Geir Madland


The Haunted Hotel
Peter Fearless ("The Writer")
A compendium of eight ghost stories, all set within an abandoned hotel in Suffolk.
The Haunted Hotel
Peter Fearless
Eight short tales of ghostly encounters through the decades at the legendary Great White Horse Hotel in Ipswich. Since 1518, the premises have offered a night’s rest to such diverse luminaries as Charles Dickens, George II and the Beatles. The Haunted Hotel brings together eight tales of ghostly encounters, by turns spooky, comic, humorous and horrifying, all taking place among the rooms and corridors of this notoriously eerie establishment. 1924 – The Contraption. A ghost-hunter meets her match when she tries to use the latest technology to detect the presence of unquiet spirits. 1973 – The Writer. A novelist seeks inspiration for his next bestseller but finds his mind unravelling as his work turns into a dangerous obsession. 1836 – Watching. Charles Dickens has an unexpected encounter during a sleepless night in the regions, reporting for a newspaper on a local election. 1952 – Room 27B. Young lovers find their plans for tryst thrown into confusion when they take a wrong turn within…
Atrás da Linha: Fuga para Dunkirk
França, II Guerra Mundial. Um grupo de soldados britânicos é capturado pelo alemães. Quando um comandante nazista começa a forçar lutas de boxe para entreter a companhia, os presos percebem que podem usá-las para tentar escapar.
O Último Resgate
Von Rohr
Quando um planejador de guerra de alto escalão é capturado e mantido em um campo de prisioneiros de guerra alemão, uma equipe de especialistas assume a perigosa missão de tentar libertá-lo. O problema é que ele não quer ser resgatado.