Pablo Mardones


Two apparent strangers met by chance in a bar. What one of them don't know it's this encounter has been arranged by the other to exact revenge.
Pacto de Fuga
Inspirado em fatos reais, conta a história de uma prisão de segurança máxima, com muitos presos políticos, que foi palco da maior fuga ocorrida no Chile na década de 1990, quando os presos cavaram um gigantesco túnel que levou 18 meses para ser terminado.
My Father's Memory
Sound Mixer
After the death of his mother, a repressed tv writer is forced to take care of his father who is loosing his memory, obsessed with his wife is still alive and lost.
My Father's Memory
Sound Engineer
After the death of his mother, a repressed tv writer is forced to take care of his father who is loosing his memory, obsessed with his wife is still alive and lost.
Sound Assistant
Bruno, um arquiteto, começa a questionar-se sobre sua vida em meio a tantos sonhos. Durante essa crise, ele resolve viajar para Santiago sem retorno prévio. Lá conhece Fer, um professor de história com quem inicia um inesperado romance.
Don't Let Anything Ruin Your Day
The daily life of a couple of young parents and their two daughters changes when they decide to go listen to the concert of The Cure in Chile. The money is not enough for tickets, so they will have to listen to it outside the National Stadium.