Head of Production
O filme conta a história de um padre com boas intenções e o desejo de tornar o mundo um lugar melhor, mas encontra-se continuamente chocado e entristecido com os habitantes rancorosos e os confrontos que ocorrem em sua cidade. Um dia, ele é ameaçado durante uma confissão, e se vê cercado de perigos a todo momento.
Head of Production
Brandon é um novaiorquino de 30 anos que não consegue controlar sua vida sexual. Não bastasse os efeitos do seu vício em sexo, Brandon terá que se entender com as cobranças diárias de seu chefe, David, e, nesse meio tempo, amadurecer a relação com a sua irmã, Sissy.
Head of Production
Um ex-soldado virou um assassino profissional, mas o trabalho começa a afetar a sua sanidade quando um serviço em Kiev não termina da maneira esperado, assim deixando marcas físicas e principalmente psicológicas.
Head of Production
O Império Romano controla do Egito à Espanha, do leste até o Mar Negro. Entretanto ele enfrenta problemas no norte da Grã-Bretanha, devido às táticas de guerrilha usadas por seus inimigos. Um súbito ataque à fronteira do Império Romano deixa apenas Quintus Dias como sobrevivente. Ao lado do general Viriuls ele marcha rumo ao norte, no intuito de encontrar seus inimigos e eliminar o líder deles, Gorlacon.
Head of Production
A powerful one-off drama written by Rosemary Kay , winner of the BBC's Dennis Potter award for new screenwriting. Sadie and Richie MacGregor are thrown into the terrifying world of neo-natal intensive care when their son Luke is born prematurely. Willed on by his desperate parents, he gradually grows in strength - but as Sadie develops a unique bond with her son, her relationship with Richie begins to suffer.
Line Producer
Three 40-something women in a small English town meet weekly for a ritual of gin, cigarettes, and sweets -- and swapped stories arguing which of them has the most pathetic love life. Kate is headmistress at the local school; her best friends are the town's police chief and a cynical, thrice-divorced doctor.
Vadik Chernyshov is an impoverished dreamer who spends his life drifting though Moscow with a video camera, hoping to shoot footage that will interest Western press agencies. He falls in love with the beautiful Helen, an English media executive, and subsequently they must contend with the barriers that their different backgrounds present.
European emigre Tanya moves to London to work as a family au pair. Still grieving for her recently deceased father and rejected by an old friend, Tanya draws closer to her employer's husband. The sights and sounds of the Capital at Christmas form a deceptively romantic backdrop, for this brief meditation on loneliness and love.
Line Producer
The Borrowers are small, fifteen-centimeter-high humans, who live in the English hinterland. They live out their lives in mouse-hole sized nooks in human houses, and survive by "borrowing" all they need from the house and its inhabitants. This series follows young girl Arriety (Rebecca Callard), and her parents Pod (Sir Ian Holm) and Homily (Dame Penelope Wilton), as they are displaced from their house, and try to find a new one, with the help of a human boy, George (Paul Cross).