Qu Yang


The story takes place in the present day, where Uncle Nine is the owner of a boxing gym. Many boxers have benefited from his tutelage and promotion, and the most important thing in his life is his endless fighting lessons and meticulous fight theory. Among his theories, the most important one is: self-protection always comes first. Ten years ago, a champion fighter who benefited from Uncle Nine's guidance, Ah Chen, was paralyzed in bed due to a surprise attack by his opponent in a match. Jin Tai is a free sparring athlete who trains in free sparring with Uncle Gou. He understands his goal and knows how to prove his strength to the world, and has a strong desire to win the most prestigious world championship. In reality, the pounding in the ring is far more terrifying than the pounding in the real world.
Tells about an accidental death in a remote village in the northwest, which involves a series of sudden murders and "suspects": village doctor Liu Xinshen, psychology student Liu Yun, and Liu Xinshen's wife Kang Xiaoyan, Chen Quan, who was accidentally killed in the countryside, and the villagers who had a grudge with Chen Quan, etc., who is the unsolved murderer? What choice will the protagonist and village doctor Liu Xinshen make after experiencing two moral tortures in his life? The film focuses on the conscience and selfish desires of human nature, and explores the meaning and value of life.
14 Lâminas
Zhao house guard
Durante a Dinastia Ming, o imperador da China possuía uma arma maior do que todos os outros, a Guarda Imperial, uma força de elite de assassinos recrutados de órfãos da rua. Treinados em combate clandestinos desde a infância, a Guarda Imperial foram os mestres das 14 lâminas, sendo oito para a tortura, cinco de abate e da última lâmina reservada para o suicídio, quando uma missão falhou. Acima da lei, com uma licença para matar, a Guarda Imperial dedicou as suas vidas ao serviço do imperador sozinho. Quando a corte imperial é assumida pelo mal eunuco Jia, o melhor da Guarda Imperial, Qinglong (Yen) e Xuanwu, são atribuídos a roubar uma lista identificando aqueles que ainda são leais ao Imperador. No entanto sem o conhecimento Qinglong, a Guarda Imperial cai sob o controle de Jia, e durante o Qinglong a missão é traída por Xuanwu. Agora, como o homem mais procurado na terra, Qinglong deve procurar e reunir os simpatizantes a se levantar contra Jia e restaurar o Imperador no poder.