Jack Grinnage

Jack Grinnage

Nascimento : 1931-01-20, Los Angeles, California, USA


Jack Grinnage


Forever James Dean
The life and times of one of Hollywood's brightest stars.
Zero to Sixty
Airport Manager
A divorced man hooks up with a street-smart 16-year-old who makes her living by repossessing cars from their owners.
Crackle of Death
Ron Updyke
The first of two Kolchak: The Night Stalker compilation TV films. It combines two episodes of the Kolchak TV series, Firefall (about the ghost of an arsonist that tries to take over a renowned conductor's body as his doppelgänger) and The Energy Eater (about a Native American bear-spirit haunting a newly built hospital) and adds new narration by Darren McGavin.
Demon and the Mummy
Ron Updyke
The second of two Kolchak: The Night Stalker compilation TV films. It combines two episodes of the Kolchak TV series, Demon In Lace (about a succubus who murders young men to maintain her immortality) and Legacy of Terror (about an Aztec cult that seeks to resurrect their god by murdering physically perfect people) and adds new narration by Darren McGavin.
A Libertação de Lord Byron Jones
Undertaker L.B. Jones, the richest black man in his county of Tennessee, is divorcing his wife for infidelity with a white policeman. Taking a stand against racism, he is greeted with a hostile bunch of Southern bigots and other various stereotypes.
O Marujo Tremendão
Pvt. Roberts
Sgt. O'Farrell an Army soldier on an island in the South Pacific during World War II is trying to bring the two basics of life to his fellow servicemen, women and beer. The supply ship carrying the beer is torpedoed and the contingent of nurses consists of six males and ugly nurse Nellie Krause. If he could at least try to salvage the shipment of beer.
Operação Matrimônio
Seaman (uncredited)
A young widow Amy Martin with three young boys is investigated by the Navy after one of her children inadvertently sends out a distress signal in Morse code by the blinds on his upstairs bedroom window. Commander Weedon and crew observe the signal from their ship and investigates. He falls for the young mother and proposes marriage. However, she is reluctant to have her family live out of a suitcase and initially declines. Gramps tries to bring her on board to sail the sea of love with the commander.
Petitioner (uncredited)
Spartacus, um homem que nasceu escravo, labuta para o Império Romano enquanto sonha com o fim da escravidão. Ele foi condenado à morte por morder um guarda em uma mina na Líbia. Mas seu destino foi mudado por um lanista (negociante e treinador de gladiadores), que o comprou para ser treinado nas artes de combate e se tornar um gladiador. Até que um dia, dois poderosos patrícios chegam de Roma, um com a esposa e o outro com a noiva. As mulheres pedem para serem entretidas com dois combates até à morte e Spartacus, é escolhido para enfrentar um gladiador negro, que vence a luta mas se recusa a matar seu opositor, atirando seu tridente contra a tribuna onde estavam os romanos. Este nobre gesto custa a vida do gladiador negro e enfurece Spartacus, de tal maneira que ele acaba liderando uma revolta de escravos, que atinge metade da Itália.
Riot in Juvenile Prison
When the shootings of two juvenile inmates bring public protest, a psychologist is brought in to see if he can do anything to control the problems peacefully.
Wolf Larsen
A mean-spirited ship captain keeps his crew under his autocratic thumb while indulging his more refined side. But when his men rise up in mutiny, Larsen forces the cultured Van Weyden to help him quash the uprising.
Balada Sangrenta
Em Nova Orleans vive Danny Fisher (Elvis Presley), um jovem que tinha se envolvido com gangues. Agora Danny trabalha como cantor de bares à noite, se tornando um grande sucesso. Até ser obrigado a cantar na casa noturna de um gângster.
Juventude Transviada
Em uma das performances que mais influenciaram a história do cinema, James Dean interpreta um jovem recém-chegado a uma cidade e cuja solidão, frustação e fúria e que espelharia os adolescentes do pós-guerra — e ainda reverberaria pelos 50 anos seguintes...