Anna Proclemer

Anna Proclemer

Nascimento : 1923-05-30, Trento, Italy

Morte : 2013-04-25


Anna Proclemer


A Magnificent Haunting
Livia Morosini
An aspiring actor discovers that his spacious new apartment comes complete with eight friendly ghosts.
Vittorio racconta Gassman: Una vita da mattatore
No problem
La Voce Umana
La Donna
Over the course of one day, a woman carries on a vacillating conversation with her lover over several phone calls. She is at times conciliatory, playful, teasing, remorseful, sad, manipulative, depressed, understanding, patient, desperate, manipulative, cloying, and finally accepting of his final farewell. It seems her lover has now found a younger more accomadating woman who will supersede the main character. It is quite sad how he has toyed with her over the years and the efforts she takes to please him, when clearly to him she is just a garment to put on when convenient or to use when lonesome and he really does not care for her. Very well written and acted.
Il marito in collegio
Donna Leo Madellis
Cadáveres Ilustres
Nocio's Wife
A detective is assigned to investigate the mysterious murders of some Supreme Court judges.
Il fidanzamento
Mussia Katiuscia
A Quiet Place to Kill
Constance Sauvage
A race-car driver who's down on her luck is invited by her ex-husband's wife to stay at their plush villa. The two women form a bond, and it's not long before their mutual dislike for the husband culminates into a plan to kill him. As it turns out, though, they're not alone in plotting murder
La pietà di novembre
Viagem à Itália
Catherine e Alexander, ricos e sofisticados, vão a Nápoles para vender uma villa do falecido tio. Há uma frieza no relacionamento e aspectos de Nápoles se adicionam à tensão. Ela se lembra de um poeta que amava e morreu na guerra; embora ela não o amasse, a memória ressalta a ausência de romance em sua vida de agora. Ela percorre os museus de Nápoles e Pompeia, imergindo-se no fascínio napolitano pelos mortos e percebe quantas mulheres estão grávidas; ele fica inativo em Capri, flertando com as mulheres, mas recuando do adultério. Com ela, ele é sarcástico; com ele, ela é crítica. Eles falam de divórcio. Será que este casal de estrangeiros encontrarão uma solução e direção na Itália?
Giorno di nozze