together, anyway. Carol and John trail them to a hotel and find them in twin beds, whereupon John, armed with a fire-ax, summons a justice of the peace and demands a fire-ax version of a shotgun wedding.
Presa do Destino
Director of Photography
A beautiful chorine marries a handsome rich socialite, but her idyllic life ends when she visits a dying old beau and is charged when he commits suicide.
O Imperador Jones
Director of Photography
O inescrupuloso e ambicioso, Brutus Jones, escapa da cadeia após matar um guarda e, depois de muita luta, se encontra imperador de uma ilha no Caribe.
International House
Director of Photography
Foreign investors converge on a luxury hotel in China to bid on a new kind of radioscope. But, this is a hotel where Burns and Allen are the in-house medical staff, a measles risk sends the whole building into quarantine, and a madcap millionaire crashes dinner in his autogyro. Hotel and radioscope become a stage for an all-star cast of comedians and musicians, from vaudeville to the new generation.
Murders in the Zoo
Director of Photography
Dr. Gorman is a millionaire adventurer, traveling the world in search of dangerous game. His bored, beautiful, much younger wife entertains herself in the arms of other men. In turn, Gorman uses his animals to kill these men. When a New York City zoo suggests a fundraising gala, Gorman sees a prime opportunity to dispatch the dashing Roger and anyone else who might cross him.
King of the Jungle
Director of Photography
A white youth who is raised in the jungle by the animals is captured by a safari and brought back to civilization as an attraction in a circus.
Scarlet Dawn
Director of Photography
During the Russian Revolution, a young nobleman and his peasant maid flee from their homeland to Constantinople where they marry and begin a challenging new life.
Noite Após Noite
Director of Photography
A former boxer purchases a classy speakeasy and falls in love with a wealthy society girl.
The Crash
Director of Photography
Linda Gault is a luxury loving wife who casually seduces other men while getting investment tips from one of her lovers.
O Monstro
Camera Operator
A wisecracking New York reporter intrudes on a research scientist's quest to unmask The Moon Killer.
Street of Women
Director of Photography
An architect has an affair with a woman who inspires him. Her brother is in love with the architect's daughter. The complicated entanglement leads to misunderstanding and dissolution, but ultimately love.
Erros do Coração
Director of Photography
A wealthy couple's marriage is falling apart due to the man's infidelity. The wife's male friend has long loved her and sees his big opportunity.
A Dama de Monte Carlo
Director of Photography
On the eve of WW-I the French Navy ship Lafayette returns to its Toulon base for one night. There is no shore leave, although wives are permitted to come to a party. The strain of command on the older captain and his new, young wife is very great.
Girls About Town
Director of Photography
A dynamic duo in silk and ermine entertain hick businessmen looking for a good time while in Manhattan.
Honor of the Family
Director of Photography
Intrigue and greed come between an immoral woman and the man who loves her. This film is believed lost.
24 Hours
Director of Photography
A nightclub singer is carrying on an affair with a married man. When she is found murdered, her lover is suspected of the crime.
Blonde Crazy
Director of Photography
Adventures of a cocky con man and his beautiful accomplice.
I Like Your Nerve
Director of Photography
Romance and political intrigue highlight director William C. McGann's 1931 comedy about a playboy smitten with the stepdaughter of a corrupt government official in a fictional Central American country. The cast includes Loretta Young, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Henry Kolker, Boris Karloff (in the small role of a secretary), Edmund Breon, Claude Allister and Luis Alberni.
Director of Photography
Two brothers, Jack and Tom, are in love with the same woman, Molly. While the two brothers go off to war and Molly does her part in the effort, Tom believes that Rose is waiting for him, while in fact, she loves Jack and only turned to Tom on the rebound. Jack and Molly meet while he is on leave, and when he returns to battle, he doesn't know how to handle the situation with his brother.
Director of Photography
Lee is a fresh young kid from the South when he gets a job with The Press. His first assignment on gangsters gets his name in the paper, the police on a raid and Lee in the hospital.
A Vida é uma Dança
Director of Photography
A taxi dancer with a jealous husband finds herself falling for a wealthy client.
Director of Photography
After a tumultuous first marriage, Millie Blake learns to love her newfound independence and drags her feet on the possibility of remarriage. The years pass, and now Millie's daughter garners the attentions of men-- Men who once devoted their time to her mother.
The Lash
Director of Photography
A nobleman returns home to Southern California after the Mexican American War to find his people mistreated by unscrupulous Americans.
Those who dance
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A showgirl falls for a society boy but has to win over his family.
One Night at Susie's
Director of Photography
A woman gets help from her gangster friends after her foster son takes the blame for a murder he did not commit.
A Patrulha da Madrugada
Director of Photography
Primeiro filme sonoro dirigido por Howard Hawks, The Dawn Patrol é, entre todos os filmes de aviação sobre a Primeira Guerra Mundial, o que dá uma visão mais autenticamente sombria. Algumas cenas aéreas foram filmadas pelo próprio diretor, a bordo de uma avião com a câmera fixada na parte dianteira. Segundo Ken Wlaschin, este é um dos dez melhores trabalhos no cinema dos astros Richard Barthelmess e Douglas Fairbanks Jr.. A história foi refilmada com o mesmo título em 1938, com Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone e David Niven nos papéis principais, dirigidos por Edmund Goulding. Essa versão aproveitou tomadas aéreas fotografadas por Elmer Dyer para a produção de 1930.
