Tomi Kuo

Tomi Kuo


Tomi Kuo


18×2 Beyond Youthful Days
VFX Supervisor
A journey begins to trace the memory of a first love, transcending the time and borders between Japan and Taiwan over a period of 18 years.
Breaking and Re-entering
VFX Supervisor
A group of thieves attempts to pull off a “reverse heist” by putting the one billion dollars they’ve stolen back into the bank vault when its leader finds out that his ex-girlfriend is framed for the crime.
Os Três Males
VFX Supervisor
Após descobrir que é apenas o terceiro fugitivo mais procurado de Taiwan, um criminoso ambicioso embarca numa missão para ascender neste duvidoso pódio.
Hello Ghost!
VFX Supervisor
This film is adapted from the 2010 South Korean blockbuster and tear-jerking comedy Hello Ghost. A lonely delivery man, A-wei, tries to commit suicide multiple times but fails no matter what he does. Through these failed attempts, he meets four ghosts — a smoker, a crier, a heartbroken ghost, and a mischievous ghost. In order for him to die, he learns that he has to first help these four ghosts fulfill their final wishes. In the process of doing so, A-wei befriends these four ghosts and overcomes his low self-esteem to step out of his comfort zone and experience many firsts in life.
Refém da Verdade
VFX Supervisor
Uma estrela do esporte que se tornou presidiária mantém como refém o comentarista Liu Li-min. Reconhecendo isso como uma chance de seu grande retorno, Liu joga junto com o hype. Mas a verdade é ainda mais chocante do que sua imaginação mais selvagem.
Treat or Trick
Visual Effects Supervisor
Feng, a corrupted police officer, ordered to retrieve the diamonds within 48hrs, arrives at a remote village, following the mobile signal of his partner Chiang who stole the diamonds from the gang. While Feng and his men try to find Chiang in the village, they encounter the locals who seem naive but suspicious, and a ghost full of stories. Remake of a renowned Korean film To Catch A Virgin Ghost (2004).
The Soul
Visual Effects Supervisor
Em meio à investigação da morte de um empresário, um promotor e sua esposa descobrem segredos obscuros e têm que enfrentar um dilema de vida ou morte
Sent From Above
Visual Effects Supervisor
A tightwad bought a luxury house just for selling it at the higher price. However, someday, a corpse appeared in the house...
Dead Talents Society
Visual Effects Supervisor