Robert A. Burns

Robert A. Burns

Nascimento : 1944-05-27,

Morte : 2004-05-31


Robert A. Burns


Rondo and Bob
Robert A. Burns, art director on the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre, was obsessed with actor Rondo Hatton aka the Creeper. Burns was average looking but brimming with odd creativity. Hatton, who suffered from acromegaly, had a strangely unique appearance, but was a regular guy. In Rondo and Bob their two stories intersect.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Shocking Truth
A documentary primarily focusing on the filming and release of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
The Substitute Wife
Leering Man
In Nebraska, in pioneer days, a woman who knows she is going to die asks a prostitute to replace her with her husband and four children in order to make it possible for them to keep their family farm.
Sonhos de Horror
Art Direction
A professor and four graduate students journey to a crumbling mansion to investigate paranormal activity and must battle ghosts, aliens and satanic entities.
A Guardiã da Lâmpada Maldita
Production Design
Uma antiquíssima lâmpada a óleo de origem oriental é levada para análise em Museu de Ciências Naturais. Os pesquisadores ignoram que o objeto é a morada de um gênio maligno - um demônio que provoca terríveis acontecimentos na sua busca por uma nova guardiã. Quando Alex, a filha do diretor do museu, resolve passar a noite no porão do local, acompanhada pelo namorado e dois casais de amigos, o gênio se liberta da relíquia e começa a matar os jovens violentamente
Mr. Pumpkin
Humorous tale about a boy who imagines that his candle-lit pumpkin turns into a monster on Halloween night.
Confessions of a Serial Killer
Daniel Ray Hawkins
After being arrested, a Texas man begins confessing to the brutal murder of over 200 women. He recounts his random selection of victims and his traveling companions, his friend and friend's sister. But the police can't be sure whether to believe him or not until he locates a body and shows them some polaroids. Based on the true story of Henry Lee Lucas.
Re-Animator: A Hora dos Mortos-Vivos
Art Direction
Ao estilo Frankenstein, Herbert West é um estudante de medicina que desenvolveu um reagente capaz de reanimar criaturas mortas. Ao lado de seu colega de quarto, Dan Cain, West precisa de corpos frescos para continuar suas experiências mórbida. Porém, seu professor, doutor Carl Hill, tem planos de conseguir os créditos da descoberta só para ele... Isso se conseguir manter a cabeça sobre o corpo até o final do filme.
Microwave Massacre
Homeless Man (uncredited)
Construction worker Donald is having a hard time getting anything good to eat since his wife has decided to only cook gourmet foods. That and her constant harping causes him to snap, so he whacks her. Somewhere in the confusion he comes up with a new use for the microwave oven, and begins to eat much better. Soon he's experimenting with different recipes. And different meats.
Microwave Massacre
Art Direction
Construction worker Donald is having a hard time getting anything good to eat since his wife has decided to only cook gourmet foods. That and her constant harping causes him to snap, so he whacks her. Somewhere in the confusion he comes up with a new use for the microwave oven, and begins to eat much better. Soon he's experimenting with different recipes. And different meats.
Jogo da Morte
Art Direction
A woman uses her magic powers and a vicious Rotweiller dog to murder her relatives.
Art Direction
Traumatized by her mother's death, young Susan is becoming possessed by the same demon that possessed her mother before she died. More and more her husband and psychiatrist are noticing the strange changes.
Time Walker
Art Direction
From deep within the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, Professor Douglas McCadden ships the coffin of Ankh-Vanharis to the California Institute of Sciences where X-rays reveal five diamond-like crystals hidden within the coffin. Technician Peter Sharpe steals the crystals but doesn't notice that the powerful X-ray has revived a green fungus. When the coffin is opened at a university press conference, the reporters uncover more than they bargained for. The mummy has disappeared... and the Time Walker is alive again!
At a boarding house, a vicious dog gets loose from his chain and chews up a tenant's ass that was teasing him with a piece of raw meat. As a result, the dog is shot to death. Another tenant, a very high strung book editor, is picked on a lot. Soon he starts having dreams that the dog has returned and dead chewed up tenants begin popping up everywhere.
At a boarding house, a vicious dog gets loose from his chain and chews up a tenant's ass that was teasing him with a piece of raw meat. As a result, the dog is shot to death. Another tenant, a very high strung book editor, is picked on a lot. Soon he starts having dreams that the dog has returned and dead chewed up tenants begin popping up everywhere.
Don't Go Near the Park
Art Direction
In the prehistory of man, 12,000 years ago, two members of a superhuman tribe abuse the treasured secret of eternal youth. They use the methods of ritual cannibalism on the children of their own tribe and when discovered by the 'Queen' of the tribe, they are cursed to an eternity of old age with no chance to ever die. Now, in present day Los Angeles, their only hope to recapture eternal youth is the ritualistic sacrifice of a 16-year-old female virgin. Their existence is discovered by an investigative reporter and a young runaway child and this leads to an unexplained and terrifying confrontation
O Jovem Lobisomem
Art Direction
Um adolescente se torna um lobisomem após férias com a família na Transilvânia.
Grito de Horror
Art Direction
Karen White, uma jovem apresentadora de telejornal, marca uma entrevista com o assassino serial Eddie Quist, mas o encontro termina mal com a chegada da polícia. Karen sofre um colapso nervoso e, incapaz de se lembrar do que aconteceu durante o encontro com Quist, resolve internar-se com o marido Bill numa clínica no interior. O problema é que as pessoas que vivem ali parecem esconder um terrível segredo.
Grito de Horror
Porn Store Patron
Karen White, uma jovem apresentadora de telejornal, marca uma entrevista com o assassino serial Eddie Quist, mas o encontro termina mal com a chegada da polícia. Karen sofre um colapso nervoso e, incapaz de se lembrar do que aconteceu durante o encontro com Quist, resolve internar-se com o marido Bill numa clínica no interior. O problema é que as pessoas que vivem ali parecem esconder um terrível segredo.
Armadilha para Turistas
Art Direction
Quatro jovens têm problemas no automóvel e vão parar em um velho posto de gasolina numa estrada secundária, onde também funcionam um motel e um museu de cera. Ali, encontram um misterioso homem, o Sr. Slausen (Chuck Connors), que pode ou não ter alguma relação com uma misteriosa figura mascarada que circula pelo local, matando turistas desavisados e transformando-os em manequins/zumbis.
She Came To The Valley
Art Direction
Based on the book by Cleo Dawson, this film follows the struggle of a female settler as she becomes involved in a political conflict during the Spanish-American War.
Quadrilha de Sádicos
Art Direction
Durante uma viagem de carro pela Califórnia, a família Carter resolve pegar um atalho. Para sua desgraça encontraram um grupo de canibais que transforma suas vidas num pesadelo infernal.
O Massacre da Serra Elétrica
Art Direction
Em 1973, a polícia texana deu como encerrado o caso de um terrível massacre de 33 pessoas provocado por um homem que usava uma máscara feita de pele humana. Nos anos que se seguiram os policiais foram acusados de fazer uma péssima investigação e de terem matado o cara errado. Só que dessa vez, o único sobrevivente do massacre vai contar em detalhes o que realmente aconteceu na deserta estrada do Texas, quando ele e mais 4 amigos estavam indo visitar o seu avô.