A Notorious Affair
Director of Photography
A scheming musician seduces a wealthy woman for love and money.
Son of the Gods
Director of Photography
The popular Caucasian-looking son (Richard Barthelmess) of a wealthy Chinese businessman lives away from his widowed father and passes as white, but experiences prejudice, rejection, insult, and heartache when the socialite (Constance Bennett) he loves learns of his heritage.
Wedding Rings
Director of Photography
Two sisters battle for the love of a man.
Director of Photography
1928-29 film directed by Frank Lloyd. It was an Oscar nominee for Best Director in the second year of the Academy Awards. The story concerns a man's family life, especially his wife's parents and their impact on his peace and solitude. it is a light comedy and supposedly is available at, at least, one unknown archive. It has been shown in recent years at one film festival in LA. This is an important film due to its Oscar status and because it is in existence somewhere and deserves to be mentioned.
Weary River
Director of Photography
A gangster is put in prison, but finds salvation through music while serving his time. Again on the outside, he finds success elusive and temptations abound.
Out of the Ruins
Director of Photography
He hid from life in the ruins -he came out of the ruins to death! A man condemned to live in the shadow of a great love-never to realize it until he makes the supreme sacrifice.
Harold Teen
Director of Photography
Farmboy Harold moves to the city and there attends high school. Soon he is very popular, his spirited nature causing much excitement on the campus. He joins a fraternity, goes out for football, and directs his class theatrical effort. Instead of a school play, Harold suggests doing a western motion picture. Part of the plot requires them to blow up the dam that has cut off the water supply to Harold's homestead in the country. After the explosion Harold runs away because he is afraid of being arrested, but he returns just in time to win a football game for his team.
Mad Hour
Mad Hour is a 1928 American silent drama film directed by Joseph Boyle and starring Sally O'Neil, Alice White and Donald Reed. It was adapted from a novel by Elinor Glyn.
French Dressing
Director of Photography
Philip and Cynthia Grey are a pair of recently-wed Bostonians, and Cynthia is properly back-bay no-action quiet and dowdy, and Philip resigns himself to the quietness (no action) regularity of their home. But then along comes a blonde, Peggy Nash, who adds some action and outside-regularity to Philip's life. Cynthia is somewhat upset at this turn of events, and decides to go to Paris - the Wickedest City in the World - and get a quiet divorce. Cynthia soon finds out that Paris is a really gay city, especially after Henri de Briac, shows up and offers to be her guide to the delights of Paris (primarily him). Cynthia quickly sheds some of her dowdy ways and dowdy clothes, and is having herself what was once quaintly described as a gay old time. Philip then shows up in Paris, deciding he wants Cynthia back as his wife, and Peggy shows up right behind him and, soon, it is up to Henri to make the pairing-arrangements for the foursome.
For the Love of Mike
Director of Photography
Three men join forces to raise an adopted son.
Broadway Nights
Fannie joins Johnny to perform a music-hall act which becomes a success, until two Broadway producers catch the act and offer Fannie a job on their latest show; however, they have no place for Johnny, so Fannie turns down the offer. (Film considered lost.)
The Prince of Tempters
Director of Photography
The Great Deception
Director of Photography
WW1 espionage tale....
The Dancer of Paris
Director of Photography
The Reckless Lady
The Iron Trail
Director of Photography
Alaskan railroad magnate Curtis Gordon hires engineer Dan Appleton to design a railroad route up the Salmon River to the rich gold country. Gordon turns down the engineer's proposed route in favor of his own, and Appleton quits. Murray O'Neil, a rival builder, hires him and falls in love with his sister Eliza, while Appleton courts Natalie, Gordon's stepdaughter. Following Appleton's plan, O'Neil lays the trail with a bridge crossing the river in face of Gordon's opposition.
The Gilded Lily
Director of Photography
A hostess at a Broadway cafe marries one of her many suitors, and finds out her new husband is prone to drinking heavily.
Trumpet Island
Richard moves to a remote island to escape from the memory of Eve. Who had been forced to marry another man. But fate still has more in store.
Yes or No
Director of Photography
Mothers of Men
Director of Photography
Young Austrian girl Marie Helmar, is left penniless by the death of her father and disgraced by Prussian officer Captain Von Pfaffen, she flees to the safety of her French cousins, the De La Mottes. There she falls in love with their eldest son Gerome. On the night before their wedding, Marie sends a letter to Gerome confessing her indiscretion with the Prussian, but the letter is returned unopened. Soon after, she recognizes a new household servant to be Von Pfaffen, who demands that Marie disclose war secrets in return for his silence about her past. Torn, she passes on false information, which disgraces the Prussian. In revenge, he attempts to kill Marie, but she shoots him in self-defense. Shaken by remorse, Marie presents Gerome with her confession, which, he then reveals, he had read the night of their wedding. Their life thus unclouded, Marie announces she is expecting Gerome's child.