Seth Bellinger


Wu Lin: The Society
Jim Lextor
In the future... Revenge has no limit... Set in the year 2050 when pollution, and viruses are rampant and people need to wear masks to be able to breath easy. Life is still the same. When people dies mysteriously, the police thinks it is the work of a serial killer, while rumors a float about a demon that is doing the rampage. The detectives now must hurry to solve the mystery to stop this entity's killings...
Love of Mass Destruction
Attorney at law
A series of blunders lead Doug to believe he has murdered his fiancé Betty. Now he has to avoid jail, lie to relatives about his engagement and escape alive from Betty's revenge.
Os Vingadores: The Avengers
Casting Assistant
Loki, o irmão de Thor, ganha acesso ao poder ilimitado do cubo cósmico ao roubá-lo de dentro das instalações da S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury, o diretor desta agência internacional que mantém a paz, logo reúne os únicos super-heróis que serão capazes de defender a Terra de ameaças sem precedentes. Homem de Ferro, Capitão América, Hulk, Thor, Viúva Negra e Gavião Arqueiro formam o time dos sonhos de Fury, mas eles precisam aprender a colocar os egos de lado e agir como um grupo em prol da humanidade.